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[request] floatation skirt

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it is possible to add a floatation skirt on a vehicle when it drive on (OFP) deep water ?

"The DD was actually a Sherman tank fitted with a floatation skirt that allowed it to 'swim' to shore"

I wish to add a floating skirt on my bren carrier addon like the one showed on this photo*; i can make the human player action command but i d'ont know how i can make it "automatic" when the vehicle is placed/drive on deep water.. confused_o.gif i need a script to make it possible

*A photo of a DD bren carrier:



At smile_o.gif

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I got a replic on another ofp related forum, the user Pilot has wrote it, perhaps it could be useful for yours projects smile_o.gif :

Quote[/b] ]

_plane = _this select 0

_s= "emptydetector" camcreate [0,0,0]

?(getpos _s select 2)<-3.1: goto "LandLoop"

?(getpos _s select 2)>-3.1: _float = "FloatName" camcreate [(getpos _plane select 0), (getpos _plane select 1), 1]; goto "WaterLoop"

hint "error detecting water/land"



_pos=getpos _plane

_s setpos[(_pos select 0),(_pos select 1), 0]

?(getpos _s select 2)>-3: goto "OverWater"

?!(alive _plane): deletevehicle _s; exit


goto "LandLoop"


_pos=getpos _plane

_s setpos[(_pos select 0),(_pos select 1), 0]

_float setpos [(_pos select 0), (_pos select 1), .2]

_float setdir getdir _plane

?(getpos _s select 2)<-3.1: goto "OverLand"

?!(alive _plane): deletevehicle _s; deletevehicle _float; exit


goto "WaterLoop"


deletevehicle _float

;hint "land"

goto "LandLoop"


_float = "FloatName" camcreate [(getpos _plane select 0), (getpos _plane select 1), 0]

;hint "water"

goto "WaterLoop"


deletevehicle _float

deletevehicle _s

@(getpos _plane select 2) < 1

_plane setdammage 1

{_x setdammage 1} foreach crew _plane


FloatName is the class name of the float. You may have to adjust the height detection number to get the right effect.

You may be able to make the float .p3d yourself. Just create an object with nothing in the first resolution lod. Then create a roadway lod and create 3 squares within that roadway that are a little bigger than the tank. Stack these squares so they look like this:




To call the script, you will need to add an eventhandler to the tank:


class eventhandlers


init = "[_this select 0] exec ""\AddonName\float.sqs"";



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wouldnt it be enough to write at config.cpp canfloat=true; ? or did i missunderstood your question?

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nope because i need to add a canvas all around my vehicle smile_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]

from: http://www.geocities.com/britsatwar/funnies.html

The tank was again a normal Sherman tank. Two propellers were fitted to the rear of the tank to propel the tank in the water. The idea was that the Sherman DD tank (DD stood for Duplex Drive) would, with its screen up, drive into the sea from a landing craft about half a mile offshore (this is just a guess, I do not know the real distance) and, using the propellers, swim towards the shore. When the tank reached the shore, it would drive up onto the beach, lower its screen and take out the beach defences.

w/ screen up:


w/ screen down:


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