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Game plays different with bigger viewing distance?

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Ok, What do you set the viewing distance to?

With the latest hardware now available you are really able to crank up the viewing distance higher than the top of the line PC's could when the game was released.

Has anyone here tried to really crank it up?? 5000 meters is the max.

When you bump it up high it really makes the game interesting.

Now you can see the enemy and he can see you from great distances. Especcially when in vechicles.

THIS MAKES FOR SOME AWESOME LONG RANGE TANK BATTLES!!!!! But the problem is that the missions were designed to play at the default which is really low, not even realistic as far as tank warfare goes.

But what happens when playing the campain is that the missions dont play out like they were supposed to. Now tanks are engaging each other from 2000 meters away. On some missions, like the one where you lay the land mines on the road to attack the T72 convoy and the hide in the bushes with the law to get any that got by the mines and than you get picked up by the M113. Well here this mission is unplayable with the view distance so high. What will happen is the T72's will spot the M113 before they even get to the land mines and they blow it up. So basically the missions was programmed by BIS with the M113 to close with the viewing distance so high.

You are left unable to complete the mission because if the M113 doesnt pick you up the mission will not end.

So how did I pass it?? I had to lower the view distance to default, now the tanks never even see the M113 and I can complete the mission.

Has anyone else played with the viewing distance really high, did you notice any of these things. Funny thing is I prefer playing with it all the way up myself though.

If you havent tried it yet, you really ought to try it out. Makes the game more realistic, but the Tank battles are the best at this high.

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Personally I like the terrain on normal, the higher ones get too bumpy, and view distance I keep at about 1500-2000. If u have 2 GB ram or something you can go up to 4500, with terrain normal. (without lag)

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did you know that in the OFP config files, you can crank up the view distance to 10,000+ meters.

great for flying around in dogfights.

but you will get lag.

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did you know that in the OFP config files, you can crank up the view distance to 10,000+ meters.

great for flying around in dogfights.

but you will get lag.

Sure you can type what ever you want in the config but the view distance wont be more than 5000m anyway.

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