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using windows, paint

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I wonder if anyone can answer a quetion for me? Is there a way to convert a picture from windows paint into a usable format through texview 1.1? And if so can someone tell me how, this info would be greatly appreciated, thanks

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Save your pic as a JPEG, and open it with Texview. Then, save it as a .paa or .pac to your liking.

Be warned, it has to be a 2^n x 2^n size (use Attributes in Paint to change this).

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I still cant get it to work, nothing shows up in the texview window, what am I doing wrong?

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The picture needs to be at one of the following sizes, and it needs to be saved as a JPEG.








... etc etc ad infinitum.

Or any combination of these, eg, 1024x128. Make sure that your picture is this size by going to Attributes in Paint. If you're still having trouble, send me a PM (again).

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Quote[/b] ]Save your pic as a JPEG, and open it with Texview


Save it as a .TGA


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in WIndows paint you can't save it as TGA only as GIF but thats makes the quality a lot uglyer

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Try using the trial version of Adobe Photoshop (only 30 days thoug sad_o.gif ) or better: get a freeware utility like GIMP

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Im well aware that you cant save as a TGA in MS paint.

Im saying that if you want to view a file in texview, thats what it has to be....although my post was a bit unclear i guess

You cant view jpgs in texview. At some point, it has to be converted to a TGA file.

So MS paint will get you only so far.

Your telling this guy that the jpg cant be viewed because his image size might be wrong?  icon_rolleyes.gif

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I always preferred PSP7 but that's my preference. That would be a cheaper course of action. Adobe Photoshop Elements is a "lite" Photoshop, but really just as powerful for texture work. It's "lite" in that yeah, okay you don't have all the features, and it's definitely cheaper (like $130 compared to $600 for Photoshop.

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Im well aware that you cant save as a TGA in MS paint.

Im saying that if you want to view a file in texview, thats what it has to be....although my post was a bit unclear i guess

You cant view jpgs in texview. At some point, it has to be converted to a TGA file.

So MS paint will get you only so far.

Your telling this guy that the jpg cant be viewed because his image size might be wrong?  icon_rolleyes.gif

TexView can open and convert JPG, it doesn't have to be TGA. As long as the texture size is right it works fine. Have you tried it? smile_o.gif

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Yes and its never worked. Not once in like 4 years.

EDIT: i was told you can and when i got a sample jpg that "works" in someone elses texview...it didnt work in mine.

So i dunno...weird.

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Your version must be fubared, I use texview to convert jpegs all the time.

And yes, your JPEGs must be a certain size to be seen in TexView, or else they won't show up. icon_rolleyes.gif

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try to use the Gimp. this program is like photoshop and free smile_o.gif you will have a better result

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