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Allied Arms Specs

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I wanted to know what people think the new system requirementss are. Please post your ideas here. pistols.gifnener.gif

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Don't ask mad_o.gif

If ENGIN will use the compression of textures they requirement will be smaller

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crow-bar this in before locke!

Quick answer # 1 - we will be told soon enough

Quick answer # 2 - Recent thread was started by BIS asking for peoples current specs. (this was before the ArmA anouncement). People complained saying that they would upgrade for OFP2 and that current specs were not relevent. BIS replied that the data was relevent and in hindsight applies to ArmA.

Hence, my opinion on this is take the average specs, add a bit and voila!

'What do you play Ofp with' Thread

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A thread of this nature is quite pointless, we'll announce such details later on smile_o.gif

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