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Arrogant newbies in MP piss me off!!

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Hey Fetish.....if an American Jumps in a Ruskie Tank it will show up red......HAHAHA

your not helping the problem with



people need to learn what unies look like....They also need to learn to work as a team and how to warn each other of what there in ! Untell then it will never change.... cause some nOOb will always be there to screw you over....LOL

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I normally play on Veteran at servers.

So you don't get the handy little name tags.

In Cadet, you get the tags.  But they don't mean anything.  Because like me and others have said, they can either show up Green or Red, randomly.

A lot of people can't learn the uniforms.  Even if they want to.

Because it's just a fact of life that people still have their VooDoo3s and TNT2s, and ...  God forbid an old ATI card.

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EAST soldier


WEST soldier


East soldier looks much brighter than west soldier, that's the best way for me.

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In real life the only people who would take enemy weapons, or use enemy weapons would be Special Forces on a black op.

In such an operation they would know where each of the members on their team were.

Otherwise, no soldier would just haphazardly pick up an enemy weapon to use unless it was absolutely necessary.

Real soldiers would also verify their targets before shooting to make sure that a few seconds later they aren't going to hear the dreaded shout of "YOU JUST LIT UP A FRIENDLY GODDAMNED IT"

Play the game like its real life and it will be a hell of a lot more enjoyable for all.

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No what I really hate and most squad people or people who play together and can work as a team would agree.

You and your squad are playing you stack the other team with like 3 to 1 odds so it is a bit of a challenge and then you kick their butts.

Then some noob has the balls to complain and starts tking his own team

Or you try and even the teams and some noob gets upset because he is not on the west or the east and starts tking everyone

just idoit behavior from these people piss me the hell off

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I'm a newbie, but I really do try to play as a team, I've never killed a team mate, a friendly vehicle etc.

But....I have been put off multiplayer. I've had very few games (less than 10) and from what I've seen everyone just jumps in a vehicle and does their own thing.

Whats the point in that? When I get to a truck or something I offer to give people a lift to the frontline (our own flag to defend it, or close to the enemy flag) but instead they've already grabbed themselves a truck.

One person to a truck/armoured vehicle is just a waste.

Then you get idiots who get fed up being killed by the enemy and start blowing up their own base + team mates who respawning.

It's very hard for me to get a decent connection to any servers, and when I do this is what has happened mad.gif

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RED are enemy most of the time

and Green are allies most of the time too.

when enemy show GREEN it mostly because they are in FRIENDLY Vehicle.

YELLOW mean Undefined target

So the only way to get around this is to notice your team mates before you start the game or like some of you said by watching their uniforms.

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But in the radar in the heli it's hard to tell well here's how you telll if you see a flying heli or a tank or something put your mouse or it on the radar it's green but if you put your mouse over it nothing shows up right? that's beuase it's a emney in one of YOUR helis/jeeps/truck/tanks so i shoot if i don't see a name a name tag i shoot it or fly off or drive off so ALWAYS check your fire before you shoot!

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From my expierience, when you are all troops, no vehicles, the enemy is red, and your allies are green. But when anybody is in a russian vehicle, its red. When anybody is in West vehicle, its green. Unless you are in a chopper, when enemy vehicles are red and empty or disabled vehicles are white.

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