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FFUR 2006

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Ello mates! Long time lurker and OFP player, here.

The initial release was plagued with numerous bugs. Most of which were a result scripting errors and improper playtesting involving almost every facet of the modification. However, given the problems, I continued to play the mod. I really don't know why I did. Perhaps it was the fact that FFUR 2006 featured what others didn't. That being said, FFUR 2.0 is in my opinion only of course, one of the top five mods/compiled mods of all time. It's spot on!

My opinion as a Marine with two tours in Iraq has to count for something. smile_o.gif

Thank you FFUR team!

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It is my favorite mod too, but this should probably go in ffur's thread.

ps - Thank you for your service.

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You are the welcome,

I feel very pleased to see that people continue to be interested in FFUR, even if things get a bit slow.

I never thought it would get this far when I started this project, which is, thankfully, supported by the entire community and which is done by people from all countries, religions and different ways of life.

I just dedicate it to everyone.




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Threads relating to an addon/mod that has its own thread should be posted in the thread for the addon/mod.

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