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Guest RKSL-Rock

RKSL Studios

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MiG-29SMT (Product 9.17)

9.17's the one that's a bit ugly right, the hunchback?

Can't say I'm looking forward to meeting this stuff ingame; I have a hard enough time avoiding being shot down as it is, but it does look mega mate.

It'll be interesting to see what livery the MiGs come in; no doubt you'll now get moaned at to do schemes for Nation X or Nation Y's air-force since it's a widely exported type. biggrin_o.gif

BTW, you're doing the Mk.512 Merlin we've had off the Danes right? Had one doing the low-flying and touch-and-go circuits that the Squirrels and Griffons usually do around here, yesterday. Couldn't remember if it was part of the Merlin project or not.

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Guest RKSL-Rock
MiG-29SMT (Product 9.17)

9.17's the one that's a bit ugly right, the hunchback?

That’s the one…ugly as sin and packed with updated avionics.  According to  a few different sources a serious amount of older MIG-29s are being upgraded/remanufactured to SMT spec so it’s a logical model to use for export etc.

Can't say I'm looking forward to meeting this stuff ingame; I have a hard enough time avoiding being shot down as it is, but it does look mega mate.

Well at least with our stuff you will have some warnings (FCSS RWR plugin) and not just a burnt arse.

It'll be interesting to see what livery the MiGs come in; no doubt you'll now get moaned at to do schemes for Nation X or Nation Y's air-force since it's a widely exported type. biggrin_o.gif

I’m going for reasonably generic with hidden selections for national markings in a effort to stop the moaners.

BTW, you're doing the Mk.512 Merlin we've had off the Danes right? Had one doing the low-flying and touch-and-go circuits that the Squirrels and Griffons usually do around here, yesterday. Couldn't remember if it was part of the Merlin project or not.

Yup.  Merlin HC3A.   I’ve not managed to find out if they are going to fit all the DIRCM kit and rip out the nursing station etc.  Either way there will be a version with all extra bits bolted on.

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sweet i always wanted a mig-29 even before Bi added su34 to game in the patch 1.08 smile_o.gif loved the old mig-29 in ofp res, wonder will it come in green and grey camo? smile_o.gif

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Wow wow wow

I think it is safe to say that so far....

This is the most active team yet for Armed Assault

Not sure if thats the best choice of words , several descriptions would fit.And surely their is close contenders and silent groups I am unaware of.

I am very impressed

I haven't even started yet (asides some old models I have)

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you're doing the Mk.512 Merlin we've had off the Danes right? Had one doing the low-flying and touch-and-go circuits that the Squirrels and Griffons usually do around here, yesterday.

I was lucky enough to be driving past RAF Benson one summer morning when I saw a Merlin doing some extraordinary maneuvers, steep climbs from the runway, (helo equivalent of) wingover turns and very fast passes over the apron. Fantastic to see it in real life being given some proper stick.

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you're doing the Mk.512 Merlin we've had off the Danes right? Had one doing the low-flying and touch-and-go circuits that the Squirrels and Griffons usually do around here, yesterday.

I was lucky enough to be driving past RAF Benson one summer morning when I saw a Merlin doing some extraordinary maneuvers, steep climbs from the runway, (helo equivalent of) wingover turns and very fast passes  over the apron. Fantastic to see it in real life being given some proper stick.

If you are near an active Airbase it's always worth to take a look outside when you hear something. I live close to the dutch helicopter base, Apaches flying over every day. Sometimes there lands an Antonov to pick them up for transport to Afghanistan. Very impressive to see that big one fly over.

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i agree, this team is the most active team atm in Armed Assault.

I Just hope they release all their work and wount give up or quite.

It just get better and better every day!

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I am very much looking forward to the addons created by this team and PUKF glad that theres a element of collaboration that both teams have agreed on units to create.

will all the units have the same features.

for example they will us the same avionic features (if the real versions have them of course), and other pritty things life AA decoys and countermeasures?

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I live close to Yeovilton Airbase and Westlands Factory!

Seeing the Lynx's etc flying around every hour! smile_o.gif

Cant wait for RKSL stuff! xmas_o.gif

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you're doing the Mk.512 Merlin we've had off the Danes right? Had one doing the low-flying and touch-and-go circuits that the Squirrels and Griffons usually do around here, yesterday.

I was lucky enough to be driving past RAF Benson one summer morning when I saw a Merlin doing some extraordinary maneuvers, steep climbs from the runway, (helo equivalent of) wingover turns and very fast passes over the apron. Fantastic to see it in real life being given some proper stick.

try living in Oxford - have those and the puma's over me constantly, and until the brize runway was closed, alot of the heavy lifters too

good thing about benson is benson hill, and being able to sit in the layby and gander at the choppers for a while from a nice perch

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good thing about benson is benson hill, and being able to sit in the layby and gander at the choppers for a while from a nice perch

Sounds nice, I bet it is full of walts over the weekend?

@ Rocko: Are you useing missile launchers on your ships too, perhaps a goalkeeper or two on the Type 45's?

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Guest RKSL-Rock
@ Rocko: Are you useing missile launchers on your ships too, perhaps a goalkeeper or two on the Type 45's?

Ships wil be appropriately armed. CBFASI is a stickler for getting the right kit onboard!

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I live in Cumbria and we get alot of Tornadoes/Harriers and the odd Typhoon flying about, people complain that they fly too low and upset the peace and quiet, but I figure it's better for them to be flying around than crashing into Hills in a War Zone because they weren't allowed to practice. confused_o.gif

Plus personaly I like them but that's just me. nener.gif

Can't wait for your stuff, being able to choose to play as the Armed Forces of your own country, no matter who they are is one of the things that makes OFP/ArmA great.

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You should see what the nutters do up in scotland, I swear I've seen them come about <-> this close to nailing themselves on a tight glen about a million times

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Sometimes there lands an Antonov to pick them up for transport to Afghanistan. Very impressive to see that big one fly over.

The Flashpoint An 124 was impressive, if very laggy. UNN sort of had a hand in that when I tried to help him debug it.

We did have it flying once or twice, it was very cool indeed.

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Our chaps fly real low over Cyprus, I can remember a retired American pilot who was visiting the Vulcan at Baggington telling me that the RAF Buccaneers impressed the Yankie pilots as their version of 'flying low' was an embarrassment in comparison.

What paint scemes are the aircraft going to have? I hope we dont get grey JSF's and ugly Chinooks.

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Guest RKSL-Rock
What paint scemes are the aircraft going to have? I hope we dont get grey JSF's and ugly Chinooks.

You'll get what you're given  rofl.gif

Seriously whatever is in use at the time will be the primary skins.  But the JSF/JCA seems to be standard no matter which nation is buying it: naff two tone grey etc.  Other versions may follow but what exaclty they will e we really cant say just yet.

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I live in Cumbria and we get alot of Tornadoes/Harriers and the odd Typhoon flying about, people complain that they fly too low and upset the peace and quiet, but I figure it's better for them to be flying around than crashing into Hills in a War Zone because they weren't allowed to practice.  confused_o.gif

Plus personaly I like them but that's just me.  nener.gif

Can't wait for your stuff, being able to choose to play as the Armed Forces of your own country, no matter who they are is one of the things that makes OFP/ArmA great.

Absolutely mate, love seeing them practicing runs over Windermere.

I remember hearing something dead loud and slow once, couldn't figure what it was. The only thing I could think of was a chinook, turned out to be a Harrier that appeared from behind some trees by the lake and jetted off over Bowness. Looked awesome. Saw a Merlin doing some crazy stunts on the same day.

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Guest RKSL-Rock
are there any release dates about any of these projects?  xmas_o.gif

No we dont do release dates. They are done when they are done.

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are there any release dates about any of these projects? xmas_o.gif

No we dont do release dates. They are done when they are done.

fair enough.

Anyway.. i bet it will be easy to transfer to ARMA 2. Or even include in ARMA 2 if all get into agreement. smile_o.gif

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Guest RKSL-Rock
Anyway.. i bet it will be easy to transfer to ARMA 2. Or even include in ARMA 2 if all get into agreement. smile_o.gif

Agreement?  About what?  I doubt BIS are seeking our permission to release ArmA2

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To add up to various subjects of the last few pages.

I also live near to a Dutch airforce base, the biggest one with 3 sqns F-16. They have been night flying yesterday evening and I went there to check it out. You dont see much, only if the aircraft are on the ground you can see because of the lights. But when they take off the thing you do see is the huuuge flame coming out of the back. And allready confirmed by rock that he's going to make proper afterburners thats really something thats going to add to the experience of flying in ofp.

That airbase is 20km to the west of where I live. 20km to the east there is former RAF Laarbruch. Where 2 sqns of Harriers were stationed. Also something really awesome to see them hover, doing short take offs and all that sort of stuff. The base is allmost completly surrounded by woods and thinking of OFP/ARMA using harriers with a good VTOL system is really worth the effort if you can take off from a road out of the woods...

At RAF Laarbruch there were many visits of Tornados from RAF Bruggen. Which was good fun to watch because of the noise, their flying skills, and you never knew when some tornados were about to do a low level pass over the runway. Ive been checking out the Tornados myself at a base visit at RAF Bruggen, and we were told allot of stuff about what the pilot and wso do while they are flying. Again, the pilot/copilot is something that will be awesome in OFP/ARMA.

And I hope and Im joined by many that these projects will be released asap. BUT! wink_o.gif Im allmost certain that all the folks working on the extremely cool addons are working as hard as they can as is permitted by their daily lives. Cash also needs to keep flowing so to speak. And I think they will release their news when they have anything worth showing. Its pointless to keep on asking everyday, because its not going to happen.

So I just keep silent and keep checking for news everyday. smile_o.gif

So, any news?? huh.gif

J/K!!! wink_o.gifhelp.gifgoodnight.gif

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Guest RKSL-Rock
So, any news??  huh.gif  


C-130 Good News:

1 - I've just remade some parts of the C-130 to increase the detail at bit in some areas.

2 - Its now fully enterable (ooer) (apart from the flight deck)

3 - It now has a full crew compliment, Pilot, Copilot, navigator and Loadmaster.

4 - You can moved between fixed positions within the aircraft (just like switching gunner slots in the current helos)

5 - I've trimmed up the geo LoD so it flies nice and stable even with the loony AI flying it.

6 - Stall speed is now ~157kph (87kts) which is apparently realistic for a moderately loaded C-130 with everything but the laundry hung out so the C-130 forum experts inform me. (If this not right compared to FS2004/X don’t bother posting - I'm not interested)

7 - It now has very good short field performance.  You can land on Rahmadi, stop in the centre (400-500m) of the runway and then take off again without having to taxi around again.

8 - Ground Handling is improved you can now taxi around in a very tight circle.

C-130 Bad news

1 - I'm struggling with some of the compound animations so may have to resort to scripting the landing gear again sad_o.gif

2 - The old issue of aircraft with roadways is still there the altimeter works only sporadically at some angles.

Thats all for now I think.

EDIT 1 - Also please be aware you are hearing alot of news I've posted the same time as the rest of the RKSL team becasue people asked intelligent and polite questions.  Demanding immediate answers and updates just annoys the hell out of me and guarentees you will get a sarcastic response or ignored.

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