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True amphib units?

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Has there been any word if there will be any true amphib units (both vehicles and individual units) in AA?

Examples: seals, marine force recon, SDV's, subs, SFs, etc etc.

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I think tht ArmA will have the same units that you saw in OFP:R.

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I think tht ArmA will have the same units that you saw in OFP:R.

Well, there are new vehicles in some screenshots, like the Littlebirds, and the Unimog and Land Rover are new too.

I really don't see the sense in adding those two vehicles in Australian camo schemes except for them being ready for VBS already, the only explanation would be that the ADF is around in Armass. confused_o.gif Really strange...

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I hope there are Aussie in ArmA. Probly not but I'll keep my hopes up smile_o.gif

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Im sure there will be something new in AA when it comes to the amphibious vehicles.Maybe a AAAV? wink_o.gif

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