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No way to turn off Grass?

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ok, i understand the possible unfairness of no grass in MP. but in SP, cant we turn off grass for us lower-end comp people?

UPDATE: thnx to 5133p39, heres a way to turn off grass or reduce the density of it:

Thanks to 5133p39 , i figured out some useful tweaks that gave me 20+ fps more. now i can play the game 40 fps avg with low-med settings 1024x768

this is a important variable to tweak, it redeuces the density of grass by 5-6 times:

clutterGrid = 6.00;

in config.cpp of sara.pbo

these 2 also help abit:

minTreesInForestSquare = 2;

minRocksInRockSquare = 1;

read below in 5133p39's post to see hw to this  in detail

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not just for the low performance pc people, but just for the fact that it can really be annoying when crawling and you want to shoot an enemy but cant see him because of the bloody grass in your way

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When you are in grass IRL, it's a bit hard to see through it without exposing yourself. I however agree it would be nice to do away with the "clutter" as BIS likes to call it. The world looks terrible without it, but it would be a nice option for those with weak CPU

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ok, i understand the possible unfairness of no grass in MP. but in SP, cant we turn off grass for us lower-end comp people?


0. Get the tools from Kegetys.

1. make backup of the original 'sara.pbo', unpack the sara.pbo

2. unrap the config.bin and then delete it

3. edit the config.cpp:

change 'clutterDist' from 55 to 0.01

change 'noDetailDist' from 40 to 0

change 'fullDetailDist' from 5 to 0

4. pack the 'sara' directory back into sara.pbo

...you can do the same for the 'desert.pbo' if you want to remove the grass from the Rahmadi island too.

And beware - some servers may kick you because of using modified files

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Maybe there is a tool to disable Sprites somewhere in the www. But if - i dont know it. Try to search it or try If 3da can help you.

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Armed Assault isn't using "sprites" for displaying grass, but only for the things like smoke and blood effects.

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ok, i understand the possible unfairness of no grass in MP. but in SP, cant we turn off grass for us lower-end comp people?


0. Get the tools from Kegetys.

1. make backup of the original 'sara.pbo', unpack the sara.pbo

2. unrap the config.bin and then delete it

3. edit the config.cpp:

change 'clutterDist' from 55 to 0.01

change 'noDetailDist' from 40 to 0

change 'fullDetailDist' from 5 to 0

4. pack the 'sara' directory back into sara.pbo

...you can do the same for the 'desert.pbo' if you want to remove the grass from the Rahmadi island too.

And beware - some servers may kick you because of using modified files

thnx alot! i'm gonan try it out now

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wow, i realize in that config.cpp, there seems to be alot of potential to be heavily tweaked, can anyone explain what these variables do?:

class CfgWorlds {

class DefaultClutter {

scaleMin = 0.9;

scaleMax = 1.2; <-- possibly can make less denser grass?

startWeather = 0.1;

startFog = 0.0;

forecastWeather = 0.3;

forecastFog = 0.0; <-- possibly can allow further view distance?

clutterGrid = 1.11;

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just tweak it and see. it's really hard to tell. i'm guessing the clutter has to do with the height, rather than density.

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ahh cool , i figured out some useful tweaks that gave me 20+ fps more. now i can play the game 40 fps avg with low-med settings 1024x768

this is a important variable to tweak, it redeuces the density of grass by 5-6 times:

clutterGrid = 6.00;

in config.cpp of sara.pbo

these 2 also help abit:

minTreesInForestSquare = 2;

minRocksInRockSquare = 1;

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yeh.. i think 6 maybe abit too big , u can try 2 or 3 to make grass show more

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