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i have been looking at some of the arma prerelease videos, evrything looks amazing, the way the guys move, the tanks, the way the weapons look.

almsot everything looks great well except the weapon recoils, even the .22 i shoot on the range has more recoil than the rifles i've seen on the videos.

but maybe i've missed something about this great game, so please let me know if there's been a news on recoil? i've read on the homepage for arma that the weapon recoils are supposed to be realistic, and i really hope they are.

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BI is still trying to get it just right. They said it they set the recoil too strong before and now it's too weak.

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Either the .22 you fire is an absolute monster, or you need to take up some barbells. I've fired quite a few 22s, and when I was 12 and shooting cans in Rockhampton at a mate's property I thought 22s had piss all recoil, at least compared to the 12G.

IMHO, from what I can see in the videos, the 5.56mm recoil is quite realistic, and judging from my own experience (I'm qualled on the 5.56 F88 (Steyr)) the recoil is fine, seems just the right amount to me.

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Either the .22 you fire is an absolute monster, or you need to take up some barbells. I've fired quite a few 22s, and when I was 12 and shooting cans in Rockhampton at a mate's property I thought 22s had piss all recoil, at least compared to the 12G.

IMHO, from what I can see in the videos, the 5.56mm recoil is quite realistic, and judging from my own experience (I'm qualled on the 5.56 F88 (Steyr)) the recoil is fine, seems just the right amount to me.

It's all fine and while the recoil may be dead on you don't actually shoot it using a mouse do you?

The way we control the game (mouse+keyboard) removes realism and a bit of extra recoil or some other measures to make aiming realisticly difficult is in order.

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please don't get into this how muscular are you type of posts.

fact is rifles recoil. even .22s recoil (bolt action and defienlty not a monster).

bit in arma (and i'm referring to this video specifically http://files.filefront.com/testing2avi/;5506800;;/fileinfo.html four quarters of the way through) the rifle hardly moves when fired.

thats' the point of my post.

in vsb1 the recoil is much greater. one can see vsb1 videos on their hompage for comparison.

the community will fix it sure, (WGL for example) but hell, with everything else so damn good why let it down with air-rifle like recoils on the rifles in game.

oh, here's a nice video of a steyr aug rifle being shot. never shot one of these myself but would love to. it does seem to have noticablely more recoil than the rifles in the game although being a different type who can tell. maybe these guys just aren't muscular enough.


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