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Replacement Sound PBO question

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I'm trying to make a small .pbo to replace the default helicopter sounds with realistic ones ie (UH-60 shouldn't sound like a Huey, A/MH-6 should sound like a Hughes 500 etc). Anyway I'm not sure how to go about it, I figured I could just create a pbo similar to the air.pbo with my new wss sounds file and config.cpp (with new directory to the sounds) but I got an error. I believe it said "required addons not an array."

Am I even approaching this the right way?

I want to make it so players don't have to unpack and repack any PBOs.

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Just an update, I haven't figured out the PBO stuff yet but I did tinker with a sound file to get the Littlebird ingame to sound just like a real Hughes 500 (which it basically is). Anyone who has ever heard the real helicopter will immediately recognize this one. rI'm still working with the UH-60 sound because the sound file I created sounded totally different ingame.

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If you figure out how to create such an addon, let me know, I am working on a sound mod for the weapons.

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For custom sounds you will need to overwrite the current ones and use an unpack, overwrite files, repack method, or use a patching system like my patchers..

If you want to make it profesionally, but I wouldn't recommend this at the release of a game, rather in something like 6 months when you dont get patches every other week... smile_o.gif .. you can unpbo the package of which you wish to edit the sounds, extract the config.bin, derapify it to config.cpp and then remap the sound paths like:


to like


etc. etc.

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Minimal sound mod to replace lets say helicopter sounds would be:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

class CfgPatches


class FDF_soundmod


units[] = {};

weapons[] = {};

requiredVersion = 0.1;

requiredAddons[] = {"CAWeapons", "CAAir"};



class CfgVehicles {

class Helicopter;

class Mi17_MG : Helicopter {

soundEngine[] = {"\fdf_soundmod\vehicles\mi17_engine", db30, 1};


class UH60MG : Helicopter {

soundEngine[] = {"\fdf_soundmod\vehicles\uh60", db30, 1};


class AH1W : Helicopter {

soundEngine[] = {"\fdf_soundmod\vehicles\apache_engine", db30, 1};


class AH6 : Helicopter {

soundEngine[] = {"\fdf_soundmod\vehicles\cobra_engine", db30, 1};



Pack that with whatever prefix you want to use and put it into yourmod/addons folder and fire up arma with -mod=yourmod parameter as usual.

It'll whine about modified config in multiplayer but that's business as usual.

You don't need to repack any existing PBO when mod folder thing works just fine. Only reason it is being done for things like editor addon because for whatever the reason, BI made civilian units with access=ReadOnly and they cannot be made available in mission editor with just regular mod config override.

(and no, FDFmod is not going to release a sound mod, that is just my personal test stuff)

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That seems to be a good way to make such mods small enough to share. But it will be a shitload of work for me, because I changed so many things (not just sounds) that I don't know where to start.

I even doubt I fully understood this method anyway...


I can't get the above mentioned method to work. Some error occurs (about a undefined ammo type which is in the original config.bin).

Don't know how to fix that, or what causes such errors, I am new to modding ArmA.

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