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I have a question about fading music. I know how to fade music (5 FadeMusic 0.2) But that only works by the default music. I tried it with the Custom Music but it won't work then. Is there a way how to do that?

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It work's for me just fine with custom music...

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sure works for me too.... make extra sure that you have done it correctly and maybe post your script so that we could cover it for you. biggrin.gif

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class CfgMusic






class music1


name = "music1";

sound[] = {\music\music1.ogg, db+360, 1.0};



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seems clear to me... change the db to +50 not 360. Theres no need...

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Nope, changed 360 to 50 and it works not really. If I do 5 Fademusic 0 with default music, then it works. If I do it with custom music then the music doesn't fade away, but after 5 seconds it just stops. Hmmmmmm........

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What everybody else complaining or whinging about FADE and you want to include it ?

- ooops sorry couldn't resist.


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