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Shooting on the Run?

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hand grenade, that black stuff is from where it cooked off some rounds in my magazine. all of those are pieces of un burnt powder i had to dig out myself with a needle

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Yeah. You got Purple Heart for it right?

Man..I have some screwed up Ph stories. This female in my company who was with the main part of the company at camp victory fell and scrapped her knee but got a purple heart and CAB because she fell during a mortar attack and a medic treated her knee.

This guy with me at soc was in civil affairs at the time he got shot in the head by a sniper, but no PH. They're trying to put him out for PTSD because he is messed up over it.

I earned my CAB and was pretty proud of it until I linked back up with my company/battalion and saw all these high ranking pogues with the shit and they never left the damn wire. It really cheapened my award to the point that I don't wear it anymore.

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Yeah. You got Purple Heart for it right?

Man..I have some screwed up Ph stories. This female in my company who was with the main part of the company at camp victory fell and scrapped her knee but got a purple heart and CAB because she fell during a mortar attack and a medic treated her knee.

This guy with me at soc was in civil affairs at the time he got shot in the head by a sniper, but no PH. They're trying to put him out for PTSD because he is messed up over it.

I earned my CAB and was pretty proud of it until I linked back up with my company/battalion and saw all these high ranking pogues with the shit and they never left the damn wire. It really cheapened my award to the point that I don't wear it anymore.

Yeah, I've been hearing stories like that across the board. Same with bronze stars - a 19 year old kid might get one for fighting off an RPG attack and an E-7 TOC Commando might get the same one for brewing the coffee that kept the rest of the TOC awake during the same fight. crazy_o.gif

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Handing out badges and medals gets inflationary the longer a war lasts. It´s meant to keep people motivated but by doing that in large numbers and with no real reason it´s discrediting the ones who really deserved their medals.

Sad thing, but history repeats itself in that issue aswell. Hitler was throwing more medals around than manufacturers were able to deliver at the end of WW2.

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Yeah. You got Purple Heart for it right?

Man..I have some screwed up Ph stories. This female in my company who was with the main part of the company at camp victory fell and scrapped her knee but got a purple heart and CAB because she fell during a mortar attack and a medic treated her knee.

This guy with me at soc was in civil affairs at the time he got shot in the head by a sniper, but no PH. They're trying to put him out for PTSD because he is messed up over it.

I earned my CAB and was pretty proud of it until I linked back up with my company/battalion and saw all these high ranking pogues with the shit and they never left the damn wire. It really cheapened my award to the point that I don't wear it anymore.

Yeah, I've been hearing stories like that across the board. Same with bronze stars - a 19 year old kid might get one for fighting off an RPG attack and an E-7 TOC Commando might get the same one for brewing the coffee that kept the rest of the TOC awake during the same fight.  crazy_o.gif

Every one in my company E-7 and above got the Bronze Star without ever firing a shot, going on one convoy, or leaving Victory. The way our company worked is that the main body was headquartered at Camp Victory and small 3-man teams were scattered throughout the country. My team ended up onthe border of Babil, Karbala, and Anbar provinces in the middle of the triangle of death.

Not enough force protection from 11th ACR and the BCT we were with meant they asked for volunteers and I and a few other signal guys volunteered. MY BSM write-up was thick and was eventually downgraded to an MSM, which is okay.

They published everyone's BSM writeups. The commander recieved his because he led 280 soldiers into combat and suffered 0 deaths and 2 WIA (myself and that female).

The first sergeant recieved his for "engineering the most technically advanced signal support system in the history of modern warfare" He somehow did this from his office when he didn't even know the capabilities of our equipment.

My platoon sergeant got one because he kissed ass and was counted as a "technical proficiency expert," even though he spent most of his time promising to send us supplies but then never getting around to it. Oh, he also stole my 18th Airborne Corps coin that was supposed to come from Gen Vines.

They all got their CABs for mortar attacks on the PX at camp victory, even though the 35th sig area was on the other side of victory..of distance of 3-5 miles.

We were issued 210 rounds of ammunition before leaving kuwait. When it came time to turn it back in, I got in trouble because I didn't have any to turn in, I had fired all of that and fired most of what I recieved from BCT. I recieved 2 awards, the MSM was awarded to me by the national guard BCT, my brigade awarded me with an AAM even though out of my 4 achievments none of them were even CMF 25 related,but these other guys got stuff for just doing their jobs.

Pretty messed up, hey Re-enlist 35th. I could talk about 35th all day, I could talk about my "new" company that I just left and how they've had 6 suicide attempts since June and 3 AWOLS, 2 of which are now Dropped From The Rolls. We had a soldier who fired at other soldiers in a FieldX.

You know, Rangers Lead the Way and all that, but how am I supposed to lead when everything E-7 and above is corrupted and no matter what you do it's wrong?

Much better here in usasoc. much..freakin better.

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So is there any answer to solve the problem at hand?

I used to be able to do transition shooting in Armed Assault, but now I can't. Is there a toggle, or what button do I hit to fix this?

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So is there any answer to solve the problem at hand?

I used to be able to do transition shooting in Armed Assault, but now I can't.  Is there a toggle, or what button do I hit to fix this?

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Double tap shift and you will walk slower, just like reflexive fire drills... "ready...UP, *click* bang bang *click*"

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Right, I know that. If you touble tap shift, you can begin to move into a transition, aka reflexive stance, but is it normal in the game to be only be able to fire a single shot in this stance on the move? That's the question. If I remember correctly, I used to be able to go into a transitional stance, and fire on full automatic while advancing on a target in urban terrain.

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Right, I know that.  If you touble tap shift, you can begin to move into a transition, aka reflexive stance, but is it normal in the game to be only be able to fire a single shot in this stance on the move?  [...]

It's "normal" now because that's evidently how it works now

in ArmA. You used to be able to cabby on the move in Op.

Flashpoint but not in ArmA. Presumably it's something to do

with the new character anims. I've never found (or heard of)

any way to make it possible.

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Try firing on the move with the M4 aimpoint, you can no problems. Try with the m249 and you can't. Its weapon dependant nothing to do with the animations

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Try firing on the move with the M4 aimpoint, you can no problems. Try with the m249 and you can't. Its weapon dependant nothing to do with the animations

That isn't my experience,  nor I suspect that of the others

participating in this thread. Each time you fire a burst the

character stops moving. It's not such a biggie with the

M16 and M4 rifles that have a 3 round burst sear since the

halt is momentary, but it gets more noticeable if you want to

cabby off a longer burst (from one of the "special forces"

suppressed M4s for example).

Anyway, I don't really regard this as a very serious issue.

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If you dry fire after emptying a mag/belt you still come to a complete stop when your weapon is set for full auto or burst.

In real life if you were caught in the open would you stand still and return fire or go for the nearest cover while trying to blast out some supressive fire? Not to mention house clearing and CQB. Watch the scene in Tears of the Sun where they advance across the field blasting away with maximum firepower so they can close and take out the mortar positions. Whether you agree with it or not, (I'll let you argue with the SEALS) that tactic is impossible in Arma as it is now.

This needs to be fixed.

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Tears of the Sun is unrealistic, but we, the US military, do live and die off the theory of fire and maneuver. I definantly hope they allow us to fire fully auto on the move sometime in the future.

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yea, while one jackass is prone firing, the other jackass is 3-5 second rushing... bounding, and bounding... don't even post in here if you're gonna bring something as retarded as tears of the sun to the table, it makes you appear less than bright.

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don't even post in here if you're gonna bring something as retarded as tears of the sun to the table, it makes you appear less than bright

And postings like this will start flame wars, so clam down


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Try firing on the move with the M4 aimpoint, you can no problems. Try with the m249 and you can't. Its weapon dependant nothing to do with the animations

That isn't my experience,  nor I suspect that of the others

participating in this thread. Each time you fire a burst the

character stops moving. It's not such a biggie with the

M16 and M4 rifles that have a 3 round burst sear since the

halt is momentary, but it gets more noticeable if you want to

cabby off a longer burst (from one of the "special forces"

suppressed M4s for example).

Anyway, I don't really regard this as a very serious issue.

ah yes my bad, well with the M4 you can fire fast enough in single fire for it to basically be full auto. Close enough. But not being able to move and shoot with full auto only weapons is a bit of a problem.

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I certainly hope you don't support it being left as is and keeping it impossible to fire burst/full auto while moving. THAT is about as unrealistic as it could be. There will be times where it is needed regardless of whether it is textbook tactics either in Arma or the real world.

Also tested some more and you come to a stop when dry firing whether the weapon is on full/burst OR semi.

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