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Finding Textures

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(I hope this is the right forum)

Hey, I am working on a Civillian Vauxhall/Opel Vectra for Operation Flashpoint. I am trying to find textures for it, but google has turned up very little. I was wondering how you people get your textures for vehicles? Do you go out and photograph things yourself, find them on the internet or make them up yourself in, say, Photoshop?

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It myself, though using photos as a base can also be a good choice for certain projects, or for people wanting to save time. There is a clear visible difference between photobased textures and textures made from scratch in OFP though.

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I don't understand what you mean, I am just using 02 to do this. The skinning tutorial at the top is broken as well sad_o.gif

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OFP.info, where the tutorials of BRSSEB (best O2 tutorials) are hosted is down at the moment. It's best to wait until it is accessible again.

[bRSSEB website]

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Quote[/b] ]Do you go out and photograph things yourself, find them on the internet or make them up yourself in, say, Photoshop?

personally i use pictures that i edit with photoshop, or i create my own textures, with a basic texture as background (metal, wood, stone etc).

you need some photoshop tuts, it's always good to learn new things:

an example: http://www.good-tutorials.com/tutorials/photoshop/textures

good luck smile_o.gif

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If you start a google search on: textures

or Texturen (german) you should find a lot of

free to use textures.

For a start take this:

Some texture links

And this one features a whole lot of textures for creating

buildings: Dave Guerra's textures

Photoshop or Paintshop Pro would off course be an advantage

to use, if you want to change something, but there's also

some free software like Gimp which you could use.

If you totally fail at texturing, you can also try to find some

decent texturer (maybe at OFPEC recruitement depot).

All in all, creating a 3d model is one thing, but texturing is

a science in it's own too and textures of good quality are

not without reason beeing well paid by some companies

like texturers are.

Take a look at Turbosquid, where there's beside a lot of downloads from 2d/3d

models/textures/etc. even a forum for that.

~S~ CD

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