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I'm having a problem making some text in my brief bigger than the rest.

This is the plan part of my brief:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"><!---------------------------------------------------->

<!-- Plans                                          -->


<h4><p><a name="Plan"></a>

<!-- [PLAN] -->

<p><b><font size="4">Overview:</font></b>


Civil war has taken its toll on this african nation. The Rebel insurgence has an informal alliance with the civilian militia groups and together they have engaged in what some are calling genocide or racial cleansing. The Rebel and Militia groups continue to unleash their atrocities accross the southern region of this country.


Covert operations have been approved - with one purpose in mind - To punish the Rebels and militia and send the message that they cannot engage in this sort of activity without consequences.



<p><b><font size="4">Orders:</font></b>


Three Seal teams are assigned for this mission.


<a href = "marker:st1">Group Alpha Red</a> will deal with objectives <a href = "marker:inf1">1</a> and <a href = "marker:inf2">2</a>.


<a href = "marker:st3">Group Alpha Green</a> will deal with objective <a href = "marker:amb_1">3</a>.


<a href = "marker:st2">Group Alpha Black</a> will deal with objectives <a href = "marker:inf3">4</a> and <a href = "marker:inf4">5</a>.






I want this: <p><b><font size="4">Overview:</font></b>

And this: <p><b><font size="4">Orders:</font></b>

To be bigger text. Its already coded to be dark blue but I also want it to be like headline text.

How do I do this?


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Headline, that's right. Try the different <h > commands to switch the font/size.

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I only want the words "Overview" and "Orders" to be larger. If I just change the <h> commands it makes the whole plan text larger.

Thanks for reply.

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Place <h2> infront and </h2> behind the words.

For the rest of the text you must then define another-apropriate font (<h4> as I can see) ofcourse.

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