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"RTM animation utility released!!!"

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I'm hoping someone will be able to provide a better translation of the Read-Me than I was able to get using an online tranlator.

Found here: "RTM animation utility released"

To save some of you the time:

1) This plug-in (?) works only with 3dsmax 5 and above

2) extract both rtmExport.ms and rtmImport.ms into the C:\Program Files\3dsmax\scripts\startup directory

3) start up 3dsmax

4) select the Utilities tab (the Hammer icon) in the Command Panel

a) select MAXScript

b) in the Utilities drop-down menu you should see both RTM utility export and RTM utility import

c) below the Utilitites drop-down menu is the File menu, by which you select the .rtm you wish to import.

And that's where I'm stuck. Attempting to import the .rtm brings up an error similar to what one might get using OFPAnim: missing body parts. I'm guessing a model must be imported first, or created. But nothing like that was detailed in the Read-Me. whistle.gif

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A file seems to be missing. The readme refers to a file called "soldier.zip", which will probably contain a soldier model (hopefully even rigged with a skeleton??)

The file also seems to describe how to convert a P3D model into something usable for the 3DS Max RTM plugins. I think I should be able to change the Babelfish gibberish into something readable.

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Parts in italics have not yet been cleaned up.


After working for hours on end, trying to create a good animation using OFPAnim, I found that is was not possible to create good a quality animation with this tool. Although the program is a remarkable piece of work, the workload for the artist is just too great, and proper skeletal animations are simply not supported. The absence of limiters along rotational axes and having to work with sliders makes the animation task virtually impossible.

The idea for a 3D Studio Max conversion plugin was inspired on the excellent RTM plugin for Alias’ Maya, written by Teacup. But, since I didn’t want to learn to work with the rather complex software that Maya is, and din’t know how to program in Max, my desire to create animations for Operation Flashpoint dwindled. I shifted my attention to the game Aliens versus Predator but got tired from the game’s linearity and limited playing areas. After a while I thought: Why not make a conversion for Operation Flashpoint? I started to work on this, but ran into trouble with the conversion of the models. The OFP animations distorted the models, and it’s really strange to see the Aliens in the human postures. Running into this a second time, I felt it was really necessary to study MaxScript anyway and make this utility. 3 months have passed since, and here it is…


- 3D Studio Max versions 5 and above

- A prepared work file (3D model) with proper selections. I created an example model in 3D Studio Max 6 (soldier.zip)

The “soldier.zip†file was not found in the archive – Translator’s note


Copy the two files "rtmImport.ms" and "rtmExport.ms" into the scripts folder of your 3ds Max installation.

The plugins will be loaded automatically, or can be accessed in 3ds Max from the "Utilites" command panel by selecting "Open script". In the “open script†window, select "File - Evaluate All Ctr+.E". Close the window if you do not intend to change anything. In the "Utilites" menu you should now have 2 new options: "RTM utility export" and "RTM utility import"


First of all, a 3D model must be opened or created, in which all parts of the body are are properly named after the Selections (the Named Selections of OFP’s P3D files) that are referenced in the RTM animation.  When that is done, open the RTM file using the import utility’s “File…†button.

After selecting the RTM file, a list “Selections in file†appears, which must be filled out with the names of the bodyparts (the Named Selections that are used by the animation).

under the list will appear statistical information about a quantity of selekshenov and personnel in the division "Total move" they are filled up the field of the general motion of the center of SELECTION. I.e., the initial position of the center (but more accurate than the point under the feet) usually [ 0,0,0 ] and final - that which is indicated in these fields. It is possible to remove galochku "apply total move" so that that point would remain on the spot with the creation of the keys of animation in 3ds max. If it yunit it ran, then without this galochki it will move with feet on the spot with the pressure on the button "Make keys" will be the attempt to create the keys of animation in the scene in the interval of 0-100 personnel in the list "Key times" simply information about the time of keys - it can be in the future it will prove useful

Export Scene must be already animirovana. In all objects must be the intelligent names, which are determined into konfige OFP or your addona with the discovery of the utility of export, script will attempt to find in the scene all objects and to fill list "Body parts (selections)" with button "Remove from list" it is possible to remove those objects from the list, whose positions must not be exported button "Find" serves for the repeated search for all objects in the scene, if from the list was randomly removed necessary with the dual flick on the name from the list it will be isolated object in the scene and to the short period it is activated button "Assign as center for TM" (appoint the center of model for enumerating the general displacement). We press on this button in order to determine the center of model list "Keys" it reflects the keys of animation assigned and their time in the size the "number of sequence in the scene (time in interval of 0-1)". We press on the button "Add" for adding the new key to the end of the list or on "Ins" for the insert of the new key of that of afterward isolated. "Del" moves away the chosen key attention! Here there can be problems with the dual flick on the point of list the slider of time (time slider) is moved into the appropriate sequence necessary to introduce the minimum of 3 keys for button activation "@ (keys = 3)" and its transformation in "Make rtm" (to create rtm)


for the work with rtm Approach to this matter can be very different. There can be you you know another. I make thus. First in program O2 we preserve SELECTION into the separate file, since we will investigate it into pieces. We move away all lody, we leave only one digital, with which we will work. From the list of selections we also move away unnecessary points, this those, which are not active in the animation. For the usual soldier remain only 25 selekshenov: "pchodidlo", "lchodidlo", "pprsty", "lprsty", "lholen", "pholen", "pstehno", "lstehno", "pzadek", "lzadek", "bricho", "zebra", "hrudnik", "krk", "prameno", "lrameno", "hlava", "pbiceps", "lbiceps", "ploket", ".lloket", ".roura", ".zbran", ".pruka", ".lruka". This basic, which are used in all animations OFP. But in some, and especially in the animations Rezistensa, them can be considerably more. Here it would be possible to stop for a long time at the details, but let about selekshenakh tell specialists. We click on the name of selekshena, copy (Ctrl+.C) that which was isolated with red on you yunite (it is not cut, but we copy!wink_o.gif. We create the new digital of lod and we call it for the convenience "0.001". In it we put (Ctrl+.V) that the fact that they copied earlier. We return back to "main" lod and so we copy each seleshen into separate lod. I.e., must come out only 26 lodov. Now it is possible to remove the main thing. Progonyaem this file through P2MS.exe, it will create as much it is file, was as lodov. Further these files progonyaem through one additional brilliant program unwrap.exe or unwrap3d.exe in order to obtain necessary to us 25 it is file 3DS size. We import these files in 3ds max. It is here necessary to gather each piece into one, since they can be imported by the composite objects (it is possible with the conversion through unwrap to move away materials, then it is not necessary to unite seleksheny). In max- e we call these parts of the body (seleksheny) the appropriate names. In order to import the animation of this sufficiently. Why by this long way? When is applied animation to the objects, its center of the transformation (in max- e it it is called "pivot") is used. And in all parts of SELECTION this point is located in one place, somewhere in the stomach. If we create SELECTION into max- e, then these centers of transformation will be in the different places, and import will not come out. It is possible to attempt to establish pivot- y into one place, but accurately this to make will not leave. On this more simply to import objects from O2. Only for the export: in order to use a skeletal animation, simply create skeleton or biped from character studio, you will place it inside SELECTION and connect each selekshen with the counterpart of the skeleton.

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Very nice tool for animators that has good equipment.

I hope some good animators will be able to make human like animations with such tool, or try to import some "free" open source animations availble on the internet into OFP.


Along this great new tool from SandroDeParma, i would like to remind you all of the existence of such a tool for Maya too

there (by teaCup) for Maya pro or there (by Brooks) for Maya free

So in case you are an animator and do not have 3D Studio Max , you can already try to do some good animations with Maya.

ah , if only i had any of those tools and programs , maybe i would have not lost the few hair left on the top of my head "fighting" with OFPAnim.

Especially now i have began to attack my beard biggrin_o.gif , full of OFPAnim frustration with an upcoming "something".

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Quote[/b] ]Along this great new tool from SandroDeParma, i would like to remind you all of the existence of such a tool for Maya too

Eh, yes. As said in the translated readme just above your post...

If anyone knows how to save data from GMax to a file, the plugin can be made to work with the free GMax modeller. Writing the RTM file seems to be the only problem with GMax, generating an error:

--Runtime error: Feature not available: "fopen write mode"

Besides the writing part, the rest works fine in GMax. Too bad...

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Quote[/b] ]Along this great new tool from SandroDeParma, i would like to remind you all of the existence of such a tool for Maya too

Eh, yes. As said in the translated readme just above your post...

Eh yes. Sorry to try to help by giving links to the 2 different Maya version utilities ...

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Thanks for cleaning up the translation. notworthy.gif

I'm wondering if you already have such a soldier model, one "in which all parts of the body are are properly named after the Selections (the Named Selections of OFP’s P3D files) that are referenced in the RTM animation."

I've tried using that .p3d to 3dsmax utility to convert an existing model, with no luck. Perhaps I'm trying to open/import into Max a model which was originally in the incorrect format, i.e. ODOL and not MLOD (or is it the other way 'round?) I converted the mc tankistae model (used in OFPAnim).

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You are right, the explanation is in the rest of the text I didn't clean up yet (the part in italics, which is probably incomprehensible to most people). The selections must first be changed into separate models, imported into 3DS Max and then each part must be named properly in 3DS Max (all manual labor).

In short:

- delete LODs from the P3D, except the highest LOD (called "original" from now on)

- Create a new LOD

- In the original LOD, delete the named selections that are not used for animation (Osobnost for example)

- In the original LOD, select a Named Selection, copy it and paste it into the new LOD.

After a while, you should end up with a complete soldier in the new LOD, which is "invisibly" broken up into pieces.

- Delete the original LOD and save the file

- Now convert the resulting P3D file to 3DS Max

In 3DS Max, all bodyparts will now be shown as separate objects (with a perfect fit of course)

- Rename all objects to whatever Named Selection they belonged to in O2.

- Make a backup copy of your file in a safe place

Importing the animation should now work as planned. (Don't worry about parts now being connected in 3DS, they will be connected in OFP)

PS: No I don't have such a model. Plan on making one ASAP. I'm dying to start on OFP animation.

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Quote[/b] ]PS: No I don't have such a model. Plan on making one ASAP. I'm dying to start on OFP animation.

would it be to much if i ask u to upload the "ready to use" model for 3dmax? i'm really busy lately but would love to try animations with 3dmax.. btw, thanks for the translation !

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Heh, first I have to find out exactly how it all works.  smile_o.gif

But when I have it, I most certainly will.

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If someone needs readme translation in German:


Its a very fast Translation (from Russian to German direct) with some Errors, if i have more Time i will make it better.


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Has or can anyone get into contact with the utility's author, SandroDeParma? I'm hoping I can get that missing soldiers.zip. Hopefully, it'll be compatible with my version of max (6).

I posted a request on OFP.info, but no one's biting, esp. the moderators/guys running ofp.info. banghead.gifmad_o.gif

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No, sorry. I don't speak Russian.

I do have something else for you though:


Please remember that importing an animation first turns and moves the model. Do yourself a favor, and setup your Biped or skeleton on he first frame of an imported animation.

After some fudging, I found that using a Biped works best for me.

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thanks a lot matthijs for the solider file. i tryed this tool and i could open the rtm files after importing soldier.3ds .

but now comes the hard part...i have no idea where to start. the biped that u mentioned, was created after or before the soldier.3ds import?... if this tool works like it's suposed to (and i believe it does) this will be a candy for max users... if anyone figured how this works , plz post some tips here.

so basicly i will study the biped process and model mesh assignement used by character studio, then retry to mess with ofp model.

meanwhile i hope someone posts some simple tips.

cya soon, and ty again matthijs notworthy.gif

ps: i'm using max 7.0 and it worked...

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i've been working these last 2 days in the biped dummy and trying to make the mesh rigid when the dummy moves. at this moment i still have some vertices that are dragged in arsh rotations. for example when i open the soldier arms, there's 3 vertices of the jacket that are dragged with the arms, making the jacket mesh totally screwed. same happens when open legs. the jacket gets deformed in 3 or 4 vertices...

i would like to know if anyone from ofp comunity tryed to set a biped dummy to ofp model(with proper selections)with the model that matthijs gently posted.

if i cant solve this problem, maybe i try the classic animation process(ikbones), but that would spoil all the fun of using character studio....

About the rtm import/export, it works in perfection and its quite simple to use. i didnt saw any english decent explanation here (the babelfish translations never work that good..), so i'll advance and write a few notes of what i experienced. hope its usefull for someone that wana give a shot with max.


-drop the 2 files in the C:\3dsmax7\scripts\startup


-import the 3ds model and make sure ur using meters units

-go to utilities/maxscript

-in the maxscript windows select from the roll "rtm utility import"

-inside the utility import open the rtm file u want

-u'll see now all the named selections involved in the rtm file, but if u press play nothing happens.

-now select ALL named selection of the 3ds files,go to rtm utility diaglog and click "make keys".

-now if u click play, u have the model animated, and all the animation keys set in the animation slider. smile_o.gif

-if u go to 3dmax graph editor window u'll have total control of all the named selections move/rotation/scale (like ofp animator)


-click "close" in the rtm import utility-

-open the rtm export utility

-click "find" so max detects all named selections of the model

-now if u notice, in the export utility in the "keys" area, its blank.that because u didnt select any of the keys of the animation involved.

-now, select all model selections (ctr+a) and u can see all the animations keysframes are in the time slider. (small blue dots)

-select one random keyframe , then go to the utility export dialog and click "add". u'll see the selected keyframe in the "key" box.IMPORTANT: i had couple of anoying minutes with an error message here. it didnt let me add the selected frame to the key box. to skip it just click in the name of any selection inside the "bodyparts" dialog inside the rtm export dialog.

-now u have to do this procedure to all the keyframes u want to have in your animation. u can select them in diferent order, that max will order them by correct time instances.

-after all this done just click "make rtm", name it and its rdy

-u can check the animation duration with ofp animator.

thats all i could find about this great tool.

i hope that i can fix my soldier.3ds model, and named selections so i can creat movement with character studio biped tool. i think i'm close of making it work.

cya soon and good animations!

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