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Detect if unit is in vehicle

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As stated, How do i detect if a unit is in a vehicle? It needs to be dynamic because every soldier in the mission has an event handler, and if the the unit is in a vehicle, the event handler will be ran, but the script attached needs to exit the script.



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hmm - basically: vehicle _unit != _unit

or an eventhandler "GETIN".

Maybe you could be more specific about your eventhandler

and scripts what is running when.

~S~ CD

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Quote[/b] ]?(unitName in vehicleName)

Off course it's working too but then you gonna have to

ask for each vehicle seperately while <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">vehicle _unit != _unit will return wether the unit is inside any vehicle or


~S~ CD

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Thanks for the replies. I havnt tested all of the it yet, but will soon.

Im going to explain the enitire situation here.

Each unit has a "killed" event handler. Everytime a unit is killed he will drop his weapon. This event handler is defined in the units .cpp file. Obviously, when a unit is killed in a vehicle, he should not drop his weapon. That is the case. So what I need, once again, is a way to check if a any unit is in any vehicle. It obviously has to be dynamic. Any number of these units could board any number of vehicles within a mission.

Like I said, I havnt tested all the proposed solution yet, but ill be doing that now.

Thanks again

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That's pretty simple then. At the top of your 'drop weapon' script, just add the condition CD mentioned:

? (vehicle _guy) != _guy : exit

...continue with code to drop weapon...

Obviously replace _guy with whatever variable you use to refer to the unit who will drop his weapon.

I'm a little confused about this though... you can already pick weapons up off of dead guys, so why do you need to 'separate' the weapon from the guy ("drop" it)?

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It worked without flaw.

Quote[/b] ]I'm a little confused about this though... you can already pick weapons up off of dead guys, so why do you need to 'separate' the weapon from the guy ("drop" it)?

I guess i just like it. No one else seems to be to fond about it. But really, when a units gets blown up, i hate seeing his gun attached to him like its part of his body. Also, I think its eye candy when you see a group of dead guys (perferably that you just killed) with their weapons all in diffrent positions near their body.

For one set of weapons, I actually created a model for each weapons so it had physics and would conform to the ground. Think about shooting at a group of guys with HE, Its great watching the weapons fly through the air.


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