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Refuel/Reload Helo Script/trigger

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Hello all,

I'm looking to make a reload/rearm script/trigger for a helo - ideally I'd like it to have to land and wait for a few moments while it refuels/reloads (so we don't get the BF2 effect of people flying over an area to reload/refuel).

I've tried a load of different triggers, etc, but can not (for the life of me) work out how to do what I want to do sad_o.gif

- This is for a large NATO GC mission I'm creating.


Hutson [16AA]

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Try making a script that when you enter an area and are at a certain height, the truck will come close enough and refuel you.

Can you script?

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Ai controlled helo or Human? Forgive me if Im wrong but in OFP I thought if you made a base of sorts and added AI Refuel and AI Rearm trucks near your helopads, when you landed or hovered low above either and used your scroll mouse you could refuel/rearm, but that was playing as pilot (human).

Ai controlled isn't hard either, tried setFuel command?

"vehicle setFuel amount"

(Descrition:Set fuel amount. Fuel 1 is full gas tank, 0 is empty.)

or reload command?

"reload vehicle"

(Description:Reload all weapons

also if you sync the trigger with the "vehicle", you have other options in drop down once its sync'd (vehicle, commander, any member of group, etc). As far as waiting to reload use the "min" and "max" on the trigger like min:10 mid:15 max:20. this means itll tkae as long as 20 seconds but could be as few as 10 secs.

hope that helps

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In ArmA if you fly just above a Refuel, or repair truck it does it automatically without you having to click anything..

Maybe they can make another Heli H and call it a FARP - Fuel and Repair Base, and give it the property's so it can repair and refuel in the next editor update? maybe?

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Maybe they can make another Heli H and call it a FARP - Fuel and Repair Base, and give it the property's so it can repair and refuel in the next editor update? maybe?

good idea ! smile_o.gif

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If not ill use my special scripting ability and make one ^^

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Well with my Clan Mate [Nightmare] a scripting Guru, i managed to easily convert a great art..

1: Player gets his helicopter dammaged

2: Player Lands on FARP Helipad

3: Player gets told to turn off engines or the heli wont repair

4: Heli then refuels and repairs

5: Engine Back on and continue with mission..

It works like a charm but im still working on it to improve it lots more with new things added too it.

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I would love this if you could make it so if you capture a certain area the FARP moves into it - simulating a forward base moving as you control areas of the map.

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