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Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter

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Thank, Shadow. (Works in the demo too, if anyone's curious).

Now has someone figured out how to kill the movies.

I´ve deleted SIGNATURE.BIK; grin_logo.bik and GRAW_HDEU.BIK

Intro movies are gone but now the game starts up with a black screen, after hitting esc for about 6 times the main menu shows up.

Gotta test the newest version of your mod soon shadow, skipped 1.1. because i was afraid not being able to find one single enemy without the fancy markers.

Just got to the first night mission where it somehow becomes a turkey shoot so im gonna put my hopes for getting my ass kicked again with this mod tounge2.gif

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i was afraid not being able to find one single enemy without the fancy markers.

Well there is one thing I have'nt been able to completely disable. You know when a red diamond first appear on an enemy? It starts out white and quickly fades into red. I've been unable to remove that part, so you will see the white diamond for a fraction of a second before it disappears. But since all the carrot-markers pointing to the general direction are gone you won't see any of those white markers unless you are looking directly at them when they appear.

You still have your map and I have'nt touched anything there.

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Shadow, what program do I need to edit .xml files? I'm gonna try those 'high' texture settings if I can!  wink_o.gif

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Notepad smile_o.gif

Doh! doh.gif Thanks Shadow! Is it OK to change all texture quality settings from medium to high? I'm running a 3.2p4 with 1gb ram and a 6800 GS/XT card.

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1GB RAM might be a little on the low side. Just try it. To revert all settings to default medium just go to the options screen and select medium and the XML will be updated accordingly.

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Thanks Shadow! I tried everything on high and it was a bit choppy in places but it looked great! I'm gonna try just some textures in high maybee ground & building textures and see how it runs then. How much ram are you using? I might swap some more in soon!

It would look a lot better with FSAA but then I would have to sacrifice HDR probably as my AGP 6800 can't do both together. There's talk of them introducing FSAA in a new patch coming soon I understand.

Great looking game though, just a shame about the dumb AI! The AI in GR1 was much better IMHO!  biggrin_o.gif

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No cards can do AA while rendering deferred light (GRAW's light rendering). I'll take deferred lightning over AA any time. Never seen as reallistic and nice light in any other game.

The "june-patch" will add AA-support, DM/Domination map-editor, new coop maps (probably only 2) and mod-tools.

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Yeah, I have to agree that the lighting in the game is awesome. So no cards at present can handle AA+HDR?  

Anyway, I’ve been playing coop with my wife tonight and with all textures set to high it performed perfectly! The game does look very good visually and I like the destructible objects and damage engine in general.

Thanks for the texture tips!  wink_o.gif

PS. Did I read somewhere that they will be introducing GR1 style multiplayer game-play soon?  huh.gif

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I've finished work on Clear HUD v1.3

Its no longer just a HUD-mod. It tweaks all weapons plus adding a few as well.

Grab the mod here.


Quote[/b] ]I found the original HUD to be a little too arcadish in regards to the colours and it was too cluttered to my taste.

So I made this darker, less cluttered HUD-mod.

In V 1.3 I started modding the weapon stats for the sidearms.

The main reason being that I realized how much more challenging it is to draw your scope on a target

that is very close to you without the artificial crosshair aiding me.

I found I started using a unscoped sidearm more often if my primary was scoped.

The handguns were nerfed by GRIN and did'nt really represent their real life counter-parts.

Some may say that the ROE is now through the roof, but really, they are'nt.

I have used my personal experience and skills (or lack there of) with my own 92FS and MK23 as a template.

If you dont like what I have done to the secondaries you may delete the WEAPONS-subdir inside this mod.

Now, if someone can make me a HK MarK23 (SOCOM) model with optional sound supressor I'd be a very happy puppy.

This mod is intended for Single-Player and COOP games.

Domination mode is untested and may contain bugs and issues that affect game balance. Use at your own risk.

How to install:

Extract the content to x:\GRAW install-dir\

Start the game like normal.

How to uninstall:

Delete the LOCAL-folder in your GRAW install-dir

i.e. c:\program files\ubisoft\ghost recon advanced warfighter\local

Here are the changes:

V 1.3

- Added blood-effect (thanks DiGiTALY -TC-)

- Added XM8 Compact to the primary inventory slot

- Added MP5SD to the primary inventory slot (known issue; read below)

- Converted Barret bolt-action anti-material rifle into semi-auto with 10x3 rounds

- Corrected M9 mag capacity (was 16, now 15)

- Corrected M249 SAW mag capacity (was 180, now 200 and removed one mag)

- Fixed a forgotten HUD-colour for support-members (apache, artillery, airstrike)

- Increased amount of 40mm grenades from 4+6 to 5+10

- Reduced delay between shots in semi-auto to same level as full-auto for all weapons

- Reduced M249 dispersion

- Renamed some weapon names to more correct names

- Tweaked base accuracy and dispersion for M9 and G18 to make them more distinct

- Tweaked base accuracy and dispersion for XM8c and MP5SD to more reallistic levels

- Tweaked base recoil for all sidearms to more reallistic values (M9 more deadly/G18 more spray'n'pray)


- MP5SD6 as primary can not pick up ammo (to avoid sharing ammo-pool with handguns)

- Extra ammo for MP5SD in primary slot does not work (bug due to the ammo-definition above)

V 1.2

- Removed the last marker (carrot pointing to the general objective area)

- Moved the members list slightly higher to make room for the 2nd tank icon

- Reduced the overall size of the compass and put the numbers inside the circle

- Brought back the yellow player-waypoint from the map-screen (distance doesnt show though)

V 1.1

- Grenadelauncher-crosshair is black and the digits indicating distance have been removed

- Handgrenade-crosshair is black

- All friendly and enemy markers (diamonds) have been removed

- Number-markers on your team members are half the size

- The objective marker has been removed (carrot pointing to the general direction is still there)

- On-screen order menu is now dark grey to match the rest of the HUD

V 1.0

- All 4 bars in the corners are gone

- All crosshairs for rifles, smgs handguns and the lmg has been removed

- The handgrenade and grenadelauncher crosshair has been changed to red (to reflect an explosive weapon)

- Health, Ammo and member-select frames are dark grey (less flashy) and smaller in size

- The member-select frame has been moved to the bottom of the screen

- The Crosscom video (wireframe-window) has been removed

- The N,S,W and E on the compass has been replaced by digits (0, 180, 270 and 90) plus 45 degree increments

- Blue diamonds are now yellow-brownish

- Red diamonds are now dark yellow

- The MP hud-chat window has been removed (text still appear as normal)

Thanks to Franze for calculating the 45 degree increments on the compass and feedback in general.

Thanks to Clx440 for explaining the basics in positioning the Crosscom and thanks for the MP chatbox-mod.

Thanks to DiGiTALY -TC- for his GR1-style blood-mod.

Thanks to GRIN for this otherwise very cool game.

This little mod is made by Shadow=ASP=

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Excellent stuff!

Need some more time getting familiar with the need to search enemys myself but that also made me use the tac-map more. The whole gameplay got more tense, imho the dev´s should bring this up as official patch thumbs-up.gif

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Have you installed teh 1.16 patch too ?

If so i won´t have to report teh loss of the grenadelauncher range estimation crosshair whistle.gif

Not a biggie though, can do without GL´s...just hoping the AI really got some better brains smile_o.gif

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...loss of the grenadelauncher range estimation crosshair  whistle.gif

Yeah, I know. Unfortunately the 1.16 patch replaced the actual sprite and I'm too lazy to re-install the game just to get a copy of that sprite. So I will just make the new and useless crosshair black instead.

As a temp workaround you can delete \local\english\gui\crosshair_eglm.xml to get the normal crosshair when you use my mod.

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lol, haven´t heard that word in combination with ´puters for decades tounge2.gif

As a temp workaround you can delete \local\english\gui\crosshair_eglm.xml to get the normal crosshair when you use my mod.
That´ll do fine, thanks smile_o.gif

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Does the 'edge smoothing' AA actually work with this new 1.20 patch or is it just my AGP nVidia 6800 not able to do HDR and AA together? Is there a way to have the new AA and disable HDR? Also with the new AA and the existing AF should my nVidia settings be put to 'Application controlled' or can I force both through the card drivers regardless of game settings?  huh.gif

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I havent tried edge smoothing in 1.20 (dont like what it does to the textures), but it worked in 1.16.

The reason why you cant use AA in the game has nothing to do with HDR. Its the use of deferred light. No hardware is capable of running AA along with deferred light (except MSAA which is extremly resource-hungry).

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Im playing this game right now but cannot turn textures on High. Is there mod that will enable to set HIGH textures ?

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You have to have a video card with at least 512mb video-dedicated memory to set textures to high. I believe there are workarounds though, just search google smile_o.gif.

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As Shadow said in an earlier post:  

Go to \GRAW\Data\settings\renderer_settings.xml then…

Quote[/b] ]If you want high texture quality just change all texture qualities that reads "medium" to "high". Not all objects have the high detail textures in the demo but most of them do. Check them out and you will see a big difference in image quality without any sacrifice in speed (that is if you got a 256MB card or more). This setting is meant for 512MB cards only, but it works like a charm on my GF6800GT 256MB card.

Works for my 256MB 6800GT too!

PS. Those instructions for the Demo work the same for the full game.

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