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AI aircraft deliver heavy tanks

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Gang, sort of related to previous discussions about heavy tanks and aircraft.

In an MP mission, I want to have an AI heavy aircraft (Vit An124 or Hawk C5 seems best) delivery a couple of heavy tanks to the airport at malden on a trigger (players clear all enemy AA).

Is it possible to do this, ideally without scripting as I really haven't grasped that yet? Here's what I've done so far;

I've moveincargo'd a tank into the aircraft, told them they are flying and even grouped them with me, but the tank falls striaght out and the aircraft never obeys my commands to land, even if I line it up with runway centreline. Incidentaly, the C5 usually crashes. I wasn't expecting to be able to group the civilian 124 with me to allow me to give it orders from the runway but it did accept that. The only thing is it transported my player character from the runway to the plane from where I fell directly into the sea, along with the tank. It then goes on to cirle the airfield endlessly.

Ideally, I'd like all this to happen automatically by a trigger rather than me having to order the chap to land (disembark).

Any thoughts greatly appreciated.


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totaly impossible without scripting..

you cant carry vechilces in aircraft with out the clipping issues and then vehiclals exploding in the air, need scripting..

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OK, so the alternative is to spawn the aircraft and tanks on the runway when the kill AA objective is complete. That's my fall back position then.

How complex is the scripting?

Is it going to be hampered by the AI inability to fly large aircraft?

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I think that the spawning is the best solution. Large aircrafts don't land very well on these small airfields on Everon, Malden, etc. Try to learn how to spawn the vehicles, it should be the easiest way, I think.

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Agreed, though its a real shame it can't be made to work.

Actually, Vits 124 flies like a flighter. In testing I even had it inverted - it was quite a sight, I can tell you! Because it can turn on a sixpence, the AI/autopilot actually makes a very decent fist of putting on the tarmac and the 124 looks fabulous. It looks eveb better in the air, mostly cos it's just so laggy. Oh, and the supplied cargo scripts doesn't work. Such a shame.

What I'm going to do is when the 'take down AA" objective is complete, I'm going to spawn Hawks C5 on the runway and spawn a couple of M1A1s under it's tail. As a little flourish, I might have the C5 take off as the player team approach. smile_o.gif

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