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expanding OFP animations

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After we have seen leaning to each OFP stances, adding crouch run / crouch walk, rolling introduced, i would want to expand more the OFP soldier animations : adding AT animations (and moving with it) to each stances.

After making 9 basics animations files, i am now facing a major obstacle : the config, as for now i have no idea on how to modify the CfgMovesMC part to implement those expanded AT animations.

And i have not plenty of free time in my hands unfortunately, so there is no way i will be able to find the time to solve this problem myself.

So it is there i leave the work for anyone who would want to pick it up, someone that would found a solution and could have the time to figure out how to implement these animations without introducing any bugs.

It would be better to work a config that has already the Lean/Roll/Crouchmove implemented.

Here is what i have done so far :

Download the archive with the animations i did in one of the following url :





Description of the animations names

DMAStaATstat.rtm : Standing aiming with the AT launcher

DMACroATstat.rtm : Crouching aiming with the AT launcher (that is already existing in OFP, the real name is atsTAT.rtm in the Anim.pbo, just present here for reference)

DMAProATstat.rtm : Prone aiming with the AT launcher

DMASta2CroAT.rtm : interpolation between the Stand AT aiming and Crouch AT aiming

DMACro2StaAT.rtm : interpolation between the Crouch AT aiming and Stand AT aiming

DMASta2ProAT.rtm : interpolation between the Stand AT aiming and Prone AT aiming

DMAPro2StaAT.rtm : interpolation between the Prone AT aiming and Stand AT aiming

DMACro2ProAT.rtm : interpolation between the Crouch AT aiming and Prone AT aiming

DMAPro2CroAT.rtm : interpolation between the Prone AT aiming and Crouch AT aiming

Use those animations as you want, improve them, modify them etc...

No permission needed, no credit neededed, no exclusive anything.

Those animations are based on the existing AT animations from my DMA animation pack version "UNIGEN", so it may interpolate better with it.

notice : there is no use for the casual OFP player to download these animations files, it is just modding ressources .. for now

Good luck.

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Wow I was just thinking the other day after some BF 2 gaming how cool it would be to be able to walk and run properly with an AT weapon. Are they usable as they are, and if so could I integrate them easily? smile_o.gif

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I added it just now :

Quote[/b] ]

notice : there is no use for the casual OFP player to download these animations files, it is just modding ressources .. for now

But you can always use the animations files to create static anims (but you will have to write a config for them)

In fact, i don't even know if it is possible to implement a working expanded AT system in the CfgMovesMC, i hope it is possible though like the leaning / roll / crouchmove were possible.

But in the case someone figure out, i donate these anims so they can get started with something to configure.

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Sanc you could talk to FAB from WW2EC, I believe he had got the AT animations already done stance wise smile_o.gif


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Really ?

Good at least someone figured out, this thread serve no more purpose then smile_o.gif.

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One thing to bear in mind later on is to restrict players with wounded legs to crawling with the AT launcher with wounded legs.

I notice that if your legs are shot out, it's faster to find a rocket launcher and to scoot around with that thing than to crawl prone.

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