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I am greeting again;)

After the not pretended attempt with the Khawar island I decided to make something less (seemingly) demanding. I took for myself at the land look like the village in which I am living but it isn't carefuly and total copying. I have most often taken some fragment of the land and I moved it to OFP. So I added fields, the magazine, the avenue of the poplar or small farms.

The island this time is 64x64 sizes what into inches isn't such a small land. Admittedly a majority of the map is fields but I am doing everything around like with large amounts of details. She looks as if somebody took the piece of the land out (something like Don Steppe). The height of the land is fluctuating between 48 and 52 metres.

Objects I am using which are of course Farmland as well as the Wioska from Reyhard, Kla Power Lines and grass from UWAR.

And probably most important: the map will be carrying the name Tarin. It isn't name for the village in which I am living and I don't know why I just invented such a name :P

I am planning spending the map at the latest for two weeks.

And for supporting my words a few screens:


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looks good i'd like to use it for spetsnaz missions going to find someone etc...

maybe surround the village with trees? and maybe a very small military base with a helipad? uo ti yiu wink_o.gif

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looks pretty good, though the church area need a bit more detail to it from what i saw at the pic. And don't forget to fill in the gaps a little bit more. smile_o.gif

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Looking good, keep up the work!

Don't forget doing as much as you can to make the island feel alive, for example, as helping_hand said, add trees around villages etc.

Keep it up



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thanks guys biggrin_o.gif I'll remember that and copy to the map ;]

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Today I did some work on the map. So I touched the church up (gravestones are into the flip side but right away I will correct it :P), I had the next small estate and created the small forest in field together with the tiny lumber mill (still requires a bit of work) and I added a few little details. These are a few pictures:







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Am I the only one who thought the misspelled "train"?

But newerthless, looks good. Though yeah, trees. And please put enough enterable houses there, for those searchin' missions helping_hand mentioned. Or assasinations.

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Today I had almost an entire holiday. I decided to use it for doing some work on the map. So I corrected the church, the forest and I did a few new estates. Still a bit jobs above buildings, and later I am doing something about empty areas. And these are a few screens:












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looks pretty cool.

imo it could be used for older missions as it looks as if its set the 40's would be perfect for some of the early world war II missions

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it wouldnt look out of place for any mission IMHO great for WW2 style or Spetsnaz / SOFG style i like the map so far loony cant wait to see the end product wink_o.gif

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Today I did some work smile_o.gif so three new estates and a petrol station came into existence. State of all objects as of today these are a bit of over 15 thousands. I am inviting for commenting and writing some of ideas wink_o.gif and here you have a few of pictures:









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nice screens really. smile_o.gif just the one with the fuel station, i was thinking will a.i cars be able to pass there on the road , through the station?

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No wink_o.gif

fuel station is next to the main road. I'll make a better screen wink_o.gif

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And next works above the map. Then again I did a few estates and I corrected a gas station. I hope, as now that's all looks good wink_o.gif still I am waiting for some ideas and suggestions! Don't be afraid to ask or complain :P

Works above the island are already nearing the end! I am planning for the next week finishing her off and he is handing over to a few persons for testing. Later I will correct her and I will publish.

And these are current screens:













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i'd like to see a picture of it from the air... in WRP tool, go to file and save as bmp, and show us what it looks like...it looks a bit barren from the screenshots

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@olemissrebel - no problem wink_o.gif

I'll make all forests when I finish the buildings and estates

Last time very lite I am doing on map. Now I did only one estate and the school. From the back of the school I will still correct textures.

Recently enough many people said that areas were empty. So I will say this way: at first I will do buildings, and then forests in which a few surprises biggrin_o.gif

I did screen from WRPTool:


And rest of screens:




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I'm greeting after the tea break :P Somehow last time I lost the enthusiasm for working on the island... a school started and then it is a well-known fact: lessons, tests and science :/ but yet recently I found a little time to do some work on the map. Admittedly it is still a bit for doing, I take this for beta-tests and maybe in a week I will publish Tarin! Let us hope ;]

And a few screens from works:









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