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Problems with upgrading

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I am having problems intalling the 1.96 and other upgrades for my game. after i install either of them, when i go to play the game the first couple of screens come up then the game crashes... why would it be doing this?

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You should post a complete list of your system specs, version of flashpoint you have, which patch you used and where you downloaded it from etc. Also any error messages or warning screens you get.

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My operating system is Windows XP, i have a 40 GB hard drive, i have a Nvidia GeForce 2 MX video card, i have a Pentium 4 processor with 1.60 GHz, i have 256 MB of RAM.

I have Flashpoint Resistance, i tried using the patches, 1.96, 1.95, 1.94, and 1.91., i downloaded them all from two different places, from codemaster.com, and ofp.gamepark.cz.

and i never reciaved any error messages on the screen or warning messages either.

Can you help me?

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...version of flashpoint you have.. Also any error messages or warning screens you get...

Do you have old OPF, OPF+R or GOTY?

If you have resistance you only need 1.96 and none of the others but be aware that the GOTY and OPF + seperate Resistance 1.96 patches are diferent.

Be sure to install the wright 1.96 patch for your game version.

If none of that is the problem check inside your main OPF folder for a .RPT file, open with notepad and paste it here smile_o.gif .

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Where can I get the OFP patch for the OFP+ Seperate Resistance patch from?...

and here is the RPT file:

C:\Program Files\Codemasters\OperationFlashpoint\FLASHPOINTRESISTANCE.EXE


Exe version: Sun Apr 23 15:29:58 2006

graphics: Direct3D HW T&L , Device: NVIDIA GeForce2 MX , Driver:nv4_disp.dll

resolution: 1024x768x32, w-buffer


BAS_derad in bas_derad\, C8X_USMC in c8x_usmc\, c8x_Magazines in c8xmag\

kkb_gate in kkb_gate\, LHO_5TDESERTREPAIR in lho_desert5t\, csjUh1Cslick in csjuh1\

BWMOD_Tiger in bwmod_tiger\, LSR2JAM in lsr2jam\, BAS_weap in bas_weap\

C8X_RUSS in c8x_russ\, LHO_5TOPENDESERT in lho_desert5t\, CSJA2Bushranger in csjuh1\

RHS_RPG in rhs_rpg22\, BWMod in bwmod_config\, lsr_rfwp in lsr_rfwp\

VoiceRH in voicerh\, BAS_JAM_Weap in bas_weap\, MTYJetRanger in mtybell206mg\

CB_Soldiers_AC in cb_units\, CBT_misc in cbt_misc\, RHS_T80Models in rhs_t80\

RHS_Weap_Models in rhs_weap\, LSR_vdv in lsr_vdv\, Su25 in su25\, Bizon in bizon\

CB_Marines_B in cb_units\, csjLitter in csjmedevac\, csjstokeslitter in csjmedevac\

6G30 in 6g30\, BIS_WeaponPack in o_wp\, bas_mh6185 in bas_lbs\

CSJA2Dustoffwinch in csjmedevac\, csjHueyC in csjuh1\, RHS_CrewModels in rhs_crew\

RHS_WeapModels in rhs_weap\, JAM_Magazines in jam_magazines\, KEGrpg7 in kegrpg7\

fz_ah64d in fz_ah64d_cfg\, mcar_engine in mcar_engine\, LSR_naval in lsr_naval\

LSR_rang in lsr_rang\, BMP2 in bmp2\, C8XJAM_RUSS in c8x_russjam\

SJB_TOS_WeaponsPack in sjb_tosm4\, CB_Soldiers_MOPP in cb_units\

SmokeCan in csjuh1\, Steyr in steyr\, Kozlice in kozl\, BAS_MH47185 in bas_mh47e_185\

BAS_O in bas_o\, facespack1 in faces_pack1\, FBIsoldier in fbi3\

SJB_Optics_Pack in sjb_optics\, CBT_Crew in cbt_crew\, LSR_R109 in lsr_r109\

csjUh1flat in csjuh1\, fz_helipilots in fz_helipilots\

RHS_Weap_JAM in rhs_weappack_jam_scripts\, JAM_Vehicles in jam_vehicles\

AH64 in apac\, BAS_Cargo in bas_cargo\, CB_Marines_MOUT in cb_units\

CSJBushranger in csjuh1\, Vulcan in vulcan\, LHO_5TDESERTFUEL in lho_desert5t\

CSJCDustoff in csjmedevac\, UH1Rope in csjuh1\, IkaR_F14 in ikar_f14\

lsr_seal in lsr_seal\, LSR_delta in lsr_delta\, Hunter in hunter\, Trabant in trab\

Kolo in kolo\, Mini in mini\, C8X_magbox in c8xmag\, LHO_5TDESERT in lho_desert5t\

CB_Soldiers_MOUT in cb_units\, CB_Soldiers_AC_B in cb_units\, csjUh1 in csjuh1\

G36a in g36a\, BAS_MAH60 in bas_mah60\, BAS_repairH in bas_repair\

bas_soarpilots in bas_soarpilots\, DKM_MOD in dkmm_rah66\, CBT_HMMWV in cbt_hmmwv\

CB_WeaponsW in cb_weap\, mas_heliwep in mas_heliwep\

RHS_Weap_Sounds in rhs_weap_sounds\, RHS_Weap in rhs_weappack_scripts\

coc_diver in coc_diver\, BRDM in brmd\, LaserGuided in laserguided\, XMS in xms\

Ch47D in ch47\, HMMWV in humr\, OH58 in oh58\, Noe in noe\, BAS_AirWeap in bas_airweap\

BuggyPack02 in buggy2\, LHO_5TDESERTREAMMO in lho_desert5t\

TACTEvents in tactevents\, CB_Soldiers in cb_units\, CB_Marines in cb_units\

RHS_Crew in rhs_crewpack_scripts\, BIS_Resistance in o\, SGH_MGDSHU in sgh_mgdshu\

SJB_TOS_SEALs in sjb_tos\, CSJMedEvac in csjmedevac\, INQ_M1A2 in inq_m1\

fz_oh58dbase in fz_oh58\, RHS_Misc in rhs_misc\, LSR_gru in lsr_gru\, Flags1 in flags\

MM1 in mm-1\, bas_soar185 in bas_soar185\, CB_Soldiers_B in cb_units\

HYK_USsoldiers in hyk_ussol_jamcfg\, LSR_uswp in lsr_uswp\

RHS_T80 in rhs_t80pack_scripts\, Bradley in m2a2\

Mods: RES


Date: 04/23/06 Time: 15:42:34


Exception code: C0000094 INT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO at 00619D58

Version 1.96

Fault address: 00619D58 01:00218D58 C:\Program Files\Codemasters\OperationFlashpoint\FLASHPOINTRESISTANCE.EXE

file: (Game001)

world: Intro

Prev. code bytes: EC 0F B7 7D F4 89 45 FC 8B 06 8B CE FF 50 08 99

Fault code bytes: F7 FF 8B CE 89 45 08 DB 45 08 DA 75 FC D9 5D 08


EAX:00026094 EBX:10E9E5E0

ECX:00000000 EDX:00000000

ESI:107F7C20 EDI:00000000


SS:ESP:0023:0012FD4C EBP:0012FD6C

DS:0023 ES:0023 FS:003B GS:0000



(But the 1.96 Patch i put in doesn't work because i get the same problem like i described in my earlier post. so if you could tell me where to get the proper 1.96 patch from for my application that would be great, I have the OFP+ Seperate Resistance.)

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See there

And before applying the patch, i suggest you to remove all the unofficial addons you have in the res folder, just in the case one of them is giving troubles to the patch installer.

Best solution in my opinion after several attempts at patching is to uninstall totally OFP (and get rid of the folders left behind), re-install then patch with the correct 1.96 according to your OFP box

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He has a load of addons all loaded in the addons folder and only 256 megs of RAM, not a very good idea.

1. You should look into setting them up in mod folders and not starting the game with all those addons at the same time.

2. You should remove all unoficial content from the game to see if it works or not. Reinstalation of the game has sugested by Sanctuary is a good idea imo.

3. Placebo was kind enough to post this

instalation FAQ, it covers the necessary patches for diferent OPF versions very well, read it wink_o.gif .

4. Check your game settings (terrain and view distance) and keep them low (900 meters visibility and low terrain detail).

That should do it smile_o.gif

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Thanks guys for your help, I got my game working again. The problem was an addon, I had to redownload it, and now my game works. Again thanks for all your help.


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