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Jack Hammersmith

CNC mod is looking for a CTI scripter

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Hi all

The CNC-Mod is looking for a 2nd CTI scripter with especially MP scripting abilitys.

We are working on the CNC CTI at this moment and need someone with alot of knowlegde because we lost our masterscripter Elite and some of his scripts arent finished yet.

When you are interested in joining the CNC mod as CTI scripter write me a message or post it into the CNC forum


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Wrong forum. Post in Mission Editing and Scripting when requesting mission help.

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No1 interested?

Dont want to work on a fantastic CTI with new scripting technics and perfect addon work of very talented mod members?

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well making a new CTI is damn much work, you should better try converting existing ones wink_o.gif

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weve got a CTI but now im on bugfixing and finishing scripts

so i need a 2nd scripter which wants to help me

The Harverster System is working

Energysystem working

Drop pods working

slow growing buildings ready

AI ready

EMP implemented

Techtree working

Unitlimit working

AI Basetemplates working

whole CTI is playable but it needs alot of fixing because some scripts will stop working on some clients.

My work is to improve the mosts scritps and especially we need someone which can write us a GUI Menu for our ingame Options (Buildmenu)

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btw Elite and me spend 4 weeks scripting for our CTI

and now he has no more time for us and especially OFP  sad_o.gif

ive improved alot of scripts after he leaves us but it makes no fun to script the whole shit alone.

so pls some good scripter join us

you will be able to see very large and perfect scripts by Elite and are welcome to improve them together with me.


we are able to test our stuff on a Linux 64bit power server with 2TB bandwidth only for CNC CTI

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hmm mp scripting and knowledge about existing scripts

comref etc.

you must understand how other scripts are working and must be able to decrypt every workingroutine of it

when you are a good MP scripter and dont know CTI im able to explain you everything about how it is working and calling its scripts.


and before i forgot it im german and prefer german scripters.

but it would be no problem when you speak english because i can understand you.

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well you better try this one at ofpec.com i'd say

you can find more experts in scripting (at least for cti) there.

gl smile_o.gif

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hmm no1 answering help.gif

i should reduce my Requirements for the scripter you just have to know something about crcti

the rest i will be able to explain

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well there have been just a few ppl really doing cti scripting to my knowledge in all times ... most just do edit them.

this isnt an easy job whistle.gif

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thats no problem im really able to explain scripters how the crcti code is working

this is one of my strenghts to understand codes wink_o.gif

scripts creating hmm i cant say that im the best but its enough to implement them into addons

btw ich have created a script which gives damage to the GDI soldier when he is getting too near to the tiberium and checks automatically if hes in a vehicle or not

8 lines rofl.gif

5 hours

damn im bad whistle.gif

next script will be for the vehicles and buildings (trash tiberium)

everything is MP compatible

but for this and the cloaking device i really need help

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Yes Jack is one of very good scripters, i hope we can get more ppl how jack, then we come faster to our target (finish) of release of mod, whistle.gif

we dont have hectic rush in our mod, we have time, or better we let time, the intern things of every member is more important than our mod, i think thats in every mod or better i hope that wink_o.gif

@ Q

Yes, it isnt an easy job smile_o.gif but how ive said, let for every script your time, and when you feel like to script a script, then do it. I dont say to the members do that and do this, and you that! no, i ask the members what the would do, which model, is it a house or a tank? or what script, what ideas you have?

Jack can work on the cti what he would, because he know how the game Tiberian sun works, i only make a bit critical when he do to much on it ^^

our mod is sometimes chilling out and sometimes we work :P we will release it in armed assault, so we got some times atm, wink_o.gif

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well u might wanna define better what you are want to have/need exactly.

another idea would be list some functions you need to get it piece by piece.

the guys here like to do manageable things (rather than to commit to a great project) huh.gif

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Guest [B.B.S.] T_D

I think I could help you. I am able to write nearly every kind of script, I am able to write descriptions and configs too. And the best thing: I am German biggrin_o.gif

If you are interested, contact me:

ICQ: 237992311

E-Mail & MSN: [email protected]

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RTS3 1.44 and CNC-RTS already have working miners (with ore not tiberium), working power systems, turrets, and quite a bit more already. You can use what you want from RTS3 1.44 if you wish. Korax and Mr.Zig did all the work converting RTS3 to CNC-RTS but they might not mind if you use some of their functionality.

Someone from the CNC mod contacted me a long time ago about making a working mining system, so I made this one for RTS3 but never heard back from them. The only difference between this and the way that CNC does mining is I took out the part where the miners have to return to the miner facility to empty their load.

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we got a very good traffic system 50KB upload and 50 KB download from server

our scripter elite has created a fantastic script to send arrays to players

btw the harvester is moving to the tiberium field harvesting and deleting one piece of it after 5 mins it will grow again and the harvester will drive to this field and harvest it again

ah and before i forget it the crcti code is the most stable code which we have found VERY BIG THX TO CLEANROCK AND TEAM! notworthy.gif

we are interested in your scripts for SP

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when you want to join we need a SP CTI scripter for our project too the MP version is playable and very server friendly but when trying to play this in SP hmmm... low fps party  crazy_o.gif

is your RTS3 SP friendly?

we need someone which can create us a gamesystem in SP like in CNC

something like campaign where the two commanders build structures and units and the player will join a very big war but with stable fps

in this moment weve got no time to create something like this because the cti is using our whole ressources

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