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The Great Battle - uncompletable

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I'm going crazy here. I've destroyed all tanks, I even flew over to the small enemy base with the Shilka, cleaned out everything! I even got out of my helicopter and searched the entire area in a grid pattern by foot(thank you 4x time speed). There were a few soldiers hiding in the forest, but I killed them all. I've scanned the entire area from the heli and by foot. There are plenty of american soldiers left alive, and also a few tanks.

I've blow the crap out of ever tank (not just "Disabled and killed crew" but shot a few extra rockets into them all, leaving only smoldering wreckages.)

I've been flying/walking around for a good hour and a half now, I had to refuel and rearm a lot of times!

Any hints/tips? after spending all this time I really don't feel like doing it all over again! is there like a "kill all enemies on map" or "end mission" thingy to do?

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I have exactly the same problem. Tried many times and killed all enemies, but the mission just wont end. Really annoying. help.gif

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Ditto on not being able to complete it despite similar steps taken to ensure all enemy units were destroyed.

There are two things I can think of causing this mission not to progress to the supposed counterattack on the enemy base that is alluded to in the briefing.

First, I think it may be tied to the second AH surviving, which is unrealistic because that never happens. Ever. All the other helos are destroyed by ground fire (or have flown themselves into trees... sigh) by the time the enemy breaches the perimiter.

Second, it could be tied to the fact that the perimiter gets breached at all, which is also unrealistic considering the miss rate of hellfires on moving targets and the fact that only two or three of the T72s stops long enough to take them out BEFORE that message comes up. Even if all 8 hellfires score hits, that's not enough to take enough out before the perimiter breach message.

I really can't think of anything else that could be a prerequisite to trigger the counterattack and end the mission, unless a script in the mission is just flat out bugged rather than just a bit unrealistic.

EDIT - Yeah, rearming is extremely buggy. The vehicles usually will not come close enough to the helo to trigger it, so you actually have to get out, order the crew out of the vehicle, then drive it up manually. Being in command mode for the actual refuel/rearm helps as well, because sometimes even when you are close enough it will just give you a little bit of fuel or ammo and then stop, even while you are still in range. Being in command mode lets you mouse-over the truck and then select refuel/rearm/repair from the mouse-wheel list and it will start again. You sometimes have to do this several times to fill up.

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I was also unable to reload a weapon that I had 0 of sad_o.gif

For instance, when I had fired all 8 hellfires or all of my rockets, rearming wouldnt do anything at the truck. However when I rearmed after firing 7 hellfires (after I reloaded my game, of course), I could reload fully from the truck.

In addition, I've also had trouble with this mission's triggers. I looked at the triggers in the mission editor, and it seems to depend on the status of 4 enemy platoons. Two are T72 platoons, and one is a BMP platoon. I'm not sure where or who the final one is, I'll have to look at the map again. But the counter attack wouldnt launch for me since I apparently missed vehicles.

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There is, if I recall, a single squad of enemy soldiers on foot that approach the base from the northwest (I'm not 100% sure of that, just off the top of my head), near where one group of T72s makes it's approach. The opposite side of the forest small forest from where the other group of T72s, and the BMPs come from. That could be the fourth platoon. Maybe the infantry inside the BMPs are counted as that fourth platoon as well. It would make sense to seperate the infantry from the vehicles in such a way.

I've killed them all though. Every damned one of them that I could find. I spent a long, long time being very thourough about it too. I know the AI sometimes runs a little distance away and hides, but unless I keep missing some that's running like 10km away to hide, there's nothing left to kill. I've even gone so far as to commandeer an abandoned vehicle, nurse it back to the repair truck, then bulldoze every damn bush and tree in the general area of the attack. It took a long, long time. I then proceeded to fly the helo slowly and at low alt over the entire area hoping my gunner could spot something to shoot at since occasionally the AI gunners seem not to notice the enemy infantry on the ground until you fly very, very close to them (and yet other times it'll fire on them from 300+ meters away). Nothing though. I'm confident that every single enemy in the area has been annihilated.

Good idea looking in the editor though. I think that's my next step in trying to solve this. Interesting if it's only tied to the status of those enemy platoons and has no reference to weather the american base's lines are initially breached, or the number of remaining american units.

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hey guys im also stuck on the mission titled "the great battle" where i am flying an attack helicopter to support troops on the ground. i can't seem to beat this mission, the stupid AI incharge of the guns doesn't seem to fire the rockets. manual fire is a bitch to do especially since im flying and shooting at the sametime. i tried getting the AI to fly the chopper for me while i control the guns but the AI seems to go ahead of the group which results in mission failure.

even with the auto save once you reach the first waypoint, if i am unable to complete the mission. i get the debriefing screen and then it jumps me back to the beginning of the mission where i have to board the heli, and fly back in formation to the waypoint again. grrrrrrrrr!

i have been replaying this mission so many times i am about to give up... is there a way around this mission.

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i finally found out that hellfires are much more accurate if you press fire when that little 'DOT' for a cursor is INSIDE the target box. ie your chopper is aiming directly at target.

Also helps if the target is on flat terrain.

Started getting 4/5 targets then.

Not sure how to skip mission as i am stuck having killed all the enemy.

But if you have just passed the auto save part - then save the game yourself, ALT TAB out of the game and go to the directory where the save game file is and copy that file to somewhere else.

That way if this friggin annoyin mission decides to send you all the way back to the start, you can copy the save file back in and load it up again.

(documents and settings/.../my documents/arma/saved/campaigns/ca/save.ARMAsave)

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I'm going crazy here. I've destroyed all tanks, I even flew over to the small enemy base with the Shilka, cleaned out everything! I even got out of my helicopter and searched the entire area in a grid pattern by foot(thank you 4x time speed). There were a few soldiers hiding in the forest, but I killed them all. I've scanned the entire area from the heli and by foot. There are plenty of american soldiers left alive, and also a few tanks.

I've blow the crap out of ever tank (not just "Disabled and killed crew" but shot a few extra rockets into them all, leaving only smoldering wreckages.)

I've been flying/walking around for a good hour and a half now, I had to refuel and rearm a lot of times!

Any hints/tips? after spending all this time I really don't feel like doing it all over again! is there like a "kill all enemies on map" or "end mission" thingy to do?

...me too, i clean the hause, but nothing happend at all, 2 days to learn to handle with helo pistols.gifcrazy_o.gif

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same problem..shot at everything driving around on the map, then grabbed an m249 and even cleared the medical-tant in the enemies base ... after 6 hours driving around an stopping at every tree, bush and house i cant find anymore enemies, mission doesn´t want to end...

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I want to skip this mission sooo badly... im losing all my hair right now. grrr.. and the stupid ai trucks won't rearm my helicopter. refueling and repairing works but the the words "rearming" on my screen shows but its not rearming at all. i have no more rockets. map looks deserted and the goddamn mission won't end. i want to continue this game soo badly but this stupid mission is in the way.

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Stuck as well. I'll have to try rearming before I "run dry" of FFARs and Hellfires.

I found a good profile that makes the Hellfires hit near 100%. It's a hover, very close to the ground, dot very close to the TD box and a very horizontal path for the Hellfire.

Gaining any sort of altitude, or tying to hit a fast moving target gives me no kill.

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Jeez, with so many people stuck on the mission it seems there is indeed a problem sad_o.gif

The Hellfire's flight path is controlled by something called SimulationStep in weapons.config. By default... it doesnt HAVE that line. The AA missiles do, and they have a smooth flight path. Hellfires in contrast use the default generic Simulation Step which they inherit from the MissileBase:MissileCore class... or whatever its called. By default, its at 0.01. So I -BELIEVE- that means the missile's flight path is updated... well, not very quickly at all.

I've watched the jerky flight path of the missile, and a good... I dunno, I'd say as much as 35-50% of the time the missile will be in its UPWARDS jerky climb compared to its DOWNWARDS jerky dive when it flies over or into the target. Its pretty much entirely random.

I think Simulation Step is read as how fast the missile's flight data is updated. The smaller the number, the faster the update speed, the more evenly and smoothly the missile flies.

But the default crappy Hellfire flight paths, non-firing triggers, and unreloadable weapons make this mission a real pain sad_o.gif

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I'm also stuck on this mission... the choppers i'm flying with at the start, are annoying, and slow... then when you finally get there, you end up killing everything in sight (if the hellfire's, and re-arming decide to actually be nice to you), OR the mission just ends and makes you restart.

Wonder how long it'll take BI to fix it?

Currently i've settled for making my own mission for awhile, see how that turns out. pistols.gif

Oh, and come to think of it, before the 1.01 patch i could fly around anywhere no problem, but now after installing 1.01, sometimes i'll just explode in the sky, randomly... nothing hits me, i don't run into any trees, etc. I just explode.

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So far as I can tell, having 1 round of any weapon allows you to reload up to 100% ammo of that weapon.

But 0 FFAR or 0 Hellfires and you can't reload those weapons anymore.

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Yeah man, this bites.

Im not even gonna waste my time any further. Its like trying to ride a bicycle with a flat tyre, no matter how bad you want to...its just not gonna work...needs a patch

Im quite dissapointed with this game, I expected much more. Hopefully the multiplayer will save it!

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anyone finish this who was having problems before 1.02 ?

i can certainly fly with joystick and hit stuff with hellfires easily - but still cant finish the level (i loaded from existing 1.01 autosave which was at the start of the battle).

i dont think a single Yank on the ground died, i've decimated the enemy sad_o.gif

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Still the same borked mission,

i have started it after installing the new patch from the start

and it still does not finish, i am sure there is a condition problem

in that mission. Maybe one enemy tank took off to the other side of the map and if the condition is to kill all enemies then you'll never meet that condition. Very disappointing that BIS didn't fix that mission with the new patch, because they must be aware that it is not working.

Anyway let's hope for patch 1.3 ...

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I have the same problem, stuck in that mission too.

I`m flying around to search enemys, can`t find any.

All enemy tanks are destroyed, chopper is rearmed and refueled.

Mission will not end , and this "improved flightmodel" of patch 1.02 makes me crazy.

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You can always do the shift keypad minus at the same time. then type endmission.

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Okay, here's another one for the rows of frustrated players. I killed everybody but the mission won't finish. That's actually two unfinishable missions in a row! I already had to skip "Armored Fist", that preludes "The Great Battle", because that one didn't finish either.

It's really sad, seeing all the effort, that was put in the game by the creators, being stopped in it's tracks because they didn't bother playtesting the missions thoroughly.

Game stopping bugs are a absolute NO GO! A game that has bugs like that cannot be granted Gold status under any circumstances, not even when Christmas is imminent. Even worse that there have been two patches already that haven't fixed the issue. Better performance and a good helo flight model are all nice and fine, but they are not much good if the game itself is broken.

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On "Armoured Fist" you have to go over the hill on the other side of the second base. I think theres 2 x T-72's and 1 x BMP2 there that you have to destroy. After I did that, the mission ended.

I am also having problems with "The Great Battle" mission. Ive just given up on the game for the time being and gone back to playing Planetside. Ive done some of the Single Missions but am bored of that due to lack of story. I want to carry on with the Campaign!!

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i had no problem with armoured fist. ended when it needed to.

he great battle i ended up endmission to get out of - mainly because i am still learning to use heli properly

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You can always do the shift keypad minus at the same time. then type endmission.

How do you do that? Do you have to do it at a certain point or something? Im on the level but cant get it to work....

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Oh yeah you can do it at anypoint in the mission.

Hold the shift key and the keypad minus key at the same time release them.  then type endmission.  No spaces.

So its like this

shift-                         at the same time then release

endmission                  and the mission will end

           Hope this helps

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