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Mapfact releases MP-Mission "Escape from Nogova"

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Seems like I'm really good in finding traps! For myself! mad_o.gif  icon_rolleyes.gif Once I was outta the churches tower i ran into the next barn. But alone as i was (Sniping-Jack died way to soon) i had no chance anyway against the three or four of you without knowing where you were....

As to your suggestions: let's see what Chneemann thinks. wink_o.gif

As the times before it was great fun! Thank you all for coming.


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At that time, I was the only one pinning you down in the church tower, and someone was flying the chopper overhead, after a short time, M-E came and shot me as he tought I was a terrorist, I was dead and he was sent to the island. Fortunatley for us, you didn't know that.

The funniest point in the game was when Coleman (HotShot) stole the helicopter and escaped.

Besides the problem with the TeamSpeak being a wh*** in the beginning, I had much fun last night.

I hope you make some more public sessions in English. thumbs-up.gif

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DAMMMIT!!!!!!!!!!! why do good thing happen when i'm in london, nevermind..........

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