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Need help on Facetex2

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Hi, im having some trouble with the Facetex2. Everytime i map the face to a person the face gets all screwed up as in: The Nose is on the side of the head, the camo is in the front and other side of the head and the face is on the back. mad_o.gif

So could anyone possibly give me a quick and easy tutorial on how to use this correctly

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Have you tried to rotate your image file in steps of 90 degrees until it fits?

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Are your faces using the same face texture you used for your other units ?

The Llauma's head is using a different mapping, and so it needs the face texture to be different.

Give a look into that to have some example on how your custom face texture should look to be displayed correctly on the Llauma's head model.

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<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class CfgIdentities


class Able1


name = "Devil";

face = "llm_face_cc7";

glasses = "none";

speaker = "Adam";

pitch = 1.00;


So I can't map the faces by using this code

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Hmm, what units are you using ?

I remember some older addons were using the older version of Llauma's head, and it had a different kind of texture mapping (it used facetex.pbo instead of facetex2.pbo)

Another possiblity is the fact the soldiers are all using a script at the beginning to set the faces randomly, as it is configured in the addons by init eventhandlers.

So instead of using the soldier init line in the editor, you should try to write some kind of small scripts to assign the units their new face (or the identity as you are using this way) 1/2 seconds after the beginning of the game, so this way the random faces script may possibly not interfer with your identity class.

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Quote[/b] ]Hmm, what units are you using ?

First off i was using Laser's Seals

Quote[/b] ]So instead of using the soldier init line in the editor, you should try to write some kind of small scripts to assign the units their new face (or the identity as you are using this way) 1/2 seconds after the beginning of the game, so this way the random faces script may possibly not interfer with your identity class.

And Second of all im a total noob and have no idea what to write so could you possibly write the script for me?

If you can't i'll understand smile_o.gif

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I can't guarantee it will work, but for this case , as you set the identity in the description.ext

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class CfgIdentities


class Able1


name = "Devil";

face = "llm_face_cc7";

glasses = "none";

speaker = "Adam";

pitch = 1.00;


, maybe this script (the most simple i can think about)

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">~3

nameofyoursoldier setidentity "Able1"


with nameofyoursoldier being the name of the soldier you want to have the new face.

If you have never used a script, it is just those 3 lines that you have to copy/paste on a .txt file

Name this text file , by example


Put the changeface.txt in the folder of your mission

....\your OFP directory\user\Your username\mission\yourmission name\

Now change the name of this file




In the editor load your mission, and add in the init line of the soldier you want to have the new face

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">this exec "changeface.sqs"

then +/- 3 seconds after the preview of the mission, this soldier will feature the new face, according to your identity class from the description.ext

should work, no guarantee as i can't test.

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Quote[/b] ]I can't guarantee it will work, but for this case , as you set the identity in the description.ext

Code Sample

class CfgIdentities


class Able1


name = "Devil";

face = "llm_face_cc7";

glasses = "none";

speaker = "Adam";

pitch = 1.00;


, maybe this script (the most simple i can think about)

Code Sample


nameofyoursoldier setidentity "Able1"


with nameofyoursoldier being the name of the soldier you want to have the new face.

If you have never used a script, it is just those 3 lines that you have to copy/paste on a .txt file

Name this text file , by example


Put the changeface.txt in the folder of your mission

....\your OFP directory\user\Your username\mission\yourmission name\

Now change the name of this file




In the editor load your mission, and add in the init line of the soldier you want to have the new face

Code Sample

this exec "changeface.sqs"

then +/- 3 seconds after the preview of the mission, this soldier will feature the new face, according to your identity class from the description.ext

Just a few questions:

1. Is there anyway that the faces change quicker than 3 seconds?

2:Will i only need one sqs document to work for all the NPC's Enemy and Ally? (Just wondering because one time I was making an Airborne Operation and needed an Ejection script but i needed like 3 sqs files one for every Squadron to eject from each Plane)

3: With this script activated is there any possible way to edit the Enemy's faces without using a description.ext file As in putting the code

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> this setFace "blah"

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1- Certainly, just change the ~3 to ~2 or ~1 , i put 3 seconds to be sure the original built-in random face script was launched and the face change with the new indentity would not interfer.

With less than 3 , it may work anyways.

2- you can use as many .sqs scripts as you want, there is nothing forcing you to use only 1 .sqs for your mission.

3- Yes you can use the setface , as long as you know how is called the face

an example of how the simple script should look if you use this for 1 soldier

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">~3

nameofyoursoldier setface "llauma_1"


if you want to assign specific faces to several soldiers, by example :

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">~3

nameofsoldier1 setface "llauma_1"

nameofsoldier2 setface "llauma_2"

nameofsoldier3 setface "llauma_3"



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Okay, Sorry for asking so much but im just wondering does the scirpt you just posted

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">~3

nameofsoldier1 setface "llauma_1"

nameofsoldier2 setface "llauma_2"

nameofsoldier3 setface "llauma_3"


does that script go into the same "changeface.sqs" file

and if i wanted to put all of the setIdentity's into one script would i do it like so

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">~3

nameofyoursoldier1 setidentity "Able1"

nameofyoursoldier2 setidentity "Able2"

nameofyoursoldier3 setidentity "Bravo1"


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Okay, Sorry for asking so much but im just wondering does the scirpt you just posted

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">~3

nameofsoldier1 setface "llauma_1"

nameofsoldier2 setface "llauma_2"

nameofsoldier3 setface "llauma_3"


does that script go into the same "changeface.sqs" file

Yes, you will just have to replace

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">~3

nameofyoursoldier setidentity "Able1"



<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">~3

nameofsoldier1 setface "llauma_1"

nameofsoldier2 setface "llauma_2"

nameofsoldier3 setface "llauma_3"


in the changeface.sqs file, as if you use the setface, there is no need of setidentity

And then use

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">this exec "changeface.sqs"

in the init line of 1 soldier (only one)

Quote[/b] ]

and if i wanted to put all of the setIdentity's into one script would i do it like so

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">~3

nameofyoursoldier1 setidentity "Able1"

nameofyoursoldier2 setidentity "Able2"

nameofyoursoldier3 setidentity "Bravo1"


Yes that should work (in condition you define the identity correctly in the description.ext of course) , basic scripting is that simple wink_o.gif

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I just wanted to say thank you so much Sanctuary biggrin_o.gif


Quote[/b] ]

in the init line of 1 soldier (only one)

so wait if i put that in one soldier's init line it will change all of the selected soldiers faces?

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Yes because the script you wrote

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">~3

nameofyoursoldier1 setidentity "Able1"

nameofyoursoldier2 setidentity "Able2"

nameofyoursoldier3 setidentity "Bravo1"


You only need this script to run once, as will change the identity of nameyoursoldier1, nameyoursoldier2, nameyoursoldier3 after 3 seconds and then will exit (so it does not run in the background for the whole mission, that is helping performance)

So if you need it once, you need to execute only once , and that's why you add the line

this exec "changeface.sqs"

only to 1 soldier init line.

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Couldn't get it to work mad_o.gifbanghead.gif

I mean the script works but the faces on the NPC's are all screwed up like i said before "The Nose is on the left side, the camo is on the front and right side, and the face is on the back of thed head!


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I'm having the same problem. Found in Toyota Wars a test face. Cropped it to appropriate size, made (by my knowledge) everything as to the other faces in the pbo (config + paa) and still it shows like demonhunter said. I'm suspecting we do something wrong during fileformat conversion. I've used paa>bmp>jpg>paa. But texview shows it correctly.

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Found it! You have to generate mipmap levels. After I did it, everything's ok. If you're using TexView you'll find it in MipMap->Generate (obvious).

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Don't have a tutorial, but I will try to explain it. Not good at english so forgive me.

I'm using TexView for converting JPG to PAC. It's small and you can get it easily from many OFP sites. I suppose you have your JPG or TGA or whatever (which is the face you would like to insert), that can be converted to JPG. If you're using TexView, you have the option I mentioned above. It's in the menu: choose MipMap, and inside choose Generate. After that save your work. It adds textures to your current face, but with lower resolution, for optimising performance.  If you're using some other conversion tool to PAC, then you should find yourself the way to add mipmap levels. I'm sure someone here can help you with other progs. Sorry if this wasn't enough help.

You don't need proof, but I did my avatar with TexView.

BTW @demonhunter: offtopic, but I'm having a Fender acoustic and a Squier electric.

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Quote[/b] ]Don't have a tutorial, but I will try to explain it. Not good at english so forgive me.

I'm using TexView for converting JPG to PAC. It's small and you can get it easily from many OFP sites. I suppose you have your JPG or TGA or whatever (which is the face you would like to insert), that can be converted to JPG. If you're using TexView, you have the option I mentioned above. It's in the menu: choose MipMap, and inside choose Generate. After that save your work. It adds textures to your current face, but with lower resolution, for optimising performance. If you're using some other conversion tool to PAC, then you should find yourself the way to add mipmap levels. I'm sure someone here can help you with other progs. Sorry if this wasn't enough help.

You don't need proof, but I did my avatar with TexView.

Could you possibly supply me with this "Texview" srry because i always go on Ofp.info but it takes forever to load up for me now.

Quote[/b] ]BTW @demonhunter: offtopic, but I'm having a Fender acoustic and a Squier electric.

Offptopic: @kutya rofl.gif..............SWEET! i have a Red Squire Electric and it's a great piece.................I play mine on a "Fender15G AMP" and i sound like crap when i play Green Day. But, when i go to my Guitar Teacher's place and I play there it sounds Perfect.

Comes to show me that I can't get good sound out of a small ass amp smile_o.gif

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This link should work.


At OFPEC, you'll find many more great tools and tutorials on editng (as the name Operation Flashpoint Editing Center says).

About "BTW", I'm happy with my 15R Fender amp, because I never really played on a real 200-300W amp smile_o.gif

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Its okay till i get to the part where it says Generate.

Is there supposed to be a loading time or something or do i just need to turn the opened "Facetex2" pbo back to its normal pbo file

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When you click generate, you'll see nothing, but the mipmap levels will be generated. Don't have my comp here, so don't know exactly the option, but somewhere in the menu, you'll find an option so see other mipmap levels. You'll only see a decrease in resolution. It's part of the same image just with decreased Level Of Detail. If you have it, all shoould be ok. Just put save the image as a .paa or .pac and put it back to the pbo. It should work. Have luck!

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