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Does OFP work on WinXP...

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I was trying ofp on a friends pc with winXp but i couldn't make it work...

I tried the compatibility modes but nothing either.

Could someone help...

He has a PIII 1000

256mg SDRam

a Herc. 3D Prophet 4500 ( latest drivers )

winXp pro ( inglish )

sound blaster live value winXp drivers...

some help would be apreciated...

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What are the symptoms you are seeing? Is it just for MP games, or also SP?

If you are having video problems, be aware that Hercules just released new drivers, V9.031 -- you can download them HERE.

I would also suggest that you avoid compatibility mode for OFP, since it should work fine natively; I'm having no problems whatsoever with it.

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the simptom is that when you start the game a black screen apears and stays that way !!

I got him the latest drivers 3DPK-XP-14028

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Ok but again in Single Player or in Multiplayer as Frag asked?

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I think he answered that, when he says "when you start the game a black screen apears" I think he means when you run opf.exe, i.e. he doesn't even get as far as the menu to choose an SP or MP game? smile.gif

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Thats right placebo!

Since "Return to castle wolfenstein" doesent work either, i can only hope it's the drivers...

He has the latest drivers 3DPK-XP-14028...

Could someone get me the V9.031 XP for the herc 3d prophet 4500 tv-out please...

It's not on their site anymore.

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