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No English Translation for Editing Guide/Book?

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You know, after years of trying to read 100s of poorly translated tutorials for mission editing, most of which were almost impossible to understand. Comes a book, the 100p Editing Reference for ArmA. The book came standard in German and was officially stated that the book would be converted into English. However in a typical *should have figured* case, this happened:

Quote[/b] ]In this same confirmation that also said that the Editing book released in the Collectors Edition will be in German. There will be no English translation., Armedassault.eu

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And? The thing is written BY a german (I think) and it is FOR the german special edition. I don't see how it is even close to being strange that the guide won't be translated...If 505 wants to add a editing guide to their special edition, they'll have to fix it themself, not expect the german publisher to do all the work with getting the guide and then hand it over to them...

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That is shocking.. post this comment in the "what you would like in the 505 SE". I think this should be a must!

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This is to prevent my fellow countrymen from attempting to make missions. Trust me it's for the better. wink_o.gif

Snarky answers aside, I can see why the "English language feature" was dropped. Hopefully good tutorials in English will arise in the vacuum.

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Would like to see the lines where BIS anounced that there would be a editing-guide included in the package. As far es I know, the German E-G was a special deal between publisher Morphicon and Mr Murray, who wrote it.

So where is the "English Mr Murray"? Thatswhy, I wonder about the "promise", I thought it was only the idea of Morphicon as the publisher of the German speaking countries.

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Watch the mission editor video on armed assault zone, all of the scripting is pretty much the same as ofp smile_o.gif

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Well I'd actually like to get through a tutorial without having to open up a dictionary to try and understand every other word in the tutorial.

OFPEC said it would later be translated into English.


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Quote[/b] ]OFPEC said it would later be translated into English.

I wouldn´t place my bets on that, keeping in mind that Morphicon paid for the manual and owns the distribution rights.

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As has been mentioned already it was a specially created guide for the German special edition, nobody official has said it would be translated to English so you shouldn't believe the wrong sources.

Suggest in the 505 special edition thread that they include an editing guide if that's what you want.

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