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Multiplayer does not work cause of Kernel32.dll

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A player of my clan has a serious problem with the Multiplayerpart of the game.

As soon as he is connecting to a server (Lan/Inet), it crashes in the moment where the connection normally is going to be esatblished.

He get back to desktop with the message of an error in kernel32.dll!!!

The same happens when he hosts a game in LAN/Internet.

Singleplayer mode is running without problems.

More and more people seems to have a problem with that and cannot connect to MP servers at all.

I hope someone can report BIS this very serious bug, cause it makes the game nearly unplayable in MP!!!!

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

================================================== ===================

== F:\Programme\ArmA\arma.exe

================================================== ===================

Exe version: Sat Dec 02 19:51:12 2006

Cannot register unknown string STR_MSG_PLAYERID_EMPTY

Cannot register unknown string STR_MSG_PLAYERID_INVALID

Cannot register unknown string STR_DIFF_DEATH_MESSAGES

Cannot register unknown string STR_DIFF_NETWORK_STATS

Cannot register unknown string STR_DIFF_ALLOW_SEAGULL

Cannot register unknown string STR_DIFF_SUPPRESS_PLAYER

Cannot register unknown string STR_DIFF_REAL_FATIGUE

Clearing multiplayer statistics

Updating user profile WCC|Hammer

Clearing multiplayer statistics

NAT Negotiation started for cookie : 23603

failed (NNThink - result 3

Clearing multiplayer statistics

NAT Negotiation started for cookie : 26704


================================================== =====

Date: 12/03/06 Time: 16:31:01


Exception code: C06D007F at 7C812A5B

graphics: D3D9, Device: NVIDIA GeForce 6800 Ultra, Driver:nv4_disp.dll

resolution: 800x600x32


CAIntroAnims in ca\introanims\, Desert in ca\desert\, CASounds in ca\sounds\

CAWheeled in ca\wheeled\, CARoads in ca\roads\, CA_Anims in ca\anims\

CAAir in ca\air\, CAAnimals in CA\animals\, CAWeapons in ca\weapons\, CAUI in Ca\UI\

CAFonts in ca\uifonts\, CACharacters in ca\characters\, CASigns in ca\signs\

CAMisc in ca\misc\, CAPlants in CA\plants\, CAVoice in ca\voice\, CAData in ca\

CAWater in ca\water\, CALanguage in ca\language\

CA_Anims_Char in ca\anims\characters\, CATracked in ca\tracked\, Sara in ca\sara\

CABuildings in ca\buildings\, CARocks in CA\Rocks\

Mods: CA

Version 1.01.5094

Fault address: 7C812A5B 01:00011A5B C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll

file: intro

world: Intro

Prev. code bytes: 8D 7D C4 F3 A5 5F 8D 45 B0 50 FF 15 08 15 80 7C

Fault code bytes: 5E C9 C2 10 00 85 FF 0F 8E 36 93 FF FF 8B 55 FC


EAX:01AFEA40 EBX:00000000

ECX:00000000 EDX:00000001

ESI:01AFEB04 EDI:05700000



DS:0023 ES:0023 FS:003B GS:0000


================================================== =====


<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">


System Information


Time of this report: 12/3/2006, 14:57:29

Machine name: MAIN

Operating System: Windows XP Home Edition (5.1, Build 2600) Service Pack 2 (2600.xpsp_sp2_gdr.050301-1519)

Language: German (Regional Setting: German)

System Manufacturer: NVIDIA

System Model: AWRDACPI

BIOS: Phoenix - AwardBIOS v6.00PG

Processor: AMD Athlon(tm) XP, MMX, 3DNow, ~1.2GHz

Memory: 768MB RAM

Page File: 305MB used, 1188MB available

Windows Dir: C:\WINDOWS

DirectX Version: DirectX 9.0c (4.09.0000.0904)

DX Setup Parameters: Not found

DxDiag Version: 5.03.2600.2180 32bit Unicode

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Cannot register unknown string STR_MSG_PLAYERID_EMPTY

Cannot register unknown string STR_MSG_PLAYERID_INVALID

If this means what i think it does, im happy he can't play online whistle.gif

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A player from my clan have exacly the same problem ... no way to run mp games... =/

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I have the same issue. Single player, Campaign work great, but when I try to join multiplayer I crash to the desktop and get this error message.

Quote[/b] ]AppName: arma.exe AppVer: ModName: kernel32.dll

ModVer: 5.1.2600.2945 Offset: 00012a5b

I bought the dl version from Morphicon. I've already had issues with the sound drivers that came from ASUS so I switched to the Nvidia audio drivers and that allowed me to actually play the game. I'm leaning towards my motherboard as being the problem. Who else is having issues with Asus MOBOs? particularly the A7N8X series. I've updated all drivers and I'm not sure what to do next. Anyone have any ideas?


-Asus A7N8X-Deluxe

-AMD Athlon 3200+

-1GB DDR 400

-Nvidia 7800GS


Update 12-08-2006

OK I figured it out. check this post on Morphicon's forum

Morphicon Forum's

I had to move the original OPENAL32.dll and then update with this version. OpenAL32.dll After that it worked perfectly.

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fox im am surprised he can run the game with a cpu speed of 1.2ghz,,,

but i also have this problem with kernel32.dll

my system specs are

AMD X2 4400

2gb Ram

7800 GTX

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Well heres the description of a kenel32.dll error

Kernel32.dll is the 32-bit dynamic link library found in the Windows operating system kernel. It handles memory management, input/output operations, and interrupts. When Windows boots up, kernel32.dll is loaded into a protected memory space so other applications do not take that space over.

On occasion, though, users may encounter the "invalid page fault" error.

This error occurs when a program or application tries to access kernel32.dll's protected memory space. Sometimes the error is caused by one particular program or application, and other times it is provoked by multiple files and applications.

If the problem results from running one application, then the application needs to be replaced. If the problem occurs when accessing multiple files and applications, the corruption is probably caused by faulty hardware.

If i had to guess it could be the copy protection trying to gain access and not being able to there for causing that following kernel error to happen or with OpenAL

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Well heres the description of a kenel32.dll error

Kernel32.dll is the 32-bit dynamic link library found in the Windows operating system kernel. It handles memory management, input/output operations, and interrupts. When Windows boots up, kernel32.dll is loaded into a protected memory space so other applications do not take that space over.

On occasion, though, users may encounter the "invalid page fault" error.

This error occurs when a program or application tries to access kernel32.dll's protected memory space. Sometimes the error is caused by one particular program or application, and other times it is provoked by multiple files and applications.

If the problem results from running one application, then the application needs to be replaced. If the problem occurs when accessing multiple files and applications, the corruption is probably caused by faulty hardware.

If i had to guess it could be the copy protection trying to gain access and not being able to there for causing that following kernel error to happen or with OpenAL

So whats your suggestion to fix it, coz its kinda frustrating CTD every time in multiplayer

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I am having crashing problems in MP only also. Have tried the fixes mentioned but still have crashing problem.

This is from RPT on last crash<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">Date: 12/12/06 Time: 23:59:30


Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION at 01DC000F

graphics: D3D9, Device: Radeon X1650 Series, Driver:ati2dvag.dll

resolution: 1024x768x32


Desert in ca\desert\, CAIntroAnims in ca\introanims\, CASounds in ca\sounds\

CAWheeled in ca\wheeled\, CARoads in ca\roads\, CAAir in ca\air\

CA_Anims in ca\anims\, CAAnimals in CA\animals\, CAUI in Ca\UI\

CAWeapons in ca\weapons\, CACharacters in ca\characters\, CASigns in ca\signs\

CAFonts in ca\uifonts\, CAMisc in ca\misc\, CAPlants in CA\plants\

CAVoice in ca\voice\, CAData in ca\, CALanguage in ca\LANGUAGE\, CAWater in ca\water\

CA_Anims_Char in ca\anims\characters\, CATracked in ca\tracked\, Sara in ca\sara\

CABuildings in ca\buildings\, CARocks in CA\Rocks\

Mods: CA

Version 1.01.5094

Fault address: 01DC000F 31C2F550:00619000 Unknown module

file: ctf.corazol.karr (__CUR_MP)

world: Sara


EAX:00000001 EBX:006AC340

ECX:0203A37C EDX:28113840

ESI:0203A35C EDI:00000162


SS:ESP:0023:31C2F550 EBP:00000000

DS:0023 ES:0023 FS:003B GS:0000



note: Minidump has been generated into the file C:\Documents and Settings\Jason\Local Settings\Application Data\ArmA\arma.mdmp

Any Ideas?

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i see the crash was caused by the map you were playing in your report.

ctf.corazol.karr (__CUR_MP)

Maybe the issue is with the user made map? wink_o.gif

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Yea I saw that also Whiskey, as far as I know no one else on server had a problem. I went to bed after this crash so I will experiment more next time I guess.

One question though when I run the Open AL 1.1 Installer should I also remove in Add/Remove Programs as well as delete old driver from my system32 folder?

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One question though when I run the Open AL 1.1 Installer should I also remove in Add/Remove Programs as well as delete old driver from my system32 folder?

OpenAL installer just replaces old drivers, no need to delete anything.

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OK, so I still have no luck in multiplayer.

I have Updated my OpenAL driver.

I updated all Vid Drivers and Audio Drivers.

Seems like I read somewhere that EAX could be problem so I disabled that.

I sent crash files to support_AT_Bistudio.com, waiting to hear back.

Placebo, should I send these to your address also?

Also didn't post systems specs before so here they are.

P4 2.8ghz


Radeon X1650 Pro AGP 512mb

Audigy 2

Czech ver 1.01 from sprocket

DirectX 9.0c

Anyone, please heeeeeelp me!!  banghead.gif

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Sprocket download version fixed by installing starforce.

This link shows you how i fixed my MP game.  No more crashes due to starforce not being installed..


Sheesh sorry for this post here

to update SF drivers download always latest version from


yet Sprocket version should not use SF at all ...

it contain Softwrap ...

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