Paco1 0 Posted December 6, 2001 I Own OFP but I don't want to keep taking the cd out to use it and then put it away! I have kids! (need I say more) Does anyone know If I were use a NO-CD crack if it would activate the "FADE" crap? and please only people who know what they're talking about reply. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted December 6, 2001 AFAIK, no No-CD crack works 100%. That's the beauty of the FADE crack. You never really know. If it's such a big deal, get another CD-ROM drive and install OFP from there... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Paco1 0 Posted December 7, 2001 I have it installed, thats no problem. I play alot in the evening but during the day my kids play on the pc. If you have kids you know that Cd's don't last long when they handle them! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jocko Flocko 0 Posted December 7, 2001 the "fade" thing kicks in when the game finds that the .exe has been altered. The the game then rights a string to the registry which causes some game issues. "fade" is not a fabulous new technology, all it is doing is making registry entries... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nocabiwik 0 Posted December 7, 2001 do do know that a post regarding fade can get you banned? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
theavonlady 2 Posted December 7, 2001 When I let my boys play OFP, I put the CD in, wait for OFP startup to finish and take the CD back. The only other alternative is to buy another copy. Don't using the NOCD crack. FADE will kick in and it ruins the game, as designed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RN Malboeuf 12 Posted December 7, 2001 </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Jocko Flocko The the game then rights a string to the registry which causes some game issues, all it is doing is making registry entries... <span id='postcolor'> Actually this is not true, OFP does not install FADE in the registry in any way as for the kids My best friend has three kids. 1 year old, 3 year old and a 9 year, no broken CDs, wet CDs but no broken ones Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Paco1 0 Posted December 7, 2001 Well unfortunately for me I have a 5 and 6 year old who like their mother thinks they know everything and how to use everything! Thank you all for your input! Looks like i'm screwed having to buy a back up copy!I guess i'll just get the Gold addition! thanks Bis! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted December 7, 2001 </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Paco1 on 8:09 pm on Dec. 7, 2001 Well unfortunately for me I have a 5 and 6 year old who like their mother thinks they know everything and how to use everything! Â Thank you all for your input! Looks like i'm screwed having to buy a back up copy!I guess i'll just get the Gold addition! thanks Bis!<span id='postcolor'> LOL - It's called "DISCIPLINE." Look it up sometime. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RN Malboeuf 12 Posted December 8, 2001 lol yea become a child beater like the rest of us Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jocko Flocko 0 Posted December 9, 2001 "Actually this is not true, OFP does not install FADE in the registry in any way" Would you like to see registry comparisons before and after applying a NO-CD crack? And if you are thinking that the strings would be stored under the entries BIS or Codemasters, think again. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
amos m 0 Posted December 16, 2001 Actually I know of one nocd crack that works pretty d*amn close to 100%. Not sure where to down it. There's a link in here somewher in another thread in troubleshooting section. and malbeouf, you're a farkin idiot. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tylerb59 0 Posted December 16, 2001 Hey guys, is there anyway to tell if you are under the 'fade' shutdown syndrome. I can't play OFP for more than 10 minutes (I have a full legitment copy with a CD in the drive), and it crashes after the same amount of time. I HAVE, in the past, had a no-cd crack (for 1.20 I think) and it maybe there it screwed something up, but I want to play this game without having to restart every 10 minutes. (It only crashes when I'm in Glide mode btw - However when I'm in Direct 3d my screen is all garbeld.) This is my flashpoint.rpt .. Does that error mean anything ? ===================================================================== == C:\Program Files\Codemasters\OperationFlashpoint\OperationFlashpoint.exe ===================================================================== Exe version: Sat Nov 24 23:26:37 2001 file: __cur_sp world: abel campaign: battle: mission: ======================================================= Date: 12/04/01 Time: 18:34:14 ------------------------------------------------------- file: __cur_sp world: abel campaign: battle: mission: Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION Fault address: 005E3668 01:001E2668 C:\Program Files\Codemasters\OperationFlashpoint\OperationFlashpoint.exe Version 1.30 Fault address: 005E3668 01:001E2668 C:\Program Files\Codemasters\OperationFlashpoint\OperationFlashpoint.exe Prev. code bytes: 86 EC FF 85 F6 89 3B 74 03 FF 46 04 8B 44 24 14 Fault code bytes: 8B 08 85 C9 74 05 E8 14 86 EC FF 85 F6 8B 44 24 Registers: EAX:00000004 EBX:14FE2908 ECX:14C6CC50 EDX:FFFFFFFC ESI:14C6CC51 EDI:14C6CC50 CS:EIP:001B:005E3668 SS:ESP:0023:0012F981 EBP:0012F9A4 DS:0023 ES:0023 FS:003B GS:0000 Flags:00010202 ======================================================= Any help would be greatly appreciated.. If you have any info on removing the Fade stuff, please email at [email protected] if you don't want it 'public' or anything. Thanks! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KillorLive 0 Posted December 16, 2001 </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Paco1 on 8:09 pm on Dec. 7, 2001 Well unfortunately for me I have a 5 and 6 year old who like their mother thinks they know everything and how to use everything! Â Thank you all for your input! Looks like i'm screwed having to buy a back up copy!I guess i'll just get the Gold addition! thanks Bis! <span id='postcolor'> No not really. Buy a 30 dollar CD-Rom drive, put it in there, and tell your kids not to touch it. If they do, spank them. They're not old enough to not get a whoopin'. You could also lock the CD-Rom while the game is in there. That or listen to Ms. Avon and take it out when they play it. You could always carry it around with you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KillorLive 0 Posted December 16, 2001 Thinking back Paco, you could give me your ICQ number, and I could tell you how to use the game without the CD. Either give me your ICQ or here's mine: 68070230 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
amos m 0 Posted December 16, 2001 killorlive, u got no kids right. Even if u did y do u think u have the right to physically abuse them u little p r i c k. If u love your child u don't show them that through smacken them around u farken knob jockey. That's what realistic games are for, so we can get all that human being a beast s**t out of us without hurting other ppl u dait raper (dait is aussie for rsole). Keep it virtual dude, and b good to your family. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KillorLive 0 Posted December 16, 2001 Dude, it's a punishment. It's not supposed to be nice. Alot of people just need to be spanked. If it's such a punishment though, why do people consider it heightening to sex? I'm not taking wife beating level, I mean hitting them on the ass because they screwed up. d*amn new age people. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
amos m 0 Posted December 17, 2001 <KillorLive> Buy a 30 dollar CD-Rom drive, put it in there, and tell your kids not to touch it. If they do, spank them. They're not old enough to not get a whoopin'. </KillorLive> dude, according to you, the level of abuse you serve out to ppl for simply farkin up is in accordance with age, so does that mean you deserve the a s s kikin of your life for that dopy assed comment you made. Why do you think u have to punish your kids by hitting them. I think the hitting is more you letting out your frustration, not to do with punishment. YOU are there to set an example to them, not to tell them everything they do is a complete fark up and farkin up is unacceptable. Aren't we all spose to be tryin to be something better? You think you're better than just any animal right? Well act like it. Have some control, and think about things. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KillorLive 0 Posted December 17, 2001 Because it's the only thing that gets thru their minds. Look, you're a liberal. Pure and simple, me and them, don't get along. Bugger off talking to me. Oh, and level of "abuse"? Are you kidding? It's perfectly legal to swat your kids behind! What are you on? (Edited by KillorLive at 5:03 pm on Dec. 17, 2001) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted December 17, 2001 LOL! Some people really crack me up. SOmehow punishment is equivalent to ABUSE. What a big leap. Just because your dad beat you with a stick doesn't negate physical punishment as a form of discipline. Just don't hit your kids when you are mad. Calm down first. ANd you (amos) talking about Killor not having kids - so what? What does that have to do with anything? I'll bet your kids either run all over you or will turn out to be losers when they get older because they think there is no consequence to stupidity. Oh well. Let the flaming begin. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
amos m 0 Posted December 18, 2001 I live in australia and here, and I'm pretty sure in the states and most other CIVILISED countries, physically disciplining your children IS considered abuse and IS against the law. It's not the only thing that gets through to their minds. That's kind of the point that I was trying to make by stating that KillorLive doesn't have children. He hasn't tried and therefore doesn't know how to raise a child. Why would I think like this if all I was taught in my childhood was fear and abuse? My dad wasn't around to beat me with a stick and my mother did a good job of explaining to us the idea of consequences and explaining specific consequences, and by letting us make our own decisions about things it was ensured that we would grow to be opened minded free thinking individuals. Is that what you mean by liberal? I can think for myself? Well that must make you a narrow minded follower who doesn't understand that you CAN choose and you CAN make a difference where it matters. And that is probably because you did not have things explained and were probably not given the chance to think for yourself. You were mummied by a bully. And resorting to physical abuse as a punishment is an insult to the inteligence of your child and yourself and to the humanity of yourself. I talk to my children and try to explain to them WHY I don't want them to do any specific thing. My children love me and I love them. I'm not gonna start hitting them to proove the point that I'm bigger and what I say goes. You know how a neural network in computers works? You don't program them. You start by giving it some simple problems and the sollutions to those problems. From there the computer(s) can implement that knowledge and apply it to work out sollutions to new problems it hasn't encountered before. The same thing with ppl and all living creatures. I am empowering my children to be able to make intuitive decisions for themselves and to understand consequence with out filling them with fear. I am not a christian, so I do not say "don't do that or you'll burn in ####", or "don't swallow your gum, It'll wrap around your heart and you'll suffocate". I'm not a sadist so I don't beat my kids into submission. I am someone who cares and thinks too much to go around hitting ppl because I think that's the best sollution. You can't figure out a better way to punish you're children? I do punish my children if it is necessary, but I find that it isn't really necessary very often. Less often than the child of someone who punishes their child at the drop of a hat, ie. for scratching a farking cd. What really matters more? Do you really think hitting a child is necessary because a cd you like got a scratch on it? You seriously gotta rethink your attitude. As for calling me liberal, you can label ppl what you want, but it's only gonna hinder you as with a label comes expectations. You think that person is only capable of what the label permits, where the person is an individual and capable of alot more than any one label gives credit for. You can call me a liberal for what I've said here. You can call me a veggie cause I choose not to eat meat. But I am amos m and I live up to my own expectations. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HuFlungDung 0 Posted December 18, 2001 Amos M, I agree with you up to a point. However, in order to be able to avoid "beating" one's kids, one has to do the little spanks and slaps (for rebellion), when the kids are very young. It doesn't require a beating to impress upon a 2 year old that you are the boss. But a slap on the hand or the behind when they willfully disobey is the quickest solution to a rebellious attitude. No amount of talking is ever going to fix that kind of mindset. Once you establish who is boss, your kid will likely grow up not remembering why he respects your word, but he will. If you are so fortunate that none of your kids have this rebellion problem, count yourself lucky. But don't judge that everyone else can handle their affairs in the same way as you can. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BlastinFooz619 0 Posted December 18, 2001 SHUT THA F*CK UP! YOU B*TCHES SOUND LIKE A SALLY TALK SHOW!!!! BUNCH OF SISSIES IF U ASK ME. oh and i say beat the #### outa kids, a good whoopin always shines the light in the right dirrection. and its been workin for centuries,... why fix it if it aint broke. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
amos m 0 Posted December 18, 2001 Well it's broken cause ppl are still all farked up. And of course my kids rebell a little. That's what 2 yr olds do. It just means through that period you gotta be persistent. If you teach I child that you hit someone when they don't do what you want them to, what do you think they're gonna do? A little spank might be a little spank to you, but to a child it's something different. You know that the first 2 yrs is when a child learns the most about social behaviour. Teach your kids to use their minds, not their fists is all I'm sayin. I know it's hard, but your kids are what's important right? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tylerb59 0 Posted December 18, 2001 Amos Rocks!! He took the time to help me off this forum, both VIA ICQ and e-mail and really pulled through to resolve my problem. Thanks!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites