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Radio command hlp.

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Yes, I do no how to do radio commands. I wanna know how to make the second radio command come in later.

Example: (Just so happens to be a mission I am making.)

Waypoint 1: Destroy the Shilka (Uphill road from houdan)

Waypoint 2: Attack Houdan (Full of East AA soldiers)

Waypoint 3: Destroy Ural Ammo (Inside of Hodan)

Waypoint 4: Stop the convoy (Starting in La Trinte on the way to Loisse)

Radio Golf Attack Houdan (Jeep w MG, M113, M1A1)

Here's the punch line, I am trying to get a radio call to exist once I destroy the Ural. help???

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The simple way: Make triggers with timer and the radio messages in order, if you have voiced radio messages be sure to keep some interval between them.

The complicated way, I'll use your Radio Golf as an example:

player exec "radio1.sqs"

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">#radiomsg

player sideChat "This is Alpha to all units. Green flag, engage at will! Over."


jeepdriver sideChat "That's a roger Alpha, engaging now. Over."


m113driver sideChat "Roger that sir, moving out! Over."


abramscommander sideChat "Wilco. We're rolling. Over."





Then place a trigger, and in the on activation field type "attacktrigger=true" and on deactivation "attactrigger=false".

Or something like that, it's getting late so I can't test it.

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You really should use m_search.gif or the command reference first.

You can disable radio commands by n setRadioMsg "NULL" and then activate them later by n setRadioMsg "Golf, attack Houdan". n being a value between 0-9. 1=alpha, 2=bravo, 3=charlie...9=india, 0=juliet.

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