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Under fire situations

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Generally they will start shoting "11 o''clock Soldier, 100" or something to that effect, which gives a good indication as to when they are being fired on.

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Ao the squad leader will shout "Under fire" or somethig.

However if you mean terms of mission editing i suppose you could check what cobat mode the squad is. If they are in danger then i persume they must be under fire providing waypoints arent used to change the squads combat mode.

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Ao the squad leader will shout "Under fire" or somethig.

Or the soldier that actually takes fire will say it whistle.gif

But as stated, you've probably set them to careless or something.

Try with

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">this setBehaviour Combat

in the groupleaders Init, and see what happens.

Otherwise you could do a script wich checks if a soldier have lost any health (wich they mostly do when being shot at), and that can trigger a radio-call with whatever you wish.

Not 100% sure of how, I can try to find it though.



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Ao the squad leader will shout "Under fire" or somethig.

However if you mean terms of mission editing i suppose you could check what cobat mode the squad is. If they are in danger then i persume they must be under fire providing waypoints arent used to change the squads combat mode.

I have tested it in the past, squads that come into contact with the enemy will switch to combat behaviour.

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Yes but carless is something else altogether, and ony useful when you want a lot of control over vehicles, ie: insertion scens and cutscenes.

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ok maybe ill better rephrase it

thing is since iam closing in with the opfor

i need the soldiers to report back to me if they are shot at

so i would be able to give them the certain defensive commands



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As said before, AI will state "under fire" and report enemy positions when they come under fire or enter combat situations. You can also add eventHandler "fired" to units to make it a bit more accurate.

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