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Looking for a big lake

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I'm basing a mission around a lake.

Iceland Island has a good one but there are two problems with it.

1. There is a snow covered peak in the distance. Not really a problem as I can mask it.

2. I keep getting CTDs when I use it. Which really is the biggest problem.

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i dont know many islands and i do nt know any islands with big lakes,sry,maybe someone else can help you out confused_o.gif

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you could just use wrptool & make a big lake in the middle of nogova wink_o.gif theres plenty of space

Almost every time someone ask for a specific stuuf he receive answers like this.

Should everyone be a wrp\o2\missioneditor master???

Are you?


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you could just use wrptool & make a big lake in the middle of nogova wink_o.gif theres plenty of space

Almost every time someone ask for a specific stuuf he receive answers like this.

Should everyone be a wrp\o2\missioneditor master???

Are you?


Well thats becos in the world of addonmaking...If you want something...make it yourself. If you want a lake and it doesn't excist...learn how to make a lake on nogova and make it...dont be lazy..and telle others to do it.

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I'm looking for a fairly big lake on a Nogova style Island. Any ideas?


Does he asked for someone to make an island for him?

He simply came here because this is the home of the addonmakers asking if somone knows something about an already existing island with such feature.


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In my observation there is a problem with lakes in OFP. The problem lies in the fact that all water in OFP is acctually a sea.

So you can find islands with lakes, but the lakes will neccesarily be on a sea level height (0m) and will have big sea-style waves. I din`t test for the tide, but I think they have it also.

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Yeh, the water levels are the same everywhere, which is why you don't see many/any rivers in OFP (Thought it is possible to fake them using water-objects, but it'd be hard to allow people to drown in them, as it's just an object.. meh)

As for an island with a lake.. Hmm, Torrmet Valley had a lake, but it was pretty small

Freya might have a lake, but I can't remeber icon_rolleyes.gif

Other than that, I can't remeber any islands that might have lakes

- Ben

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I'm looking for a fairly big lake on a Nogova style Island. Any ideas?

Phoenix Island might be acceptable to you - it's a well-made island and has a lake or two in the north east.

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Actually, since you tried to insult me, Mr. Italiano, yes, actually I do believe I am a 'master' terrain maker,as far as my needs go anyway, if you'd like to see an example of my work...


Master as in, instead of bitching about not having something, I make it myself, just like the addon makers do. If they want it, they make it, it's pretty easy. As far as islands go with lakes, I honestly don't know of any with the kind you're speaking of, & I've seen most of the islands released, if not all. It doesn't require a genius or master of any sort to download WRPtool, read the many-paged .PDF document that literally says how to do every single thing you could possibly need in making an island...& make it.

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