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Need missions for LAN

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Im going to be have a 3-5 person Lan party. Ill  be making most of the missions myself, but I would like to dl some to ease some pain. Im looking for missions for CWmod, WW2, and Modern. Looking for missions that are believable from a realisitic point of view (no respawn, no building units, etc). Probably going to operate at a platoon level, one hq with 3 to 4 squads. Squad level or smaller is ok too. Anyone have any suggestions? I know im being picky, but someone has to share interests with me in this sorta thing.

I suppose here some things that I would like to aim for:

Modern: Middle Eastern Scenario, Desert

Eliminate or neutralize terrorist activity, temperate or jungle

With modern, Ill be aiming for US Army operations (perfer HYK outstanding infantry, But if not its ok)

Anything for ww2 and civil war

Anyway, Thanks in advance


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A bit picky there Agent, and not so simple.

I can only suggest you find some (empty) Servers, connect and play (hence download) their missions.

You will of course have to download the servers addons as well.

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