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Is there any available su34 addons. I know that pennywise and hudson were working on one whatever happened to it its been 3 years crazy_o.gif

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This question has been asked more than once. there was a thread about it just the other week.... used the search option and no SU-34 addons exist. such aircraft have limited use in ofp anyway...

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Good News guys the addon will be released soon and there was no other su-34 thread dude other than this i searched.

Quote[/b] ]

Universal says:


Universal says:

i am an operation flashpoint modder

Hudson says:


Universal says:

and i just saw ure su-34 and ive been wondering has it ever been released

Universal says:

i mean its gorgeous

Hudson says:

thats funny that you ask, im sitting here trying to gizmo map the fuselage

Universal says:

ah i thought u abandoned work on it

Hudson says:


Universal says:

cause its been like 3 years

Hudson says:

just real slow

Hudson says:

I play OFP to much

Universal says:

rofl same

Universal says:

have u ever tried modding the dkm tunguska ?

Hudson says:

nope but I use it on my server

Universal says:

cause i just cant figure out how to make the radar spin and make it fire on the move like the pantsir s1

Hudson says:

does it say how to use the scripts in the readme file?

Universal says:


Universal says:

thats the thing about dkm

Universal says:

btw so how much percent is the su34 done ?

Hudson says:

I just had to make a new model for the fuselage so I took a big step back

Universal says:

huh what happened ?

Hudson says:

were not planning on a release untill an international release of armed assault is ready

Hudson says:

4 months maybe

Universal says:

howcome ?

Hudson says:

I didnt make the fuselage symetrical, it made it impossible to do UWV unwrap

Universal says:

do u still have the older version

Hudson says:


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Universal says:

i am an operation flashpoint modder

Really? huh.gif


Anyway, it's good news that he's still alive and kicking.


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Universal  says:

i am an operation flashpoint modder

Really? huh.gif

I lol'ed  rofl.gif

rofl.gif lmao

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Yea I know it wasnt really the best way to start a convo.

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To learn more about animating objects, please look at [this tutorial] by the magnificent BRSSEB.

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This question has been asked more than once. there was a thread about it just the other week.... used the search option and no SU-34 addons exist. such aircraft have limited use in ofp anyway...

I think any addon can find it's purpose in OFP!

It all depends on the mission makers imagination.

Sincerely, MilitiaSniper

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I said 'limited' not no use. And its true, ofp was never intended to support fast jet aircraft.

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I said 'limited' not no use. And its true, ofp was never intended to support fast jet aircraft.

There are some big islands out there that I don't fly about unless I'm in an afterburner aircraft... Example: SKC's F-5 on PMC Europe... inlove.gif

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or using the su-47 berkut :P (gotta love russians using the inverted wing concept of the ju287)

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I said 'limited' not no use. And its true, ofp was never intended to support fast jet aircraft.

That's why BIS decided to include 2 combat jet aircraft huh.gif

Was it intended to support Star Wars and Lego? Cos they've both been represented succesfully

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I said 'limited' not no use. And its true, ofp was never intended to support fast jet aircraft.

That's why BIS decided to include 2 combat jet aircraft huh.gif

Last time I checked, neither the A-10 or the Su-25 could be called "fast jets". Sure they are jets, but they're meant for low, slow flight to bust tanks, not to dogfight at 30,000 feet with BVR missiles...

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I said 'limited' not no use. And its true, ofp was never intended to support fast jet aircraft.

That's why BIS decided to include 2 combat jet aircraft huh.gif

Last time I checked, neither the A-10 or the Su-22 could be called "fast jets". Sure they are jets, but they're meant for low, slow flight to bust tanks, not to dogfight at 30,000 feet with BVR missiles...

The Su-34 is a replacement for the Su-24 if I'm not mistaken, whose mission profile dictated it also to fly low and fast, and hit hard, being mainly a ground attack aircraft, although not necessarily a tank buster like the Su-25 (Su-22 was also a ground attack aircraft IIRC). Therefore, Su-22, Su-24 and Su-34 are all very welcome.gif in OFP! biggrin_o.gif

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My bad, typed -22 when I meant -25.

Either way, the SU-34 (or SU-27IB) is a naval fighter/bomber, meant for theatre-wide operations. With a cruising speed of ~1,300km/h and a range of 700 miles, its not THE MOST suitable aircraft for OFP.

I'm not saying don't make it, I'm just saying there are other, more suitable aircraft.

BI included suitable aircraft for their engine, and you wonder why people complain that OFP isnt a flight sim... crazy_o.gif

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Guest RKSL-Rock

To be honest i think any aircraft is suitable, IF the developers and mission makers don’t go mad and over power it.

I don’t see the point on uber fast jets doing 1200kph. With a few exceptions most of the planes made for OFP are way too powerful. If you want to use 'fast jets' the addon makers and mission makers need to get together to make them practical. It is possible to do and still have more than just A10s and Su-25s flying around.

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For now no news of the su-34 Hudsons still offline on msn and I havent seen him without the away status for like eras. I still hope it would be released within 4 months as he said he would.

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Wait 4 months, and don't bug him with update requests.

Just some friendly advice.


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I hope the su-34 will be available by the time ArmA is released so no pressures or anything I cant wait to test that baby out.

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