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Disable sidechat for seagulls

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Is there a way of cutting off seagull players from using sidechat? This is to prevent them from revealing the positions of opposing players through sidechat.

Ive searched already and I doubt there is a way but if anyone can think of a solution....

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instead of using seagulls use kegetys deathcam script.. dont no the link so search deathcam... then u can u watch your team mates...

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Try using the "enableradio false" command when the player dies. Put this in your init.sqs:

player addeventhandler ["killed", {if(local (_this select 0)) then {enableradio false} }]

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Guest The Cobra

well then maybe you shall also get a way to disable glocal, and group channel to... Though if you say it on global, the opponents should be smart enough to move from there (if it isn't a 1 side coop)

Edit: Maybe "enableradio false" means all radio types

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enableRadio false doesn't work for the multiplayer chat system, unfortunately. confused_o.gif And even then, there's still outside message programs that could be used (such as Voice-Over-IP programs).

If you really want to enforce a "dead men tell no tales" rule, then my suggestion would be to give the dead player a blank screen with titleCut.

Add a "killed" eventhandler for each of the players and point it to a script that blanks the screen with TitleCut, perhaps with the words "YOU ARE DEAD" (maybe adding a delay before you cut to black so the player can watch the death animation and see who/what killed him).

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enableRadio false does work in MP, but not in a good way. Hawkins made a mission where he used enableRadio false from the start. Only problem was, I could see what he said in the chat and what he said on the group order thingy, but I couldn't see anything that I said crazy_o.gif

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