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Thomas Ryan

Coincidence, I think not!

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Sounds more Czech or Slovak to me

Well whatever it is, it is not Russian.

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The '-ski' ending is typical for Polish surnames. However in Polish there is no 'v' only 'w'. Anyway many people that left Poland and went to US changed spelling of their names so Americans could prounance them correctly (Polish 'w' is prounanced more like English 'v' than English 'w' ). So James Gastovski could only be American whose family came to the US from Poland some years earlier. The other problem is that 'Gast' doesn't mean anything in Polish and the most of names ended with '-ski' are created like adjective for example 'most' means a bridge and 'Mostowski' is an adjective (like Bridges?). Anyway 'Gast' is a bit like 'Guest' (Polish 'Gosc' - Polish surname 'Goscinny' - name of one of the creators of Asterix comes from that BTW), maybe it's in Czech or Slovak?

Ok. The lecture is over. You can go and play now wink_o.gifgoodnight.gif

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ANNN Question that came uppp !!!!

Is ressitance campaign taking place before CWC ? its unknow ?

1 reason that it takes place after CWC:

Theres a mission in CWC that Guba sends a tape that says that 1000 russian troops will invade malden bla bla bla, and Gostawski Asks Who is he ?

But it raises question in the end.

It says in Red Hammer campaiugn that russian sends in normaly troops to capture Guba. so what army does exctly Guba Command in the Resistance campaign ?

Strange thing isn't it . .

Actually it was Armstrong who asked it. wink_o.gif James answered him.

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It says in Red Hammer campaiugn that russian sends in normaly troops to capture Guba. so what army does exctly Guba Command in the Resistance campaign ?

The Red Army? In Red Hammer/CWC (dunno about Resistance) Guba didn't follow orders from Kreml but had his own point of view about things. And he had lots of loyal Soviet troops and officers that followed him, like the two Lukin captured in the end of RH. AFAIK Guba was still following orders from Moscow in Resistance, maybe his relations to Moscow went cold after he had failed to invade Nogova.

As for Gastovski, Poland was one of the countries of the Warsaw Pact (Warsaw is the capital of Poland, huh), and thus, having a Polish feller serve the Red Army (and even the Russian army if he never returned to Poland from the spetsnaz) seems reasonable enough to me. Gastovski is a strange feller, never liked him as much as Armstrong anyway.

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