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Hello smile_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]how do you fire the missles in game. do they automatically fire at enemys or do you manually fire them? or both.

the SAM battery works like an OFP rocket unit, the gunner aim the targets and shot his missiles. Using another script made by Klink an human or AI player can reload and rearm the missiles/proxyes on the rack.

Quote[/b] ]can you send me the link to the b45 stuff. i got your message but the link didnt come through.

http://www.storiamilitare.org/be45/download/addons/B45_sovNAVY.rar thumbs-up.gif

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Excellent work guys! I wish I still had my entire collection, but this is the next best thing smile_o.gif Can't wait for that fang!

If they ever remake the S.N.A.K.E armor and cobra C.L.A.W I'm buying them again. Many moons ago I traded them for a bunch of gobots....sniff...GOBOTS!!! Curse the kid who invented no trade backs!!!

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Hey, smile_o.gif

cool addon, Walker!

Is it released or even in work?

Thanks and greetings


it's still under costruction. I will make a custom anim for the gunner. After i wish to release the 1st GI JOE vehicles pack:

- Skyhawk fixed

- M.A.N.T.A.

- A.R.D.S.

- F.A.N.G.

- Tractor and Trailer

At inlove.gif

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Yeah biggrin_o.gif

Please let me know when you released it.

I can't wait smile_o.gif



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hey guys sorry for the lack of updates .. here is another alternative suit for Cobra Emperor Serpentor..what do you think of a yellow snake biting you with a revolver??


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Cobra Commander third suit this one is another alternative costume and it is properly of the gijoe issue number1 .

Cobra Commander in his first appearance suit


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do you need any help.gif with this in terms of authentic sounds effects, voices and music?

I can email you mp3 files or .ogg versions if you like, of gi joe sounds.

I have the original gi joe theme songs, as well as later ones. Also, and this would be great I think, for it is full of visuals in it's words, and that being the GI Joe movie introduction music/song.

I also have season 1 of GI Joe on DVD laying around and the early episodes before that, so if you are looking for actual Joe and Cobra voices/music/sounds I could record those off the DVD and sendem to you.

Either which way, looks awesome and I know I'll enjoy it when the mod's done.

--IceFlyer pistols.gif

...you gotta make the original NightForce figures, and maybe even think about addind Destro and his Iron grenadiers as sorta like a resistance side...or maybe that's for the Dreadnocks bunch (they have a lot of vehicles and units too).

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sounds and song file would be kewl for the mod. thanks for offering Iceflyer.. yay.gif what do you think Folgore?

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2 out of 3

I'll check back from time to time and await your word.

---IceFLYER pistols.gif

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kewl GI Joe Sounds......pretty kewl. if i ever get this sound thing down it would bee kewl to have them in the missions.

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Not asking for this are you?? hahah I hope this pasted in right, but for sounds/music etc here's what you do...

1.) make a folder called "sound" in user missions missionname folder

2.) make a folder called "music" in user missions missionname folder

3.) record some sounds (aka speech) and/or music to .wav format

4.) make sure the file is 44100khz and 16bit stereo or mono for music files

5.) make sure file format is 44100khz 16bit mono for sound (aka speech) files

6.) get a file converter program (Ogg Drop) and convert your .wav files to .ogg using 64k bit rate

(place files in the music or sound folders)

7.) create a text document (save it as a .ext file) and name it "description" and save in user missions missionname folder. Type the following in the new text document:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

class CfgMusic



class YOJOEtheme


name = "YOJOEtheme";

sound[] = {\music\YOJOEtheme.ogg, db+30, 1.0};



class CfgSounds



class COBRAlalalaaaa


name = "SCOBRAlalalaaaa";

sound[] = {"COBRAlalalaaaa.ogg", db+60, 1.0};

titles[] =


0, $STRM_COBRAlalalaaaa;




8.) open Microsoft Excel and type in Comment

using row 1 columns a (LANGUAGE),b (English),c (Comment) and in row 2 column a (STRM_YOJOEtheme) in row 3 column a (STRM_COBRAlalalaaaa)

LANGUAGE                  English          Comment  



9.) save the Excel file named as "Stringtable" and as a ".CSV (comma delimited)" file format in the user missions missionname folder

..........haha yeah so that should be it.... whistle.gif


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wow thanks a bunch IceFLYER...i am going to have to go play with this now  biggrin_o.gif  preciate the help man. now where do i find these gi joe sounds?


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Hy there guys !! i am back from holiday. About the gijoe sounds in missions it would be great!! Any news from Ice and Walker about the island and the veichles ??

I am still working on the units ..but I think I should rework all the temporary weapons and adding new ones to the charcters. What do you think of cobra commander and Serpentor? ..cobra commander will have a new rifle and Serpentor a new knife smile_o.gif

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What are we going to do about new textures for the island do you want me to make them? or were you going to make them. send me a message on what you want me to do. I also talked to Walker who is almost done with vehicle pack 1. The vehicles work great! I talked to him about working on the headquarter he said it would take about a month. the mod seems to be going off to a good start. There are still some existing vehilces that should be fixed such as the flight pod the hiss tank and the glider. the map has not been edited recently. Reson being just due to me studying. i have got a comprehensive test in economics next tuesday. Then i got to orlando flordia next week for my holiday. After that im hoping i will start working on your textures or if you want me to make some i will. not sure how to yet but i have the program and i can learn. but i cant work on the baseball field till we develop the texture for the baseball diamond which mean the grass texture needs to be worked out on the map if we are keeping it. So im hoping when i get back from orlando flordia. i will ready to start the map again and maybe the headquarters will be close to finishing. I would also like a picture of extensive enterprises.


Can we make a building for extensive enterprises Sometime after the headquarters? i would like to put it in the map.

i would also think it would be great to have a swamp hideout for zartans zrea. but if we keep it like it is that is fine too.

Ice flyer, Can we get a screenshot of extensive enterprises? you said you had dvds of gi joe or a comic image either one would work.

Bee, what missions do we have for the mod?

Thanks everybody! you can send messages to me in the forum or private message or email.

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  What are we going to do about new textures for the island do you want me to make them? or were you  going to make them. send me a message on what you want me to do. I also talked to Walker who is almost done with vehicle pack 1. The vehicles work great! I talked to him about working on the headquarter he said it would take about a month. the mod seems to be going off to a good start. There are still some existing vehilces that should be fixed such as the flight pod the hiss tank and the glider. the map has not been edited recently. Reson being just due to me studying. i have got a comprehensive test in economics next tuesday. Then i got to orlando flordia next week for my holiday. After that im hoping i will start working on your textures or if you want me to make some i will. not sure how to yet but i have the program and i can learn. but i cant work on the baseball field till we develop the texture for the baseball diamond which mean the grass texture needs to be worked out on the map if we are keeping it. So im hoping when i get back from orlando flordia. i will ready to start the map again and maybe the headquarters will be close to finishing. I would also like a picture of extensive enterprises.


Can we make a building for extensive enterprises Sometime after the headquarters? i would like to put it in the map.

i would also think it would be great to have a swamp hideout for zartans zrea. but if we keep it like it is that is fine too.

Ice flyer, Can we get a screenshot of extensive enterprises? you said you had dvds of gi joe or a comic image either one would work.

Bee, what missions do we have for the mod?

Thanks everybody! you can send messages to me in the forum or private message or email. yay.gif

This mod is turning into a really neat project!

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I can record some gi joe sounds off of the dvds I have and email to you guys. Where to email?


just make a few sound requests, or give me a quick review of the troops you are making, and I'll hunt down some juicy soundbits for you....certainly could give you some Serpentor sounds from the movie


I'll get you an image of the crimson guard commaders place of work


..hehe """THIS I COMMAND!!!"""

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my email address is startrektng74@yahoo.com

i would like the gi joe theme..preferbaly from the series but i will take the movie theme too. an i would like serpenter screaming cobra la la la la la...that would bee kewl. and destro or cobra commander screaming COBRA!!! as they rush into battle and any of the joes going....YO JOE...would bee nice. again preciate the help here man.  smile_o.gif

ice aka jbauer74

i have the first 2 mission packs so far. i was werking on a misson for the comic #14 but i got side tracked with makeing missions for some other addons and stuff and have yet to go back too it. sooooo, so far all we have are the ctf's an the coops i made. i have in the works a few new missions but they are crude at the momment an need lots of work yet to bee done on them.

i expect it will bee a month or so for i can get out any missions at the momment as real life keeps inturpeting the process. will post more here as it happens  biggrin_o.gif

this has been a msg from your friendly neighborhood BumbleBee  tounge2.gif

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Hy Ice about the texture I'll make them but asap cause I had an win xp hd crash and so i formatted all

I backuped all before don't worry so i need to reinstall even Ofp now. if you wish you could begin with them and then adding mine .


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my email address is startrektng74@yahoo.com

i would like the gi joe theme..preferbaly from the series but i will take the movie theme too. an i would like serpenter screaming cobra la la la la la...that would bee kewl. and destro or cobra commander screaming COBRA!!! as they rush into battle and any of the joes going....YO JOE...would bee nice. again preciate the help here man.  smile_o.gif

ice aka jbauer74

i have the first 2 mission packs so far. i was werking on a misson for the comic #14 but i got side tracked with makeing missions for some other addons and stuff and have yet to go back too it. sooooo, so far all we have are the ctf's an the coops i made. i have in the works a few new missions but they are crude at the momment an need lots of work yet to bee done on them.

i expect it will bee a month or so for i can get out any missions at the momment as real life keeps inturpeting the process. will post more here as it happens  biggrin_o.gif

this has been a msg from your friendly neighborhood BumbleBee  tounge2.gif

sent you 3 emails



description ext and Stringtable csv files

as noted, will still get you cobra commander and destro going ballistic  pistols.gif

Music are all files starting with...Music...and are all in Stereo. Sounds are everythign else and in mono.

Here's what you can expext (you'll have to hear them for the details, of course) icon_rolleyes.gif
































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I spent a few minutes last night and made a grass texture. Would you like me to send it you to look at?

Let me know when you have the textures ready and i will start working on it.

Iceflyer thanks for the pics.

Thanks guys!


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yes sure upload it with rapid share and give me pm mate !!

but I have a differnt idea about the island I was reading the coimc and well the cobra city springfield is huge and have many places to visit and most of the centre is made of asphalt and walkingbay anyway in the countryside there are many trees and bushes and farmlands ..so everything it's ok and I really love your island even now.. in the next week i'll make many new things and i'll give you my textures and I hope to post something for the fan for playing new... keep an look here guys smile_o.gif

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thankx for the sounds man. they sound good. i mean they sound real good. i have been playing with ogg conversions for a while now and none of my sounds come out this good. preciate the csv an description files too, that helps out a lot. i am currently working on incorporating this stuff into a mission.


will post it wen i am done.

keep up the good work my friend.

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