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UK Release Version

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ok hope your not new to the mission editor?huh.gif

you need to run ,mission editor- then place a unit down(you as player)!

then click a unit again-this time for class(where opfor/blufor) pick empty!

then ammo!

pick specialist weapons! ammo crate!!

now if u preveiw map/mission u should be able to run over to that ammo crate and select yer weapon eg m107 from that create ane fire away!!!!

damn hope i explained that well enough?huh.gif?

damn cider!!! all day-jus got back from pub!! yay.gif

Cheers for this, yep that was explained well enough for me to understand, it needs a bit of scripting to be able to use the new weapons and stuff - was wondering where all the new stuff was located.

Hope they include this in the MP / SP missions at some point. Had a blast on the bikes too they were great fun.

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I'm actually quite positive taken from a non super fanboy's perspective.

Somehow I don't think you fully grasp the concept of positivity.

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Heh, my older account on this forum is from 2003, and I'm quite familiar with OFP since 2001.

Its winter here, too damn cold to go outside, and I do have a lot of spare time at the moment.

And no I didn't make my point. If I wanted to make my point I would have make a petition about this game, which I'm sure at least 50% of the people having this game will sign. But I don't want to do that. So stop acting like I'm too negative.

I'm actually quite positive taken from a non super fanboy's perspective.

Why did you have to create a new account? Banned the first time around? wink_o.gif

You'd have started a petition over a game? Demanding what exactly? Maybe you should do that then if you're so dedicated. Should be good for some laughs.

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Hi all

Just had an excelent set of games on the Shark dedicated server 3 hours. Smooth as babies bottom better than OFP. No desynch no Lag killed a few got killed lots.

Sat on a hill with a Hummer with grenade laucher mangled some T72s from over 800m. As they were down in the valley I dont think they could even bring their guns to bare, I was at a higher angle than their guns could elevate, but of course that did not stop the RPG guy that got me.

Graphics great and I am running it on a Laptop with only an ATI 9700 128 mb graphics card.

This version seems to be way better than previous builds.

Kind Regards walker

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i know youre pissed, and I am too. but BIS will fix these realism issues for sure. probably by the U.S. release

as for soldiers dying with leg wounds,

neither ArmA nor OFP had a medevac system, so basically they registered anything that would incapacitate the soldier (prevent him from fighting such as going unconscious, being unable to walk/crawl/move, but at the same time not dead) as a death. that's why they countered the unrealistic death from 2 leg wounds with an even more unrealistic but balancing feature- the medic that could heal any wounds in a matter of seconds. if you don't like it, then just don't buy it or make your own MODS. ArmA will have enormous potential once its released in the U.S. because i know many people who are anxious to get it (all of whom are experienced modders). Marek stated that they are working hard to get a MAJOR missing factor of infantry combat into the game for the 1.05 patch- hiding in grass. just give BIS a liddo bit more time and their patches will fix everything up. There will be hovering for the harriers for 1.05 also. As for arcadish tank combat...BIS sacraficed some realism for that because nobody wants to be a loader or nobody wants the game to be as complex as the new America's Army. There's a delicate balance between realism and arcade-ishness in ArmA and it's just right (minus a few correctable bugs and realism issues)

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little question to ask, if you want to disable a vehical with a single shot 700 meters away in ArmA way where would you aim for? the guy inside the car? not really my first choose, yes you kill him, but dont forget that others may just jumpin and drive that car away(or use the onbored weaponary to kill you), dont forget that you are far out of the range for other firearms to have accrate shot as well, so it turns into a even more BS way of what "anti material rifle" means, given that the 0.50 can give much higher damage with longer accrate shot to totally destory a wheeled vehical, i think the M107 is a spot on crazy_o.gif

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There is nothing wrong with the M107 as a rifle in ArmA, its the vehicles being too heavily armoured that screws it up.

As a test, I put a HMMWV, a Ural, and a UAZ in a line, and fired at them with the M107 into different key points, including the engine, the tyres and the cabin. Ural and UAZ drivers were killed (side-windows and front windows were penetrated), HMMWV driver survived. Hitting the engine 20 times a piece did nothing at all, and one shot to the tyres took each tyre out. So its not really the M107's damage values that are to blame, but the fact that the vehicles armour values, especially around the engine area, are too high.

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What about the directional tank armour? Has anybody tested that?

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I find the game is slightly blurry at distances in windowed mode =/

There has been an report related to blurry visuals in

*windowed* mode. (One ATI card, one NVidia)

Not to be mistaken with the Depth-in-Field Vision effect!

(postprocess high in settings)

So;..do you have the same blurry visuals in *Fullscreen* mode

as well? Or only, if you run the game windowed?

(There seems to be some 'downsampling' involved)

Do you have set postprocess effects to low or high?

Are you indeed having blurry visuals *if* postprocess

is set to *low* ?

Ill have to check in fullscreen if i have the same issue. But i have post processsing on low. Alot of my settings are on low/medium which i wouldnt expect on my computer as my specs are quite above the recommended requirements. Rainbow 6 vegas runs sweet and the requirements for that are massive.

Apparently OFP had lots and lots of patches when it was released so hopefuly BI will support the game like they did OFP. When I play it personally it seems very buggy but you can just see the potential seeping through and it makes you want to carry on playing. (PS. i used to play OFP alot but not from its release, wow they were some good times)

Hopefully 1.05 will help abit.

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