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Recieving while playing

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BIS? Suma? Maruk? Is that problem considered as severe by BIS? You going after it?

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Hmmmmm I installed the Kegety's blur/bloom fix, and still get the Black Screen in the Evolution Marines maps...

I have:

Intel Dual Core E8400 3.00 Ghz

2 GB ram

ATI Sapphire Radeon HD 3870 X2

Win XP Pro SP3 (32bit)

16k DSL

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welcome in our lines xD

Unfortunatley there is no information if this bug will be gone in the next patch or not. Since I get it sometimes in other missions but ALWAYS in Evo it may be something with huge armored armys ... just a thought

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Yes you could be right, I have it in de Evolution Marines maps. I can only get out by pressing CTRL ALT DEl.

I also have it in the AIR cavalry maps, but then I can fix it by pressing M (maps) and it is gone.

It is so weird :eek:

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Ye same here. But it makes that unplayable especially when you are in a fight.

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I have the same reveiving problem. in mulitplayer, the game has to be killed by ALT+F4 when the error occurs, in singleplayer it will just crash to desktop. the error is easily reproducable by spawning in the editor in a motorbike on the coast-street in the south west of chernagorsk and driving into the city. if the textures and graphics memory slider is set to low, and the rest all on very high, the game runs fine, no problem at all. on textures and memory on normal, i would get some recieving screens in the outskirts of chernagorsk(not more), while I might get the recieving screen repeating itself forever in multiplay mode(on any mission after a short time of playing). the sliders on high or very high will make the game crash even faster on both singleplayer(editor) and multiplayer...so its absolutely unplayable for me on higher texture and graphic memory details than low.

i have a core i7 920(non-overclocked)

a gigabyte ex58-ud5

6gb of corsair ram

a sapphire hd 4870 with 512 mb vram

i am running windows vista 64bit business.

maybe these obsevations help someone until there is a fix for higher detail settings, as the game really looks much better with higher settings:)

sorry for my english,

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in singleplayer it will just crash to desktop.

Then we do not talk about the same problem maybe

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well, might be, but in fact I get a repeated recieving screen which you can't get rid of other than killing the game by ALT-F4. Obviously that is even worse than the problem mentioned in the starting post, as it can not be interrupted. It is important to mention that it is not recieving for a long time, just for around 4 secs or so, and then there is a tiny transition to black, and then the recieving screen is back.

the most interesting fact is, that it can be turned off by setting textures and memory size to low.

just do the test, open the editor, place yourself on a motorbike and drive into chernagorsk, and tell me if something is happening when settings are on low.

then do the same with high details and tell me if there is a difference.

the problem is at least close to yours.

---------- Post added at 12:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:19 AM ----------

well, i even got the recieving now with low details in multiplayer. that game is so awesome in the few minutes i can play it, and that is what is making me so angry...I really want to know how this game can be played. i tried it with 2 different sapphire hd4870 , both make it impossible-.-

there were even some artifacts before the recieving bug occured....

but the cooling on both cards is regulated manually in the ccc, they are both not too hot..

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If you got a second partition: Just install a fresh Windows and test it again.

For me it worked. I didnt change anything @ BIOS or other sys-configs.

For me it seems to be a specific ATI problem (hardly everybody got the 4870)...

For me the fresh install worked and now i have no problems at all, even on evolution

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i have the same problem with arma2! with a clean install of winXP on an arma2 partition....



4GB ram


Arma2 runs fine for me now but in multiplayer about internet and lan i always get the "receiving" Bug.

try´d it with out firewall and other settings....

no multiplayergame playable so far.

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Yep, it's definitley the bug I get everytime. It's exactly what I tried to describe earlier.

But on my system it doesn't happen in every mission. For example it NEVER happened in any CTI missions where players fight against each other. Only in coop missions, so far I recongnized

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well, so I will kill my windows(it's a pretty fresh install on a new computer anyway) and try if I can get it running today, I will post here how the odysee goes on:)

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after some interesting hours of reinstalling all the basic stuff, I finally launched arma.

Joining a multiplayerserver is basically impossible now, there won't be any picture showing up, only the recieving screen after I chose my slot. no chance to change anything other than killing the game by alt-f4. fun!

so SAD!!!

could anyone solve this receiving problem? could you please post how you did it, maybe it's working for some others too!!

sorry for the doublepost, btw

really need help, waiting for a response on my technical support ticket sent on 3rd of june, but nothing happens....that is really frustrating....even bouught a track IR 5, mostly for arma2, which I can't play for even 2 Minutes in Multiplayer!!!!

for what I paid 50€ that is not too funny:(:eek::butbut:

Edited by tranquillity

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Yes it is weird. :mad:

I turned, in settings, the video card memory to normal and the black screen problem was gone.

Makes no sense for my why, but it worked for me :confused:

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after reinstalling windows with essential windows updates and all drivers it didn't work....

after installing the vista service packs 1 and 2, it works now, and it looks great:)

if you have vista without service packs, give it a try..

(I hope I didn't miss that in further posts)

finally it is working!!

really happy:)

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after reinstalling windows with essential windows updates and all drivers it didn't work....

after installing the vista service packs 1 and 2, it works now, and it looks great:)

if you have vista without service packs, give it a try..

(I hope I didn't miss that in further posts)

finally it is working!!

really happy:)

I've had this drive for almost 2 years. It's super clean because I've never used it so its practically new.

How do I check if I have the Vista server packs? I'm running Vista 64 Ultimate, and I don't think I have ever manually installed the service packs, however, it may have been an auto installation that I am unaware of.

I really can't navigate around Microsofts website, its counter intuitive and gives me a huge headache. Can some one post the direct links to download service packs 1 and 2?

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go to the system and maintenance screen, then "find out installed windows installation" then "show more details" on the upper part of the screen.

my installation is german, so I dont know the english names for it:)

but just have a closer look on system and maintenance, you will find it there.

good luck:)

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I'm installing SP1 right now. For my Harddrive.

I will let everyone know if after I've installed SP2 and updated the rest of my Windows Vista I can get the Multiplayer to stop freazing.

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I've been playing online for 2 hours now. I just needed to install SERVICE PACK 1

I was getting the exact same error as you guys were.

Now, I have never gotten the receiving screen. I'm able to play with out interuptions. I tried 5 different servers.

The fix for me, appears to be installing VISTA SERVICE PACK 1

I'm running Vista 64bit Ultimate

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for me it seems that the 185 nvidea driver helped me!

i had the 185 installed -no problems

then installed the 178 and 182 to try the performence - receiving... !

reinstalled 185 - perfect again :)

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There is no clean picture here:

For some 178 or 185 or 186 beta was helping, for others not.

For some a new naked OS cured the issue for some not.

Maybe I should kill a black cat at full moon?

I will for sure not go into a OS reinstall, to much work for a 50/50 chance.

I expect from BIS a insight under which circumstances the "Receiving ..." screen is triggered to be able to do a rather analytic troubleshooting instead of executing every voodoo mentioned in the threads.

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thank you for your post- receiving bug for me is gone now.

i changed from 178.13 to 185.85- less performance but now i can play online.


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Against my own statement not doing any voodoo anymore I upgraded video driver another time - to NV190.15 - and it works a little bit better now. Still get from time to time the "receive..." screen, of course always in the middle of an attack, but now I can rcover by toggling to map and back. And it is more seldom. Instead of getting trapped after max 2 minutes I made my 1st MP crCTI 0.4 .... to victory.

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