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I hope this is the right place to post this, if not, sorry.

I was wondering if anybody knows if there's a WWII CTI out there? And if so, where to get it? I did a search on this forum and found nothing so far, so, does anybody have an answer?


Found one on ofp.info:


Is this one any good?

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Yes it does, there was a project called CTI44 that put a lot of WWII stuff into one big pack. I used to play it and it was a lot of fun. Now it looks like the main page is down for it and I don't see the server on OFPwatch.

Looks like you can still download the pack (and the CTI missions) at OFP.info however.

By the way, if you wanna view those screenshots on OFP.info, just click on them and change "gamezone" in the address to "gamepark".


Yup that one is good smile_o.gif

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It was plauged with problems when I first started playing it online. Many were sorted out, but by then. Most people had abandoned it. Hopefully someone will bring out a new version, once we have a comprehensive WW2 Mod that does not lag like hell in MP.

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Well mostly I'm planning on SP play :P, so I'm gonna test that one, might even swap some of the addons with never versions, I just hope that won't unbalance the whole thing...

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Couple of ctis to give a try:

ww2 crcti:


Made by maxim, based on Cleanrocks crcti



Made by Doolittle

Finmod ww2 cti:


made by DVD and rundll.exe, based on Cleanrocks crcti

I still think that wwiicti based on good old mfcti is best but thats just my opinion. In crcti Ai will give you a tough fight. I recommend that for sp.  confused_o.gif  tounge2.gif

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Hmm, the CTI I found on ofp.info won't work sad_o.gif, I have no idea which addpns does the ww2 crcti need, might give a try to WWII dlCTI, just the huge pack scares me :O. I wanna try it anyway, I hope the AI is more active than usually. Also, does anybody know any good regular COOP CTIs where your AI actually buys vehicles? Dunno, MFCTI is ok, but your troops keep on walking for some reason, I mean, I'm the only one buying vehicles.

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For crctiww2 you need this addons:




For Mfcti 44






Finmod crcti ww2:

http://koti.mbnet.fi/~fdfmod/ (You need fdfmod 1.3 and ww2 patch 1.4)





Mfcti44 shortcut on my desktop looked like this:

-nosplash -nomap -mod=@cti44;@cti44-elv;@mfcti

It warned about missing addon "vonRstu". Find that addon from somewhere or edit mission. To edit mission

you have to unpbo mission and replace the old Stuart with something new.

Or you can just remove "vonRstu" line in mission.sqm and

buy some other tanks than Stuarts :P

Worked just fine here!

MFCTI: How to assign your AIs to buy vehicles:

As commander, open Command Menu->Teams->Set role and independent.

Now your Ai will buy vehicles/Planes/units according to role you assigned.  biggrin_o.gif

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Thanx for poiting out the right missions/addons already Väinämöinen:)

if you want CTI where AI buys theyr own stuff (on your side) try crCTI1.0b3 found on Cr-ofp

in crCTI 0.93 (where the FDF wwII mission is based on) the enmy AI buys theyr own stuff (even planes) and give you a verry hard time sometimes. But AI on your own sides dont build theyr own stuff. but if you fill them with AI and tanks, they are verry effective.

support can be found at the Hotshots forums for both MAxims WWII mod and my and DVD's FDF 1.4 mod


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Quote[/b] ]It warned about missing addon "vonRstu". Find that addon from somewhere or edit mission. To edit mission

you have to unpbo mission and replace the old Stuart with something new.

I found the addon VonR_Stuart in the ww2 ec us pack and put it in the addons folder. Then i unpbod the missions and in the mission.sqm changed vonRStu to vonR_Stuart. However now i get the can't find VonR_Stuart addon message? is there something else i must change as well as the sqm? help.gif

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El_Biff in your case you have to replace "vonRstu" line in mission.sqm with "ECA_USpack". And i believe you have to install whole "WWII EC US Pack v1.11 Beta" not just VonR_Stuart.pbo. And then it works! biggrin_o.gif

Link: ftp://www.ofpr.info/ofpd/unofaddons2/ww2ec_USpack_1.11_full.rar

Like here:







































Tested and it worked. Hope that helps  tounge2.gif

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Thanks!! Your a god! It took me a bit of time at first cos i was using the wrong pack but now its working yay.gif

Btw, whats the difference and the reason behind having a @cti folder and @cti -elv folder? do i need them both or can i put all my addons into one?

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