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T-72 & BMP from caucasus crisis

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I think Vit's pack is better than Vladimir pack too, but I use both packs.

VITs BMP3 got no version with ERA. But the thing bothering me most is that it only transports up to 6 soldiers. Originally a BMP3 is able transports up to 7 soldiers.

And VITs BMD3s are too big measured compared to all other APCs. Just look at the BMDs from the FDF-Mod in comparison.

None the less VITs APC-Pack is a must!

If you ask me all you need is a BMP-2 a BMD-2 and a BRT-80 for those are the most used APC by russian troops from the 90s till today.

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Quote[/b] ]VITs BMP3 got no version with ERA.

Sorry just confused ERA with arena.

Quote[/b] ]If you ask me all you need is a BMP-2 a BMD-2 and a BRT-80

This may be true, but you still want a bit more diversity in your apc selection.

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Ja, I know what you mean. Me too got all that east apc and tank addons availlable in one folder. But I removed the BTR-T because its not used by the RF.

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