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WrpTool tutorial=where

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Where can I find good tutorials about the WrpTool?

And how do I put 3ds max (.max) files in OFP?

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Where can I find good tutorials about the WrpTool?

Read the manual that comes with WrpTool, it's very helpful.

And how do I put 3ds max (.max) files in OFP?

I've never converted any models, but I believe you'll need to convert those 3ds files with a program called Oxygen , usually called O2.

You can find it at the BIS Breathe Page and these (Brsseb's OFP Tutorial Site) O2 tutorials will help a lot.

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What does WrpTool have to do with user missions? Please post in the right place, and before doing that please search before posting.

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