Nicolas Eymerich 0 Posted September 6, 2006 --->  R E S I S T E N C E ' S  D A W N <--      REALESED --> Mission.1\Mission.2 <-- ---> Feature 0) Only a few add-on required (see below) 1) Ability to play this mission with Your own set of Add-on 2) Ability to purchase and to control up to 5 infantry team and 5 Apc units  (more powerful units will be aviable in the following missions) 3) Mission User Friendly and possibility for player to modify  the mission according to its own Pc configuration 4) Intro outro Overview and Briefing and some Cutscene 5) Actor's voices 6) Custom music avaible to be listened during the mission 7) Dynamic Wheather 8) Possibility to choose the unit of the Main character and other interesting  modification 9) Little or no lag at all (depending the add-on choosen) 10) Two Languages: Italian and English 11) T.e.p (time estimated of playing) : 1.5 hr \ 2 hr 12) On monday 24\09\06 Mission2 && Mission3 Will be released... 13) Mission Size 18 Mb (.rar on rapidshare). --> Requirements: 2.8 Ghz, 1Mb Ram, X700pro - 256Mb --> Only the Best for the OFP Community P.s. Read the Readme cerefully. It's all explaned there.    Due to lack of time (They're really stressing at work)    I will not answer nor provide support to any questions    can find its answer on the readme. P.p.s Due to a Bug of the last minute, I've no chance but to     split the orignal mission in four different ones. I'm sorry     about this. P.p.p.s Please note that mission n.2\3\4 are only 5 mb. I'n not      going to realese the music again. Special Thanks to BiS (Placebo) for mirriroring this mission Mission Link: Add-on Needed: Bas Pavewacks Mi26 1.1. Mapfact oil Mapfact-Nogova ver.1.22 Barracks v 1.5 EditorUpdate 1.02 (general Barron) Nicolas Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nicolas Eymerich 0 Posted September 8, 2006 ScreenShots Post (Edit -> Updated 12\09\06) ---- Scrensoots 08\09\2006 --> Apc Reinforcemnts on arrive -->Infantry Drop -->All Plane units avaible --> All military chopper --> a view of your  H.q -->An Apc drop on the ground (covered by other messages...sigh! ----- Scrensoots 12\09\06 ;Assaulting Varta ;From The Intro.sqs 1) 2) ;An Hint txt showing a list of the unit avaible ;Assaulting a Rebel Outpost ;a briefing during a plot mission ;a plot mission ;a cut-scene of a plot mission ; cut scene of the intro movie ;units at your command (part 1) (part2) (part-3\4) ;on the battlefield Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
.kju 3245 Posted September 15, 2006 looks good personally i hope it will be possible to convert the mission to other addons/mods easily Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nicolas Eymerich 0 Posted September 15, 2006 Quote[/b] ]personally i hope it will be possible to convert the mission to other addons/mods easily Absolutly yes. --> by putting the name of the add-on you want to use in a general array stored in the User.sqs File Because of this the Mission will not be realesed in a .pbo format but in the same format as of the editor. Then, it is sufficient to modify the User.sqs File and convert the mission in Pbo and voila'... You've the mission with your own set of add-on! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
crashdome 3 Posted September 15, 2006 I think this is really cool idea. When I get my OFp working again, Im going to add this to my "try" list. Personally, I like the cutscenes and music included. However, I do know it might throw some people off.. so doing a seperate one without music and such (for file size purposes) would probably help spread the mission around. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nicolas Eymerich 0 Posted September 18, 2006 This is the UserFile.sqs Quote[/b] ];UserFile.sqs ; ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;------------------------UNIT MODIFICATION---------------------------------- ; (ADD-ON) ;  HERE BELOW USER CAN CHOOSE THE TYPE OF UNIT HE'LL BE ;  ABLE TO PURCHASE (AND TO CONTROL) DURING THE MISSION ; 1 - TYPE OF CHOPPER    --> String ; 2 - NAME OF THE UNIT (Displayed in the sidechat\ hint text)   --> String ; 3 - COST OF THE UNIT (Credits you'll spend to purchase the unit)   --> Number ; 4 - TYPE OF PLANE     --> String ; 5 - TYPE OF TANK   (All units are driven by 3 PILOTS)     --> String ; 6 - TYPE OF APC     --> String ; 7 - TYPE OF SOLDIER  (A = LEADER, B = MACHINEGUNNER, C = GRANADIER,   --> String ; 7bis D = RPG-SOLDIER,  E = SIMPLE SOLDIER, ; F = SNYPER, G = AA SOLDIER) ; 7Tris --> WARNING --> ONLY 1 TEAM IS AVAIBLE (USE UNITS OF THE SAME ADD-ON) ; 8 - COST OF ANY DIFFERENT TEAM (I = SCOUT, II = PATROL, III = ASSAULT   --> Number ;    IV = HEAVY ASSAULT, V = COMMANDO) ; 9 - NAME OF TEAM (Displayed in the action options)   --> String ; 10 - Type of (Static) MachinGunner ;2 Bis - How many pilot are needed to lead the Chopper   --> 1 <= Number <= 2 ;3 Bis - How many Soldiers are needed for Tank's Crew (Default = 3)   --> 2 <= Number <= 3 ;4 Bis - Number of pilot needed to lead the AirCraft   --> 1 <= Number <= 2 ;6 Bis - How many Soldiers are needed for Vehicle's Crew   --> 2 <= Number <= 3 ;7 Bis - When putting differents units, follow the order given. Array_Type_Heli  = [["bas_ah60l","AH60-DAP", 12000, 2], ["mi24_Ru6", "HIND", 15000, 2], ["Cobra", "AH1", 17000, 2], ["MPIV_UAEAH64DN_AT_DES", "APACHE", 18500, 2], ["DKMM_RAH66_AHB", "RAH66-COMANCHE", 20000, 2]] Array_Type_Plane = [["A10", "A10", 7000, 1], ["SU25", "SU-25", 8500, 1], ["IkaR_F14_AGM_65", "F-14", 10000, 2], ["RAD_Hornet_AGM88Dg", "F-18", 12500, 1], ["RKTSu33Miss", "SU-33", 8000, 1]] Array_Type_Heavy = [["ICP_T80UM", "T-80", 12000, 3 ], ["DKMM_CT12UM", "BLACK-EAGLE", 15000, 3], ["INQ_M1A2", "M1-ABRAMS", 23000, 3], ["ICP_T90", "T-90", 19000, 3], ["MAF_SA_13_2", "SA-13", 7000, 3]] Array_Type_Light = [["VIT_BTR80", "BTR-80", 1500, 2], ["CBT_M113A2_W", "M113", 1850, 2], ["VIT_BMD3", "BMD3", 3000, 3], ["TU_YPR765", "APC3", 4000, 3], ["Bradley", "M2A2", 4500, 3]] Array_Type_Man  = [["LSR_delta90_leader", "LSR_delta90_mgunner_ai", "LSR_delta90_riflegrenadier", "LSR_delta90_law", "LSR_delta90_rifleman", "LSR_delta90_spotter", "LSR_delta_aa"], [1200, 2500, 1800, 2500, 3500], ["SCOUT TEAM", "AA TEAM", "MG TEAM", "AT TEAM", "COMMANDO TEAM"]] Array_Type_Object = [["BAS_DShK"]] ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;------------------------GAME MODIFICATION--------------------------------- ;Money -> Credit(s) at the start mission (For Cheater...)   --> Number Soldi = 5000 ;Max number of Land unit allowed (max is 10)   --> Number P_Numero_Veicoli_Max = 3 ;Max number of Air unit allowed  (max is 10)   --> Number P_Numero_VeicoliAerei_Max = 2 ;First Aid Avaible at the beginning of the mission   --> Number P_Avaible_FirstAid = 4 ;Diazepam Avaible at the beginning of the mission   --> Number P_Avaible_Diazepam = 4 ;income of the city ordered as follow: ; 1 = Bitov - 2 = Blata - 3 = Varta - 4 = VelkaVes - 5 = Loukov   --> Number ; 6 = Lany  - 7 = Kvilda   --> Number ; 0 = Credits Bonus gained after conquered the city   --> Number P_Income_City = [[75, 4000], [50, 0], [100, 6500], [125, 10000], [150, 15000], [100, 10000], [100, 6000]] ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;---------------------UNIT YOU'LL FACE DURING THE MISSION------------------- ; 1  - MAN Type Unit ; 1A - Friendly unit you'll meet during the mission (They we'll join you)  --> String ; 1B - Hostile unit you'll face during the mission  (They'll Fight you)   --> String ; I = Leader, II = Soldier; III = Machine Gunner; IV = Granadier ; V = Rpg Soldier; VI = Anti Air SOldier; VII = Machine Gunner ; VIII = Rpg Soldier; IX = Granadier ; 2  - ARMORED type unit ; 2A - Tank (Unit with 3 crew's members);  2B - AA Guns (Shilka and so on)  --> String ; 2C - Apc  (Unit with 2 crew's members);    --> String ; 3  - AIR Type Unit   --> String ; 3A - Plane \3ABis = Plane's Crew   --> String And 1 <= Number <= 2 ; 3B - Heli \3BBis = Heli's Crew   --> String And 1 <= Number <= 2 ; 4  - Weapon(s) you'll found in the Ammo Depot placed around the Map   --> String ; 4A - Type Of Weapon; 4B - Type of Ammunition (Warning! put the name ; of the weapon and of the ammunition inside the "" i.e. "c8xak74mag" ; not, instead, c8xak74mag. ;(3*) Only friendly Man Type unit will join you during the mission ;1A - (3*) Array_General_Friendly = [["Suchspets2", "SuchRauto", "SuchRgren", "Suchr_rpg", "", ""], []] ;1B Array_General_Enemy   = [["BAS_RebelOfficerHD", "BAS_RebelSoldierHD", "BAS_RebelMGunnerHD", "BAS_RebelHVYMGunnerHD", "BAS_RebelRPGAASoldier", "BAS_RebelSapperHD", "BAS_RebelSoldier4HD", "BAS_RebelSoldier3HD"], ["OfficerG", "SoldierGMG", "SoldierGG", "SoldierGLAW", "SoldierGAT", "SoldierGAA", "SoldierGMedic", "SoldierGLAW"], ["BAS_GovernmentOfficer", "BAS_GovernmentSoldierHD", "BAS_GovernmentMGunnerHD", "BAS_GovernmentRPGSoldierHD", "BAS_GovernmentMGunnerHD", "BAS_GovernmentScoutSapperHD", "BAS_GovernmentScoutRPGAPHD", "BAS_GovernmentMGunnerHD"], ["euro_est_LDRNTHD", "euro_est_RFL1HD", "euro_est_GLHD", "euro_est_AUTHD", "euro_est_MGHD", "euro_est_RPGHD", "euro_est_ATHD", "euro_est_MEDHD"]] Array_General_Land   = [["ICP_T80UM", "ICP_T90", "DKMM_CT12UM", "ICP_T72B", "VIT_BMD3"], ["RUS_ZSU_R", "MAF_MTLB_ZU23","MAF_SA_13_2"], ["MAF_MTLB", "BAS_GBRDM", "BAS_AUAZDShK2", "VIT_BTR80", ""]] Array_General_Plane   = [ ["A10", 1], ["Su25", 1], ["RKTSu33Miss", 1], ["RAD_Hornet_AGM88Dg", 1] , ["IkaR_F14_AGM_65", 1] ] Array_General_Heli   = [ ["AH64", 2], ["Cobra", 2], ["Mi24", 2], ["DKMM_RAH66_AHB", 2], ["DKMM_MI28_AB", 2]] Array_Weapon_West    = [["LSR_m240", "JAM_W762M_200HDmag"], ["LSR_m60", "LSR_m60"], ["LSR_m4_rx", "JAM_W556_30mag"], ["LSR_m4_m203_aim", "JAM_W556_30HDmag", "LSR_m203grenade"], ["LSR_m14_dmr", "JAM_W762_20mag"], ["LSR_m3", "JAM_12Gauge_Shotgun_Mag"]] Array_Weapon_East   = [["C8XAK74M1p29", "c8xak74mag"], ["C8XAK74MGP25cobra", "c8xak74mag", "c8xgp25grenade"], ["C8XRPK74M", "c8xrpk74mag"], ["C8XAKS74Ucobra", "c8xaks74umag"]] ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;---------------------LAG (REDUCE) OPTIONS--------------------------------------- ;Global Performance P_Global_Performance = [ [.5, .2, .8, .2], [1000], [11, "TankYes", "AirNo", "ApcYes"], ["MusicYes"] ] ; --> 1A1 -> Define the random fog's value during the mission  (*Sub 1)   0 <  Number <= 1 ; --> 1A2 -> Define the Fixed fog's value during the mission  (*Sub 1)   0 <  Number <= 1 ; --> 1A3 -> Define the random rain's value during the mission (*Sub 1)   0 <  Number <= 1 ; --> 1A4 -> Define the random rain's value during the mission (*Sub 1)   0 <  Number <= 1 ; --> 2  -> Define the viewdistance (I suggest to keep it beetwen 1000\1200)   0 <  Number < 5000 (! ; --> 3A -> How Many Enemy Teams will be respawned on the island   6 <= Number <= 11 ; --> 3B -> If (string == "TankYes") Then {tanks units will be spawned on the island}  String == "TankYes" ; --> 3C -> If (string == "AirYes")  Then {Airs units will be spawned on the island}   String == "AirYes" ; --> 3D -> If (string == "ApcYes")  Then {Apc units will be spawned on the island}   String == "ApcYes" ; --> 4  -> Define the music. "MusicYes" -> Let the player the ability to listen custom ;    music during the mission and the cutscene. ; Sub1  --> To reduce lag, 1A should be 0 and 1B should Be near 0.6. To Heavy reduce lag ; 1A sould be 0.7 but this will almost destroy the game experience. This is the link to an Ofp bug. Here the address if you want to know more : ). The original mission will be splitted mission in four seperate missions. After the realese of them all I'll make a general fix and I'll realese them as (mini) Campaign. Quote[/b] ]I think this is really cool idea. When I get my OFp working again, Im going to add this to my "try" list. Thank you very much... Quote[/b] ]Personally, I like the cutscenes and music included. However, I do know it might throw some people off.. so doing a seperate one without music and such (for file size purposes) would probably help spread the mission around. Thank you for your suggestions. Don't worry. Even the music will be friendly user (I mean that player can choose even his set of music add-on and can remove it if they don't like him). Quote[/b] ]lovely Nicolas Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
colligpip 0 Posted September 19, 2006 Will there be a co-op version of this? Looks good Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nicolas Eymerich 0 Posted September 19, 2006 Will there be a co-op version of this? Looks good Unfortunatly no... Sorry Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nami 0 Posted September 20, 2006 Cool!!!!! Seems a good idea!!! I hope to try it soon Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nicolas Eymerich 0 Posted September 21, 2006 Quote[/b] ]Cool!!!!! Seems a good idea!!! I hope to try it soon Tomorrow, in the early morning, The first Mission will be realesed Thank you for your support Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Placebo 29 Posted September 22, 2006 FileFront Mirror Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nicolas Eymerich 0 Posted September 25, 2006 Okay, I've now uploaded the second mission. Same feature as the first one, execpt that here you'll be able to purchase and use Chopper apc && infantry team... This is the link Download size: 2.5 Mb (more or less). P.s. No music in this second mission. If you want to hear them, then download the first mission and follow the instruction in the readme. p.p.s To download this mission click on the link and in the opening page click on "Free". Enjoy!! Â Share this post Link to post Share on other sites