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ffur music

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this question is probably designated to thunderbird but what is the tune that gets played during the ffur 2006 2.5 menu screen? I really want it but need to know the name of it and where to get it from

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I don't use FFUR but I might be able to identafy it, got any clip of it? What are the words (If any)?

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no its not a song as such, it sounds like something from an action movie, its an orchestral theme with what sounds like oprah singers in the background, i really like it. But again i'm sure the person who knows it is the person who designed the menu. i do have a rough sound sample how do i get it online

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did a search but didnt come back with anything that sounded like it

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Very cool theme and very used , it was also used as Bullet Time theme in MP2 mod Cinema 2.0. So if you know how to decompile MP2 you can get it from there which is a high quality file.

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hmm editing stuff isn't one of my strong points. i can install mods and put addons in their folders etc... but that is as far as i can go. Unless anyone can do a step by step guide on how to do it.

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Dont know if this is the origin of the song but check the following link:

Plasma Pong

A great little game that looks nice too with the exact music as used in FFUR. i.e. either Thunderbird used the tunefrom Plasma Pong, or both FFUR and PP got the tune from the same place.

Edit: aha! in the PP Acknoledgements:

Quote[/b] ]# Intro music is © Harry Gregson-Williams - Training Montage from the Spy Game soundtrack.

# Battle music is © ES Posthumus - Pompeii.

Links found on the link above.

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excellent that 2nd one is the perfect match. Thank you very much

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Questions about addons/mods that have their own thread should be posted in that thread, General is certainly the wrong place for anything addon/mod related.

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