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Y2K3 Installation watch here

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Hey all

I have somethinks about Y2K3

There seems to be still some installation Probs, well the installation is not as easy as the creators told. Since the release of 7.1 its quit easier to install.

so I found a good way to install the mod.

All you need is Y2K3 Mod 7.2 Full install. By the way forget all the manuals, all of them sucks...some premade files, all shit...

needed files can be found here:

Update Patch from 1.75 to 1.96


Y2K3 7.1 Full Install


Y2K3 7.2 Update


My way:

1.) Install OFP GOTY Edition (1.85)

2.) Patch up to 1.96

+ first from 1.85 (Goty Edition to 1.91, single Patch)

+ second from 1.91 to 1.96, single Patch as well

3.) Create a folder named Y2K3 located in game main directory

4.) Install Y2K3 Mod twice

+ 1st C:/Programs/Codemasters/Operation Flashpoint

+ 2nd C:/Program files/Dodemasters/Operation Flashpoint/Y2K3

5.) change to game directory and look for FLASHPOINTRESISTANCE.EXE

+ open FLASHPOINTRESISTANCE.EXE with right klick and

open the properties from the context menu

+ add -nosplash -nomap -mod=Y2K3 to the gamefilename

(the are next to the Icon in the properties)

>>>>>Do not just rename the file that doesnt work<<<<<

you have to go in the file Properties to add

6.) 1st thats all, during installation of Y2K3 7.1 an icon should be created

on the Desktop by it self.

Just Press this icon and an Errormessage will be shown.

It means,

that the Program cant find FLASHPOINTRESISTANCE.EXE

now press search for... and look for your renamed

FLASHPOINTRESISTANCE -nosplash -nomap -mod=Y2K3


7.) Press open or OK or what else and the game should run with Y2K3

Mod Version 7.1

8.) to update the Mod install 7.2 and following updates to both paths

( C:/Program files..... AND C:/Programs...... )

9.) hafe fun

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Hi all,

please write some feedbacks into this thread. I really would like to know some thinks.

1.) does my description work

2.) is it easy to follow or not



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wow, it is more difficult than the astrophysics career crazy_o.gif

i agree crazy_o.gif

i think the installers are easier. tounge2.gif

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