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Llauma face pack

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it looks nice, but I would rather like to see a remake of all the original OFP faces on the llauma heads, instead of new ones.

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I think the more textures available for the new head model, the better.

But the latest Llauma head model use a bit of different mapping for the texture.

example from LoTekK's texture


result in Bulldozer


UV map of the latest Llauma head


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If you want I can send you all the Ghost Recon faces (including Island Thunder and Desert Siege), would they work?

I can post an example later, at the moment I can't seem to connect to imageshack.

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Hint: The EA NHL games is a regular goldmine if you want to expand your face folder. Download an FSH extractor and check it out.

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Here's a Ghost Recon face. If this will work I can see about gathering them all into a single zip file for you. There are several hundred faces mixed between NATO,Russian, Georgian, Ethiopian and Cuban.


*Edit* Sanctuary, is that Domingo Chavez?

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I found it very easy to convert it to a working one, someone probably could have done a better job (im not texture artist) but it still works.



It would be intresting to see what all the other Ghost Recon faces look like.

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The Ghost Recon face are a nice idea, and as they seem to be already using the same kind of UV map than Llauma's head, they should be easy to adapt.

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I've converted all the faces from Ghost Recon, Desert Siege and Island thunder (350 faces total) to TGA placed them in a Rar file and sent them along to a certain individual who's going to convert them all for use with Llauma's head.

Of the 350 faces about 100 of them have chinstraps painted on like this...  


 I'll see if I can edit out the chin straps in photoshop. Keep in mind I'm a absolute amateur when it comes to texturing though.

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Well, I'm not sure if it's worth the time to remove the helmet straps from the allied faces. Further investigation shows that each allied face is repeated 3 times.

For exampe here is Allied asian face 1 from Ghost Recon.


Then here is Allied asian face 1 from desert seige.


And finally Asian face 1 from Island Storm.


As you can see they are the same guy just different face paint. So if you were to clean off the helmet straps and include those two faces also, you would essentially have three of the same guy with just different face paint. With the random face script you might end up with twins or even triplets in your squad.

Any way sorry to ramble, just saying that it's probably best to just leave the chinstrap faces out.

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I mentioned that I sent the rar containing the Ghost Recon faces to a certain individual who's now converting them for use with Llauma's head model. Well that certain individual is Extraction. Extraction and I decided that I should post the download link to the .rar in this thread for all to use. Basically we figure the more people that work on converting the Ghost Recon faces the faster the job will be.

 The .rar contains 349 faces all saved as 256X128 TGA files. Within the .rar I've sorted the faces into folders labeled...

1.Allied Asian (21 Faces)

2.Allied Black (45 Faces)

3.Allied Hispanic (24 Faces)

4.Allied White (60 Faces)

5.Civilians (7 Faces)

6.Cubans (37 Faces)

7.Ethiopian (27 Faces)

8.Georgian (22 Faces)

9.Hostage (7 Faces)

10.Marines (4 Faces)

11.Russian (39 Faces)

12.Specialist (22 Faces)

13.US Pilots (3 Faces)

14.US Sniper (31 Faces)

Total (349 Faces)

  Personally I would suggest that every one who downloads it should co ordinate with one another to decide who will convert which folders. For example person A: agrees to convert the Cuban and Ethiopian faces while person B: agrees to convert Georgians and Russians. This will greatly speed up the process.

  Well with out further ado, here's the download link.


 Also if you download it please don't simply convert them for personal use only. The end goal should be working together to create a single comprehensive Ghost Recon Faces PBO to supplement Llauma's head model.

*Edit* added face count next to folder list above. I can add peoples names next to appropriate folders as they volunteer to do conversion work.

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Looks like a good idea ^^

Also finalyl soem russian looking guys, one thing though... if you use the GR textures, maybe sharpen them a little smile_o.gif

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Not to be a wet blanket or anything, but is it really a good idea to use GR textures? It is IP, after all.

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Quote[/b] ]Im willing to convert some of the faces, it doesnt matter to me which ones, so just tell me which ones to do.

  I'm not sure which ones Extraction is working on at the moment, you could just pick a folder and start.

Quote[/b] ] Looks like a good idea ^^

Also finalyl soem russian looking guys, one thing though... if you use the GR textures, maybe sharpen them a little  

 Perhaps RHS could spare some time to convert the 39 Russian faces wink_o.gif   Just kidding I know you guys got a lot on your plate right now. I agree with you, they could use a tad bit of sharpening.

 Any chance of a small update for each of the RHS infantry packs in the near future? Just to implement Llauma head model perhaps?

Quote[/b] ]Not to be a wet blanket or anything, but is it really a good idea to use GR textures? It is IP, after all.

 I don't understand, do you mean intellectual property?

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So any progress on the Ghost Recon Faces? I know Registered fugitive and extraction were working on converting some. Just curious if any one else downloaded the zip and if any kind of co ordination is going on.

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I did the Marine faces, but as usual, I can never seem to get my PAA/PAC conversions to work in-game, so I didn't bother trying with these. I can send you JPGs or something...

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I got all the US Sniper faces converted, but then I started working on my other projects again and forgot about them, I will start on them again when I have nothing else to do probably.

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Shadow NX, what part failed exactly?

Quote[/b] ]I got all the US Sniper faces converted, but then I started working on my other projects again and forgot about them, I will start on them again when I have nothing else to do probably.

 That's good to hear.

 Perhaps  I should open thread just for this project? In the first post I can keep a progress list like this...


1.Allied Asian (21 Faces)

2.Allied Black (45 Faces)

3.Allied Hispanic (24 Faces)

4.Allied White (60 Faces)

5.Civilians (7 Faces)

6.Cubans (37 Faces)

7.Ethiopian (27 Faces)

8.Georgian (22 Faces)

9.Hostage (7 Faces)

10.Marines (4 Faces)

11.Russian (39 Faces)

12.Specialist (22 Faces)

13.US Pilots (3 Faces)

14.US Sniper (31 Faces) Finished, by Registered Felon

   Total (349 Faces)


When ever another group is finished I can edit the post to let every one know which is done and which is left to do. That would keep people from wasting time converting a group of faces that are already done.

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