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side mission/sanitation

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this mission wont complete.

I clear town with squad,meet up with other squad,as asked. Next i am ordered to take town(funny as ive already cleared it fighting to meet other squad) then go to a rally piont that says wait? i wait and wait and,u get the picture,nothing hapens. I`ve tried to run down to the waiting jeep but nothing? also i`ve ran round the map to make sure no enamy are hiding confused_o.gif

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I think you *must* teamswitch in that mission. Had the same problem there.

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I think you *must* teamswitch in that mission. Had the same problem there.

but what do you do if Bravo team has been wiped out? i cleared the town with my team, lost one teammate. Bravo team is dead. now i wait at the waiting point and nothing happens...

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now i know what you mean. i switched to the Team Leader right at the beginning. i went through the town and linked up with Bravo. then took the town. mission thus ended properly. yay.gif

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I entered the vehicle where I was supposed to wait

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I've tried this 20 times and can't trigger the complete condition.

I took over as Team Leader, linked up with Bravo, cleaned the town, and Bravo just stands at the wait waypoint forever. I also searched the town and surrounding area for a last surviving enemy and can't find one.

Very frustrating.

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I've tried this 20 times and can't trigger the complete condition.

I took over as Team Leader, linked up with Bravo, cleaned the town, and Bravo just stands at the wait waypoint forever.  I also searched the town and surrounding area for a last surviving enemy and can't find one.

Very frustrating.

after you've linked up with Bravo, it should be one single team, no more Foxtrot and Bravo. since you're the team leader, they should all be following you. is this the case?

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No, Bravo is always leader when we link up.

I finally beat it though. This time I kept my team back while I went to the second closest building which has a 2nd story. I sniped alot from there, then switched to another unit to sweep the town, linked up, returned to town finished greasing enemies and it successfully completed.

I still think this mission needs its ending triggers improved, but I can move now, so nuff said...

I am having fun though! Not being negative, just giving feedback so BIS can clean things up a bit before the broader release.

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I have killed all enemy units in the area according to instruction. I then get the go ahead to move to the waypoint just before the next point of proceeding to the Humvee. So we all just sit and wait at this damn waypoint and nothing happens for anout 1 hour.

Any idea why ? We never get the go ahead to move to the next point - The Humvee. We just wait at the waypoing by the building and nothing happens.



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I too had a problem with this mission.

I have cleared the town, all my men survived (i had to be ahead of them and clear the town almost by myself smile_o.gif, then we were ordered to get back to the hummer, few men were ordered to get in the hummer, so they got inside, and then ...nothing.

But in the mission briefing is written that YOU have to get in the humvee, so you can either switch to the leader, order some of your men to disembark, and then get in yourself - but i didn't do it this way, so i am not sure.

What i did was this:

I fired few rounds at one of the hummer's wheels, so the hummer became unusable and everybody disembarked including the driver.

Then i got in as a driver, and the mission ended :-)

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