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I found this in Vilas mod...

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hey vilas  i perfectly knows that the  german the second one to the left have got a grenade textured near the  belt ...well I did that soldier and i did that texture in 2004 .

I don't know howw u took them by me but those textures and that addon are not even the final but those were betas.

So stop saying that they are your work. i don't know how u took those from my HD but those are made by folgore two years ago... if you post here the hrud paa texture of the torso and At st post the one updated you can see that yours is my beta and the one above is just improved by me .

i know what I made . simply .

at last you didn't took my final  confused_o.gif

i perfectly remember that i should have fixed the texture under the neck because the strings were not symetrically with the torso .


at least you should have put my name in the credits ain't ??

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any chance ?

i wish i had more time smile_o.gif

if anyone wishes he can make such addon from that models, texture, etc. i'm sorry but i don't have enough time - no wiesz, jak w reklamie "kłopociki były" smile_o.gif

i have many personal problems, so i have no time to make better addons sad_o.gif

i do what i can do sad_o.gif

separate addons is better idea, but i have to many work except OFP

now on FTP some update to this WW2 beta - a new model of MG34 with better textures and retextured MG42 (right side) and new model of Soviet Recon soldier


here You can see real photos of soviet WW2 camo

PEPE - gve me good photos i try to see what can i do

Famas - OFRP made very good, in my pack there is MAS 49 for Vietcong,

Cetme - what cetme model - G3 with wood (Cetme A) or Cetme L - new ?

i don't have plans for making WW2 vehicles, objects, because there is so much very good addons

it was said in Polish on my websit

I made WW2 addons, because man called Jakub asked me to help him with his hstorical project

he doesn't contact with me, so i puted this pack "for public"

so it is just stuff made for special wish of Jakub

if any WW2 mod needs it - okay

honestly i don't even play WW2 addons, so this misunderstanding with "folgore" is bigger because i even didn't know about berlin mod

once i saw genial car from liberation and thats all smile_o.gif

so i don't deal with WW2 any more - i think Liberation and I44 engeeners made such good addons that i do not dare to even try ...

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"well I did that soldier and i did that texture in 2004 .

I don't know howw u took them by me but those textures and that addon are not even the final but those were betas.

So stop saying that they are your work. i don't know how u took those from my HD but those are made by folgore two years ago... if you post here the hrud paa texture of the torso and At st post the one updated you can see that yours is my beta and the one above is just improved by me .

i know what I made . simply ."

textures or grenades were taken from Medal of Honor and Return to castle wolfenstein !!!! water canteen from internet

taken from your hadr drive ?

are you *** crazy ? i am not hacker burglaring somoeones computers by the internet


i know that there are men who says that they were captured and raped by the aliens or marsians but don't play like that

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no words....keep it on your own they are the beta  of my work at the berlin mod and they are really old.

Ask AtsT to give you access to my last works that I did for him pheraps you can change something like the postion near the belt of that greande or just begin on working to an improved donated texture and model..

you know the thrut like molder on x file.

i think that at last you could improve them after 2 years.

so tell me why in the credits you mentioned those ofp addon maker it is a sort of saying yes i copyied you alot or not?

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your crazy and thats all i have to say

this pack was made from rtcw, mohaa and photos searched by google and i don't have to say anything else

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this is my last post here .. keep on working to your addons and nothing.. no flames here and no pity.Pheraps we see the same sites over internet or copyed the same big game texture like wolfstein. and remember being raped by someone imaginery or not is never a good feeling and you should respect who unfortunately had something like that.


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Eh.. Vilas, I know how it is. People have their own lives to deal with, thanks again for taking the time to make what you've made so far. I hope that with time, you will release more. Good job on the recent updates to the MG-34 and MG-42, they look much better now..

I do not want to get involved in the arguement but it does not seem that Vilas has stolen anything nor would have the interest to go as far as stealing things off of others' hard drives. Similar works often appear.

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...Cetme - what cetme model - G3 with wood (Cetme A) or Cetme L - new ?

Ah, I never seen a CETME in OFP, I used to love my Modelo C, but that was in 1990, and watching people talking about it bring a smillie to my face smile_o.gif

This weapon was sold extensively to some South Americans and Central American countries AFAIK, because many people who seen them in action refer to them as G3, surely, they are not all G3, there is some CETMEs in there too tounge2.gif

Never mind.

The Modelo L came into the base I was serving at the end of 1990, but because we weren't pros they wouldn't let us use them, lol, I was doing the national service. So I'm not sure when they put in service the G36 in Spain, but I would imagine that Modelo L wasn't that much used, I don't know. How's that Pepe, "Que fa molt temps que visc a la Gran Bretanya i no se que pasa alla." Lol, my Catalan is well rusty.

Where are you from Pepe, I'm from Sabadell, but I came to the UK when I was 25.



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Good job on updating the MG textures, though there is still a problem with the Gewehr 43 (for me at least). Textures seem to be missing from the front of the stock.

Another question, would you mind making the front sight on the Stg-44 whole? I've noticed it has a split sight while the real version that a full hood.

Airsoft but example of full sight hood confused_o.gif

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thanx for that photo of STG i must change my model

what concerns Cetme, send me photo to e-mail, vilas@o2.pl

also i decided to make STG45M smile_o.gif

sory for still changing addons smile_o.gif


on FTP i put this STG45M and better STG44 (acording to the foto from Belgerot)

also i changed model of soldier with FG42, now it is real Falshmijagger camo and helmet

when i had slow internet (32 kb upload) puting such files to FTP was veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery big problem

now ... smile_o.gif))



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Very nice, I like the camouflage smock that you chose for the Fallschirmjager. I am glad to hear you improved the STG-44 as well as added the 45 model, great work Vilas!

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Figures, though not everyone makes high quality addons I still give them credit for trying.

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i like vilas's addons. Maybe the units are not the best but i give him credit for making such a huge variety of units very quickly. I love his weapons, he has made quite a few odd weapons i have been wishing for that noone else has made. I love his civilian cars pack and he STILL has the only BTR-152 and Sheridan available for OFP.

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That's also one thing I am glad to see, variety. As you said Miss Cleo, he has provided the community with a lot of weapons/vehicles that would not be there otherwise. Sure some could use some additional work but it is good to even see them there.

One thing I am especially glad to see is the WWII era partisans, which I had pretty much given up hope of seeing in OFP. Yes, FDF mod has made very nice models, but they are not available stand-alone so this is quite a useful pack.

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I just like playing with his addons in the editor. Sure, they may not be the greatest in textures/bugs, but hell,

Don't flame people's work if you can't make anything yourself.

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After Vilas' last post, are the links on the webpage the newest ones, or are you uploading the newer versions of the packs at the moment?

I've only downloaded Pack2 so far, but they were nice to battle it out with.

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Pack 2 is still the older one (without Fallschirmjager/Stg45) but the rest of the download links seem to be up to date.

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yes, right link needed update

STG45, Bren and Tommy 1928

i put files to ftp but didn't changed filename

ooops, sorry

now works properly

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co zaś tyczy komentarzy na flashpoint ru, to już wiem czemu pomimo tego, że jesteśmy słowianami tak bardzo się nienawidzimy smile_o.gif

nie dziwię się, że wygrała prawica w Polsce

ani Katyniowi, ani temu, że gdy warszawa się wykrwawiała w powstaniu, to ich wojska tylko stały na drugim brzegu i nic !

wtedy zginęło ponad 150 000 ludzi, zburzono całe miasto, a oni nadal chwalą stalina, który nas terroryzował aż do 1956 rękami bieruta

to dzięki ich rządom przez 50 lat mamy ponad 20 % bezrobocia, zrujnowane fabryki i 80% młodych chce emigrować i tyle...

a moje addoniki są addonami broni, modele są po to "aby ktoś nosił broń"

ponadto moje addony są na słabe komputery

... a ja ich lubiłem sad_o.gif

jak ktoś zapyta, Belgi - możesz im przetłumaczyć, bo mi szkoda słÃ³w na tych co mają tylko jednego boga - vodka

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Anybody seen these in Flashpoint.ru?

Don't waste your time reading the forums there. It seems like every not-Russian made addon looks like shit for them. crazy_o.gif

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a Twoja wyspa i kolej jak zwykle zaszefowała, podziwiam, mi by się nie chciało tyle czasu spędzać (no i nie mam tyle czasu)

serdecznie pozdrawiam z zaśnieżonej warszawy

hello from snowy warsaw

and for those who didn't seen previous: i changed of FTP, sorry for download problems :]

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Anybody seen these in Flashpoint.ru?

Don't waste your time reading the forums there. It seems like every not-Russian made addon looks like shit for them. crazy_o.gif

You wrong. Most addon's are good. But, this addon's - bad.

If all of you will give him a credit, you will play with addon's like this. He will not improve his experience in addon's creation. No real critic - No real advance.

I'm not addonmaker. I,m a missionmaker. And i fan OFP since 2001. And i know what i talking.

Look on nicknames and signature's people's who post these comment's. If you did'n know, most negative comment post by ORCS. Do you know, who is ORCS? smile_o.gif

So, if professional's called this addon's like "full shit" - this is real Full Shit.

Sorry for bad english.


А если я по русски буду писать в английском разделе - тебе все будет понятно, а? smile_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Sorry for bad english.

It should be....

"sorry for my bad attitude"

People can get better if you tell them what they could improve upon in a way that makes sense and they can learn from.

Quote[/b] ]You wrong. Most addon's are good. But, this addon's - bad.

That's real helpful, why not tell him point by point what he could improve upon instead of acting like ORCS?

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